Returning to the Voyage

 Without waiting for Su Bai to figure out what was going on, the people on the streets were cheering in ecstasy!

 Some even covered their faces and cried, as if they had been looking forward to it for many years and were finally expecting it.

 Looking at Su Bai, he was also stunned and a bit puzzled.

 In the bright starry sky, the wandering Earth Star drifted towards the front as always.

 In the distant starry sky, a flickering point of light, constantly approaching.

 If you look carefully, you will find that the flickering point of light is not a planet or star, but a fifty kilometer long ship, the surface armor is made of black special alloy, which looks extraordinarily deep, cold and solemn, and the continuous body of the ship is lined up with a mouthful of missile silos, as well as a root of interceptor cannons that exudes oozing breath. On the top and bottom were giant log-in and log-out areas, and this ship was the Cang Dome that was about to return.

 The Cang Dome is the most well-preserved interstellar ship built before the civilization fault of the Dragon Summer Kingdom, using nuclear fusion as its power, theoretically possessing unlimited endurance as well as super-speed interstellar cruising ability.

 There were only two ships in this world that could match it, belonging to the Euromythic Empire and the Kimek Empire respectively.

 Inside the spacious command room on the bow of the Vault, thousands of operators sat neatly in their respective positions, like a giant square, and in the center of the square, on the main control console, a middle-aged man, his deep eyes looking at the main control screen, looking at the Earth Star that was getting closer and closer, his tanned and resolute face moved slightly.

 "Commander! We are expected to approach the Earth Star in one hour, twenty-eight minutes, and thirty-six seconds, at which time we can open the Very Nesting Program."

 "In addition, we have already received a congratulatory letter from the council elder, who warmly welcomed our return on behalf of the Dragon Summer Kingdom."


 The one who spoke was a young girl with a competent ponytail, wearing a light blue uniform and holding an information board.

 "Ye Ying I know, there's no need to deliberately say it so clearly." The Commander of the Vault in front of him faintly interrupted the report.

 "Lord Wang Jing, is there a problem somewhere?" Ye Ying asked curiously, Lord Commander's look today was a bit abnormal, knowing that this voyage to collect had taken a whole decade! After all the hard work, it finally returned, but instead, Lord Wang Jing did not look very happy.

 "It's nothing, just a little emotional, every time I return from a long voyage and see the dilapidated Earth Star, I will always be slightly emotional, don't worry about it."

 "I understand." Ye Ying nodded.

 Wang Jing walked towards the overlook with his back hand mocking himself.

 Ye Ying followed right behind.

 Wang Jing walked to the overlook platform, looked out at the approaching terrestrial planets, and spoke, "Ye Ying waited until after the return voyage, have you considered starting a family?"

 "No, I don't consider personal problems." Ye Ying shook her head and returned.

 "A trip down to the mission, ten years passes in a blink of an eye, in the vastness of the sea of stars, we humans seem very small, maybe when we are ready to consider it, then when we look back, we will be as old as me." Wang Jing said with a smile.

 "None of that matters, Lord Commander has always been my role model." Ye Ying said back seriously.



 The life span of human beings in this world is generally around three hundred years, of course, really able to live to three hundred years only a few, because the food and survival environment from the snacks are unconsciously eating away at human life, for example, the three levels of water, said that there is no obvious harm, in fact, the internal residue of trace radiation over time is also very horrible, of course, for the upper echelons of the personnel, living to three hundred years old is very normal, the There have even been a few people in history who lived to be more than five hundred years old.

 And human life growth, not rely on what drugs, but because the earth star in the star sea drift caused, according to the words of research scholars, occur this mutation is human beings in adapting to the new living environment, that is, the universe! And the resulting evolution!

 In layman's terms, it is the survival of the fittest.

 Just as Wang Jing and Ye Ying were chatting, an adjutant walked up and reported respectfully.

 "Lord Commander, we are about to enter the projected orbit."

 "En, put everyone on standby." Wang Jing immediately became serious, and after giving his explanation, he walked towards the center main console.

 Ye Ying hurriedly followed.

 The most important part was coming!

 Soon everyone was in their respective roles.

 Ye Ying looked at the data reported up from the statistics below and reported.

 "Expected to enter T67 orbit in three minutes."

 "Present the flight trajectory of the Earth Star, as well as the rate and parameters of its rotation, all of them."


 Then a row of complicated parameters came together, all of which were calculated by thousands of operators throughout the command room.

 To return to the Dragon Hidden Space Station on the surface of the planet, the Cang Dome needed to fly to the front trajectory of the planet in advance, and then adjust its own ship through the power system, slowing down a little bit and adjusting the flight trajectory to synchronize with the wandering planet, because the planet had been in a state of rotation, shifting its position every second, so docking was also very difficult, and once the return was done with operational errors, the Cang Dome would directly be likely to collide in the Dragon Hidden The space station or the surface accumulator layer of the planet is a normal thing, so there is absolutely no room for error. (Note: The planet is out of control! Humanity has lost control of the planet, so it is in a state of drift, not flight.)

 Of course, if it were before the civilization break, this would have been easy, but not anymore, the most important AI support system of the Vault had been dismantled a long time ago! That's why so many operators were needed to replace them.

 Of course in addition to this docking method, there was actually another way, which was to wait for the docking port behind the Earth Star and then fly directly into it, this method was the simplest, but it would result in the bow facing inwards, and not being able to take off at any time when it encountered an unexpected situation, so it wasn't not used in special circumstances!

 Wang Jing looked at the parameters above and his eyebrows kept jumping.

 Stoically, he said, "Power system output adjustments, at a drop of one percentage point, in addition the bow positive parameter is corrected by 0.02 points."

 "Yes!" Ye Ying's eyes returned with admiration.

 Apart from the identity of commander, Wang Jing had another most important identity, he was the captain of the Cang Dome, and this was the time for the captain to show his superior skills.

 "Adjustments are being made."

 "Received corrective information sent from Dragon Hidden Space Station! Comparison adjustments are being made, error prediction is 0.001%"

 "Don't be careless, all cheer up, we're going home." Wang Jing said calmly.


 In the starry sky, the Cang Dome flew to the front of the Earth Star, the flames of the hot jet ports at the tail began to gradually die down, and the entire ship began to slow down at the same time.

 The Earth Star was getting closer and closer to the Pale Dome.

 And with its own rotation, the Dragon Hidden Base had just been turned to the level of the Cthulhu, while the huge boarding entrance of the Dragon Hidden Base was, at the same time, completely open!

 "Distance: 234 kilometers! Deviation: three dimensional points."

 "Data correction normal!"


 Wang Jing looked at the returned data, with his hands behind his back and a stony face not knowing what he was pondering.

 "Activating the left side correction aid system, the ship's right oblique deviation is 1 point."

 "Eh? Yes!"

 Ye Ying hurriedly ordered down, and all of a sudden everyone hurriedly adjusted.

 All of a sudden, the Cang Dome began to further adjust itself, and finally, amidst all the people's comments, it was successfully taken into the Dragon Hidden Base with an astonishing degree of fit.

 Ps: feel open the door to deliver the courier's ten thousand rewards, the nine-fingered cat's ten thousand rewards! Plus two more! A total of 14 shifts are owed!

 Ps: Thanks to the account of Qin Shao, female Jiayan, Devil's Dice, Spring Breeze Blows Weishui, Weeping v Weeping, Bookmate 150706092045781, Bookmate 160607012326644, Spirit Hidden Special Envoy, Cherry Blossom Dance Phantom, eyes32480, Ice Spirit Summer Beginnings, and White-faced Bookman wy for their rewards! Thanks!