
 Dragon City D6 District, Su Bai who was sleeping vaguely heard the cheering on the street, confusedly opened his eyes and sat up, fuming for a few seconds, followed by a sudden reaction and rushed out.

 Only to see that the streets are black with people, and every street intersection, there is a group of uniformed personnel, constantly handing out food and medicine.

 Su Bai revealed a trace of chagrin, almost didn't catch up, hurriedly squeezed in to receive.

 Soon after, Su Bai prettily led a large bag of synthetic food and water, as well as a row of the cheapest vitamin tablets, walking on the road to the recycling plant.

 "Su Bai!"

 Su Bai felt as if someone was calling him, and looked around left and right in confusion.

 It didn't take long to see Meng Ding not far away.

 "Uncle Meng," Su Bai walked over briskly and returned.

 Meng Ding looked at the welfare gift bag Su Bai was holding in his hands, rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "I said you are all people with formal jobs, don't take the risk of receiving those free benefits, there are too many people, easy to get into accidents."

 Su Bai grinned and nodded, there was no way to develop a habit over time.

 Meng Ding also just reminded a bit, he certainly didn't think Su Bai could listen to him, this kid after all climbed out from the lowest level, it's normal to have this problem.

 "Let's go, the recycling factory will be very busy lately, we'll probably have to live in the factory and work overtime lately."

 "Is it to deal with that batch of end-of-life materials?"

 "No, that batch has already been processed, a lot of big orders will come in recently, let's go! While walking, I'll talk to you." Meng Ding said briefly.

 "Okay." Su Bai followed Meng Ding towards the factory, the road was filled with cheerful passersby.

 "Isn't it curious why our business is better during the holidays instead."

 "En! It's a bit curious, aren't they basically on vacation?"

 "The Dome has heard of it, right?"

 "Definitely heard of it, the radio has been informing that it's because of the Cang Dome that it's so bustling, by the way Uncle Meng, do you know what the Cang Dome is? Why would it make the entire Dragon City take a vacation."

 "The entire Dragon City? It's the entire Dragon Summer Kingdom, the Cang Dome is one of the important pillars of the Dragon Summer Kingdom, there are only three ways for humans in the entire world to obtain resources, one is through the fallen areas, one is through extracting the resources inside the Earth Star, and the last way is to mine the nearby planets that we pass by along the way, and there are only three spaceships that are able to do it, and the Cang Dome is one of them." Mundine said with emotion.

 "So powerful?" Su Bai had a shocked look on his face.

 "It is indeed very powerful, every time the Cang Dome returns it is equivalent to returning with a large amount of supplies, this supply will be distributed to the military department, the material department and all other departments, our Dragon City will also be able to share a sizable amount of supplies, and in the end a small portion of the remaining will be issued to the lowest level, and this is also our opportunity, usually along with a large amount of supplies, the military department will eliminate a lot of too old equipment, that's why we've been doing good business lately." Meng Ding explained with a smile.

 Su Bai continuously nodded, this he was still able to understand.

 Without realizing it, Su Bai followed Meng Ding to the factory.

 The employees of the whole factory were standing aside neatly, Li Qiong was talking to Han Xin with a smile on her face, while beside Han Xin, Zhang Wei was kicking the garbage on the ground with boredom.

 Meng Ding lowered his voice and said to Su Bai, "Let's go to the side and stay there, there is a big person coming."

 Su Bai followed Meng Ding to the side, his eyes peeking at Han Xin from time to time, why is she here.

 "Don't peek." Meng Ding reminded with a slight movement of his lips.

 Su Bai hurriedly lowered his head.

 Soon after Li Qiong finished chatting with Han Xin, Li Qiong smiled and sent Han Xin and Zhang Wei away.

 "You're still young and don't understand the rules of this world, every higher power's temperament is different, but there's one thing that's definitely not wrong, and that's none of our business, don't look at it, don't get involved in it, especially the prettier the woman is, it usually represents danger or comes with danger!" Meng Ding somewhat hollowed out his heart and explained to Su Bai.

 "En, I just think that woman looks so familiar, I've seen her a few times." Su Bai hurriedly said back.

 "She's not an ordinary person, she's from the Han family, forget it! It's better to just pretend you don't know, the more you know, the less good things will happen." Meng Ding shook his head, seemingly recalling some bad past memory.

 It didn't take long for Li Qiong to send Han Xin and the others away, coming to everyone with a smile on his face.

 "Ten days of overtime, ten days of vacation! Everyone's base salary is doubled, and there's a uniform bonus!"

 "Great!!!" All the people burst into cheers!

 Even Su Bai was excited with a big smile, he was lacking money to buy materials and books, dry! Must do it vigorously!

 Dragon City's highest military academy training ground, a training mecha staggered towards the front, it would tip over if it was not controlled well, and every time it would fall heavily to the ground, and the operator in the cab would follow just as if it had been hit hard.

 Yue Ze had his hands behind his back, a gloating smile all over his old face.

 "Is that all you can do?"

 The fallen mechs heard Yue Ze's mocking voice, they gritted their teeth and stood up, continuing forward.

 "Are you guys turtles? Even walking so slowly? Still want to fight just like that?" Yue Ze kept chanting without stopping.

 Exasperated, everyone present had their teeth itching, and they hardened their speed, only to fall even harder.


 Wang Suo in the distance shook his head, Yue Ze went overboard, even the buffer of the cab was adjusted, this is to practice to death!

 Just at this time, a teacher rushed over, walked up to Wang Suo and whispered a few words in his ear.

 Wang Suo's brows wrinkled even more.

 "I know."

 At this time Yue Ze walked over to Wang Suo's side with his hands behind his back at an unknown time.

 "What's wrong?"

 "There's a problem over there, the new type of machine isn't going well."

 "Tsk tsk, those guys are delusional about completing the improvement in one step, how can it be that easy, don't you think it's funny to let them hit some walls? Let their heads be clearer as well, besides I remind you not to go acting as a lousy person, your current status is just a theory tutor."

 Yue Ze's words carried a hint of warning.

 Surprisingly Wang Suo did not refute Yue Ze, but remained silent.

 Yue Ze continued, "Of course you don't need to be too concerned, they hit the wall, they will naturally find a way to solve it, after all, the patience of the people up there is very limited, maybe they will do something funny when they get anxious oh."

 "Is this good?" Wang Suo was silent for a long time and opened his mouth.

 "How is it not good? Could it be that we old bones are expected to do everything? Only when there is pressure will there be motivation to change."

 "You're right, I understand." Wang Suo finally recognized Yue Ze's suggestion.

 "That's right, how nice to stay here." Yue Ze said indifferently.