
 Dragon City D6 district, inside the waste recycling factory, Su Bai was replacing the standardized protective clothing, this kind of protective clothing belonged to the lowest level, it was only able to protect against radiation and a certain amount of radiated items, due to the fact that the material itself was also very average, the toughness and hardness was relatively poor.

 "I'll repeat it again, be careful when operating, this batch of recycled end-of-life items, it's very likely that some of them are contaminated, don't take any chances." Sister Du ripped her voice and repeatedly urged, it's not that she is nagging, there have not been many tragedies in the past where employees did not pay attention and then won the bid.

 Soon Su Bai changed in the voice of instructions, followed the two dogs and other people walked out.

 The entire courtyard has long been piled up with mountains of garbage, this time it is really a hodgepodge, because many departments of Dragon City will soon be supplied, simply a hard to clean up part of the inventory of groceries, that is to say, there is not only the Ministry of the military, and may even be interspersed with some medical waste.

 Su Bai found a more spacious corner, squatted down and started to turn over a little bit.

 Although he had protective gloves on his hands, he didn't dare to move too much, in case he was scratched, it would be disastrous.

 Looking around, everyone was working very seriously.

 Li Qiong stood in the distance, looking at Su Bai who was working cautiously, a smile appeared on his face.

 "Zhang Jian."

 "Boss, you said." Zhang Jian respectfully returned

 "Su Bai's salary has been heard to be spent on your side." Li Qiong inquired in a good mood.

 "This kid doesn't know what he's drumming up, his salary is all spent on buying junk parts, I'm giving them to him at cost, but his salary isn't high enough to buy many." Zhang Jian was also a bit confused and felt that Su Bai was very wasteful.

 "From today onwards, whatever he wants to buy, as long as there isn't any special problem, you give it to him, as for money, if his salary isn't enough, you let him have credit." Li Qiong instructed in a flat tone.

 "Huh? I see." Zhang Jian had an unbelievable expression on his face, knowing that his boss had never done this before.

 At the Dragon Hidden Space Station, rows and rows of elite soldiers stood neatly waiting at the boarding exit of the Vault.

 Right in the middle stood a man who was as tall as two meters two, covered in exploding muscles, and draped in a military uniform covered in medals, with a haughty expression on his face.

 "Commander Lei? How come Commander Wang and the others haven't come down yet?" At the side a very young man, his eyes constantly gazing out, asked with some impatience.

 "Ahem! Su Kang!" Commander Lei shouted sternly.

 Su Kang was instantly jittery, shutting his mouth and not speaking, but his expression was still anxious, thinking to himself why Ye Ying hadn't come down yet.

 Commander Lei squinted his gaze at Su Kang and said, "It's still early, they still need to self-check and sterilize themselves before they officially come down, and we've only come over to initially welcome them, subsequently everyone on the Cang Dome has to be quarantined for more than fifteen days."

 "Ah! Why?"

 "On every voyage, no one knows what they'll experience, what they'll meet, what they'll carry back with them, so it's wisest to speculate about the world with the utmost malice." Commander Ray said simply.

 "Fifteen days, who made this rule?" Su Kang said back in annoyance.

 "Say that again, brat?" Commander Lei twisted his head and squinted at Su Kang.

 "Take it as I didn't say it, really, it's obvious that you're the commander of the Dragon Hidden Space Station, aren't you the one who made these broken rules." Su Kang muttered in a low voice.

 "Speak up." Commander Lei said without a trace of anger.

 Su Kang instantly shut his mouth.

 In the command room of the Cang Dome, Ye Ying sat on a chair and issued a plenary broadcast.

 "Attention all personnel, the Cang Dome has successfully landed at the Dragon Hidden Space Station, dear companions, we have lasted ten years, two months and twelve days, and we have finally returned home with excitement, but the more we come to this time, the more we must keep our mindset and follow the process, and I am looking forward to all my companions completing the final inspection and returning to our beautiful country together, and we will have a wonderful vacation together."

 "Will the regional officers please begin making arrangements for the return."

 "All the people in the material depot, please do the final school inspection, after the school inspection is completed, please leave your respective posts and head to the temporary isolation area."

 Ye Ying walked towards the outside of the command room after giving his explanation.

 The silver metal door of the command room opened automatically by induction, and the soldiers standing along both sides of the corridor saluted.

 "Lord Ye Ying, where are you going?"

 "I'm a bit uneasy about the side of the material reserve, going to take a look."

 "Tough on you."

 "Everyone is the same." Ye Ying smiled and softly replied back.

 "Ye Ying!" A call came from not far away.

 Ye Ying slowly twisted her head to look, only to see that the person calling out to her was a very short loli wearing a military uniform, and beside the loli stood a very handsome youth with bangs covering half of his eyes.

 "Zhang Li, why are you guys here." Ye Ying asked with a smile.

 Zhang Li came up and took Ye Ying's arm and said with a smile, "It's not because I saw that you were busy, I purposely came with my brother to help."

 "Ms. Ye Ying." The handsome man standing next to Zhang Li greeted very politely.

 "Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Lu!" Ye Ying responded politely.

 "Miss Ye Ying, I hope I can let us help you share some of this."

 Ye Ying looked at Zhang Li, whose eyes were wide open, and smiled helplessly as she returned, "Alright, let's go."

 "Great!" Zhang Li said excitedly.

 The trio walked towards the elevator in pairs.

 It wasn't long before the three of them stepped inside the elevator at the same time.

 "Please enter the command." An archaic mechanical voice rang out.

 Ye Ying pressed down on the No. 7 transit area while entering the secret key and fingerprint authorization.

 "Recognition passed, prompting that staging area #7 is a gravity-free adaptation area, please prepare for protection and replacement in advance." Mechanical prompts sounded continuously.

 Soon the elevator began to move and accelerated rapidly.

 Zhang Li pulled Ye Ying's hand and asked in a petulant manner.

 "Ye Ying, where are you going on vacation this holiday?"

 "Hmm? I'm planning to go to Dragon City, I haven't been there for years, I kind of miss it."

 "Dragon City, that's great, we happen to be going to Dragon City as well, why don't we pair up together." Zhang Li said happily.

 "Yes, let's pair up together, anyways, our original family is also in Dragon City, we can entertain you as a landlord." Zhang Lu on the side added.

 Ye Ying was also a bit hesitant, she herself was planning to travel alone.

 "Sister Ye Ying, let's just come together! How boring to be alone." Zhang Li's cute eyes kept looking at Ye Ying.

 "Alright, afraid of you." Ye Ying helplessly said back.

 "Great! I'm telling you, Dragon City is fun, there's a lot of delicious ..." Zhang Li chattered non-stop.

 At this time, a mechanical alert sound rang out.

 "Attention please! We have now entered the seventh staging area, please equip yourself with the appropriate protective clothing."

 Ye Ying reached out her hand and input some commands on the wall, at once the wall cracked open and three sets of portable protective suits popped out.

 Ye Ying three people skillfully one person took out a set of directly set on their own, and then pressed the start button, the protective suit was activated at once, all the excess gas inside was drained, Ye Ying and Zhang Lu's slim and robust body was instantly outlined, as for Zhang Li can be completely ignored, just as the saying goes, cute is worthless in front of sexy. Immediately after Ye Ying opened the metal door of the elevator, the three of them instantly floated up.

 In front of them was a hollowed out and transparent space corridor, from here to the material storehouse, it all belonged to a vacuum area with no and low gravity.