The Accident

 "Good drink! Guaranteed to make you feel good!" Second Dogzi said excitedly.

 Without waiting for Su Bai to react, Er Dogzi reached out his hand to take the stout in Su Bai's hand and broke its pull ring! Then handed it back to Su Bai and said, "Just drink it straight!"

 Su Bai took it and shook what seemed to be the liquid it contained, and he smelled what seemed to smell pretty good.

 Mundine raised the stout and said to everyone, "Dry a bottle together!!!! Drink openly!"


 Su Bai was like a guinea pig, following all of them as he raised the stout and clinked it together, then gurgled and drank the stout.

 Cough cough!

 Su Bai had a violent cough, what is this flavor? And Su Bai felt a rush of energy going to his head. (Note: the alcohol content of stout is 18.8%).

 He hurriedly picked up his broth and took a few wild gulps of it.

 "What is it, isn't it refreshing!"

 "The flavor is a bit strange, the other feeling is that it's a bit stimulating." Su Bai scratched his head and returned.

 "Haha, that's for sure, low degree beers are premium goods, we can't drink them! If the degree isn't higher, it won't let us drink it as water ah?" Zhang Jian laughed and sat down next to Su Bai.

 "Is this stuff good?" Su Bai asked doubtfully.

 "Whether it's good or not, it's hard to say, but you'll understand if you drink it, come on! Let's all drink together!" Zhang Jian said to everyone.


 The crowd raised the stout and drank it all in one go.

 Su Bai looked at the crowd's faces were overflowing with smiles and laughter, for the first time ever, he felt a long-lost warmth, maybe this is the feeling of friends.

 After a long time, the second dog with a hint of drunkenness held up the stout and said to Su Bai.

 "Su Bai, come! I'll toast you!"

 Su Bai nodded and Second Dog Zi clinked one, both of them took a big sip at the same time.

 "Cool! By the way Su Bai, there's one thing I'm curious about, can I ask you!" Second Dogzi asked with a flushed face.

 "You ask." Su Bai returned casually.

 "What is your relationship with the boss! Could it be that you couldn't be the boss's long lost son!"

 Su Bai was drinking his stout, when he heard this, he directly sprayed out, raised his head with a black line on his face and asked, "What are you talking about?"

 "Don't listen to Second Dogzi's nonsense, how could you be the boss's long lost son." The three dogs looked at the second dog with a look of an idiot.

 Su Bai eased up a little when he heard this.

 "If I were to guess! Su Bai's most likely to be the boss's long lost grandson!" Third Dog Zi said with conviction.

 "En, it's very similar!" The people next to him followed suit.

 Cough cough!

 Su Bai was directly choked this time, what is all this with ah!

 "Don't talk nonsense, there is no such thing."

 "Cut! We don't believe it, if it's not like this, how could it be possible to take care of you so much, you don't have to worry that we'll be jealous of you or anything, at first we were a bit uncomfortable, but you proved yourself with your ability and conquered us! There's nothing to hide anymore!" The Three Dogs didn't believe it for a million years.

 Su Bai also had a bitter smile on his face.

 Meng Ding and Zhang Jian just sat on the side, laughing without saying anything watching them get up in arms, in fact, the two of them themselves were also very curious, of course they wouldn't be stupid enough to think that the Second Doggie and the Third Doggie were right in their guesses.

 "Really not, didn't lie to you guys." Su Bai helplessly defended.

 "Then what do you say is going on?" Second Dog Zi and the others all looked at Su Bai in confusion.

 Su Bai helplessly explained, "It's like this, I once met with the boss, at that time, he just happened to be picking up a piece of material with high radiation, when I saw it, I stepped forward and stopped him."

 "Cut!" The crowd that was listening intently let out sounds of disbelief.

 Su Bai was also dumbfounded, saying the truth that no one believed it.

 Meng Ding walked over and said, "Alright! Alright! Chatting about those dry what, today is a rare gathering, openly eat and drink, after this store, the next time to how long it will not know!"

 "Right! Right! Drink!"

 The atmosphere was once again warm!

 Late at night, within a dark and deep metal passageway, dazzling lights were lit up in the distance.

 A heavy rail train sped by, not very fast.

 Inside the first class compartment of the train, Ye Ying was holding a book in her hand and flipping through it, once she was stirred up by Su Kang, Ye Ying changed her originally scheduled plan and sneaked away alone, and when she was leaving, she left a delayed message for Zhang Li.

 Ye Ying originally thought that after ten whole years of this mission, Su Kang should be dead in the water, but she didn't expect it to backfire.

 Thinking of this, Ye Ying couldn't help but sigh.

 Her thoughts couldn't help but go back to a long time ago, when she had just enlisted in the army, Su Kang was the biggest thorn in the side of their batch, even the instructors couldn't do anything about him because he was a member of the Su family and had a hard relationship behind him.

 The first time she took a look at him, Su Kang's eyes were full of arrogance.

 Just when Ye Ying was in deep thought, a radio sounded.

 "Dear passengers, this train is about to arrive at the terminal station, Longcheng Central Station, which is still 80 kilometers away from Longcheng Station, and is expected to arrive in half an hour, so please get ready for all the passengers."


 The long distance trains in this world are not fast, not for technical reasons, but purely for safety issues, so the whole train is a thickened type.

 Ye Ying closed the book in her hand and opened the locker, reaching out for her suitcase!


 A huge inertial impact struck.

 Ye Ying's entire body slammed directly into the wall.

 The entire heavy rail train directly derailed and slid over towards the front!

 Dazzling sparks rubbed out!

 The entire train slid out for nearly three thousand meters before coming to a stop.

 Ye Ying's face revealed a hint of a pained look as she stood up with difficulty!

 The entire train was filled with panic and wailing!

 The radio train resounded with the weak voice of the announcer.

 "Emergency! The train has had an accident and has now derailed, the cause of the derailment is currently unknown, please stay on the train and don't move! We have sent out a call for help! Please everyone do not worry ..."

 The words of the broadcast were not yet finished!

 Suddenly a heavenly vibration came roaring in.

 Everyone was unsteady on their feet! A wave of falling to the east and west.


 The area in front of the passageway collapsed! The huge steel laminate directly smashed down!

 "Ah!" More fear and screams came from inside the compartment!

 Ye Ying decisively retreated to the corner of the compartment and nimbly pulled out an automatic pistol! The expression was very calm!

 Although she didn't know what was happening, there was one thing she was still clear about.

 The current situation was definitely not a train malfunction derailment!

 There was also such a strong vibration, it wasn't an earthquake, but a strong impact! Those who could cause such an accident were at least Type III or even higher fae.

 Since we've met it, there's no way out, we can only cower and wait for rescue.

 As for going out? Ye Ying directly otherwise this idea.

 The passageway had already collapsed, and the high-level fae that caused the accident should not be small in size, and would not necessarily be able to drill in.

 But high-level fae would attract a large number of low-level fae to gather, and so many people on the train were the most delicious bait.

 If there were no accidents, the outermost perimeter should be surrounded by fae.

 Breaking into the train is a matter of time, and the train compartment is an independent space, and the walls are all thickened, equivalent to a safe house, which can provide some protection.