Rescue 1

 Late at night in Dragon City, inside a darkened room, a sharp ringtone sounded, and at once a figure sat up!

 Zhang Ling Yue grabbed her cell phone with one hand and read the message on it.

 As soon as she pulled over the clothes placed next to the bed, she quickly organized herself and opened the door of the room and walked out.

 In the Dragon City Center Administration Building, the inner hall of the council, which was supposed to be quiet, was now in a mess like a pot had exploded.

 You said one sentence, I said another.

 Just then the council room door was pushed open!

 Zhang Ling Yue walked in wearing his military uniform, the entire council chamber was quiet, Zhang Ling Yue glanced at everyone present with furrowed brows, not seeing the person he wanted to see, he opened his mouth and asked.

 "Where is Lord Han Wei."

 Su Boqi (Councilor) said to Zhang Ling Yue, "Lord Han Wei has gotten the news and is now on his way back."

 After receiving the answer, Zhang Lingyue turned around with his deputy and headed directly towards the door.

 "Zhang Lingyue! Wait ...," Su Boqi hurriedly shouted when he saw Zhang Ling Yue turn around to leave, but unfortunately, Zhang Ling Yue simply walked straight out as if he hadn't heard him.

 "Forget it, this guy has always been arrogant and won't listen to us." The councilor next to him had long been accustomed to saying.

 "I know, but he's also one of the few who can hold up the collapsing sky." Su Boqi was more than ungrateful and directly retorted back.

 At that moment, the MPs next to him felt bored and closed their mouths without speaking.

 Some of them muttered in unhappy whispers, "It's not like we can't do without him."

 On the other side, Zhang Ling Yue walked briskly towards the main entrance, and on the way he asked expressionlessly.

 "Who's in charge of the on-site rescue now, and has the specific on-site situation returned yet."

 "After receiving the call for help information, the first to arrive at the scene was Captain Wu Cheng and the entire brigade he belonged to, but the situation at the scene has not yet returned, in addition the information of the trapped personnel is also still being verified."

 "How long has it been since it happened!"

 "It has been forty minutes."

 "Go! Go to the scene! Also notify the Dragon Teeth troops to rush over immediately." Zhang Ling Yue gave the first order.

 "This isn't too good, after all, we don't have authorization, and although the matter is quite serious, the information we've gotten so far, the state of affairs is still at the level of an accident." The adjutant at the side also hurriedly explained that this was more or less overstepping his authority.

 "Accident? There's no such thing as an accident." Zhang Lingyue pressed on with no hope of getting lucky.

 In District D6, Su Bai was lying on his bed, whistling, when a roaring sound directly woke Su Bai up.

 Su Bai instinctively rolled over and directly fell to the ground.


 Su Bai covered his waist and raised his head to complain, "What the hell!"

 But listening to the roar coming from the street, Su Bai stood up violently, it was the sound of a large machine, what's going on?

 He opened the door of his room and peeked out.

 On the street, an engineering operation vehicle escorted by an armored car sped towards the distance.

 Those engineering vehicles, Su Bai looked familiar, isn't this the machinery that stayed in D6 to repair the operation? What the hell is going on in the middle of the night? Where are they going in such a hurry? And there are specialized soldiers escorting them?

 However, suspicious as suspicious, Su Bai looked for a while, then snorted and went to bed.

 As long as it wasn't an attack, the rest was none of his business.

 He didn't have that much interest to pay attention, tomorrow he still had to get up early to work, he still owed a debt within the recycling plant.

 Area F1, an area that was originally incredibly cold and clear, gathered a large number of people at this time.

 They are standing at the edge of a collapsed area, this collapsed area is as big as three soccer fields, all of them don't know what they are arguing about, all of them are red in the face and ears.

 At this time, there was a violent roar in the sky.

 A tilt-rotor aircraft, landed vertically.

 The surrounding personnel hurriedly surrounded it.

 When the tilt-rotor landed, Zhang Lingyue walked down from above.

 Captain Wu Cheng led the way and walked up and saluted.

 "Lord Zhang Ling Yue!"

 "Tell me what the situation is now." Zhang Ling Yue asked without any nonsense.

 Captain Wu Cheng said to Zhang Ling Yue, "The personnel from the technical department have been stepping up their surveys, the specific situation has not yet come out, but one thing is certain, C103, the passage line, is completely collapsed, and that collapsed area in front of us, directly below is the C103 passage, which is the closest entrance area to the fallen area."

 "Still able to contact the train crew?" Zhang Ling Yue looked at Wu Cheng.

 "No, the signal was interrupted shortly after we got the call for help, it was strongly interfered with!" Wu Cheng explained as he wiped sweat from his forehead.

 "Strong radiation interference?When was the last time the C103 channel was routinely cleared?"

 "It was 40 days ago, from the data retrieved, everything is normal."

 "I see, how long before the rescuers arrive." Zhang Ling Yue continued to ask.

 "On their way, they are all expected to be in place within fifteen minutes, by then they can start working on the initial rescue." Wu Cheng hurriedly reported.

 "After the manpower arrives, all standby until the survey results come out, before starting the construction rescue!"

 "Ah? Will this be too late?"

 "This is not an ordinary accident!" Zhang Lingyue was very certain when she said this.


 After Zhang Ling Yue finished talking to Wu Cheng, he walked to the edge of the collapse and looked down at the shocking ruins below, his eyebrows couldn't help but move.

 This side had been affected so badly, just how much power was needed to cause so much damage.

 In addition, he was also nagging at the matter of communication being interfered with, generally speaking the collapse does cause communication obstruction, but since at the time of the accident, it was still able to receive a call for help, it shouldn't be suddenly out of contact, unless there is some kind of a change of heart.

 Somehow a very bad feeling kept lingering in Zhang Ling Yue's heart.

 If the worst-case scenario was to be predicted, it was likely that there were very scary fae operating underground.

 But Zhang Ling Yue can not figure it out, generally the higher the level of the fae, the IQ is relatively high, there is no special circumstances will not easily close to the Dragon City, under normal circumstances, even if there is close to the Dragon City should also be attacked, how will go to the destruction of peripheral tunnels, and destruction of an area so large.

 There are too many doubts for Zhang Ling Yue to figure out.

 In recent times, Dragon City was indeed not peaceful, and it was not known whether it was a coincidence, or what the reason was.

 At this time in the sky, a tilt-rotor aircraft arrived!

 Everyone present was a little shocked that the Dragon Teeth troops had been mobilized, what was the situation? Not just a mere accident? One must know that the Dragon Teeth Troops would only be mobilized when Dragon City was under clear attack.

 This was tantamount to declaring a state of combat!

 The expression of Captain Wu Cheng, who was following behind Zhang Lingyue, was constantly changing, wanting to open his mouth to speak, but swallowing back.