Rescue 6

 Su Bai got off the car and carefully observed the countless operating machines and laborers below, heartily admiring, it was possible to gather so many people in a short period of time, how much blood had to be put down, how much money had to be spent to be able to do it?

 At this time a soldier ran over with small steps and ran to Lei Dong's ear beside whispering a few words.

 Lei Dong's fat and smiling face immediately stiffened a little, and his smile was a little hard to see.

 Meng Ding, who was following beside him, saw Lei Dong's stiff face and frowned as he asked.

 "What's wrong?"

 Lei Dong smiled awkwardly and said, '"No, no, it's just that those guys down there are a bit lazy, the progress of the outer layer project is a bit slow, the entrance to the passageway hasn't been opened yet, so we still have to wait for a while."


 "A thousand times true." Lei Dong all somewhat admired his own skill in making up stories, he inwardly at this time had already cursed the people above him, which asshole had stabbed himself up, it really was killing him, obviously he had arranged for entrance number six, and now he had directly changed it to the main entrance.

 The whole project is divided into two parts, one part is the repair of the seven support points, there are a total of three support points in the F1 area, these three support points have been calculated, a total of six different passages will be opened up from the collapsed area to go in, and Lei Dong is responsible for is the sixth entrance, the other part of the project is the most important and most dangerous, is the main channel opening work.

 To put it mildly, the main passageway entrance collapsed the most severely, and will collapse twice at any time during the dismantling process, in addition, the main passageway is said to have been clearly scanned for sources of radiation, which means that there are 100% fae activities inside, and more importantly, if the rest of the support points are not repaired, the main passageway entrance may still collapse, and according to estimates, the main passageway entrance's predicted degree of danger is ten times more dangerous than that of the rest of the sub-entrances. The main passageway entrance is estimated to be ten times more dangerous than the rest of the sub-entrances.

 If these guys die too much, he really has no way to explain to that Li Qiong, the deterioration of relations are considered light, of course, this is not the most important, the most important thing is that Ms. Han Xin's side is not good to account for it, but the person who gave this order he can not afford to offend.

 Su Bai at this time concentrated on observing the tunnel, did not notice the exception.

 The more Lei Dong thought about it, the more entangled he became, and sweat began to seep out of his forehead.

 Su Bai twisted his head to see Lei Dong's tangled face and asked suspiciously, "It's not hot today, is it?"

 "Ah, not hot, not hot, this is not nervous." Lei Dong squeezed out an ugly smile.

 Just at this time there were panicked shouts from below!

 Tightly followed by a slight tremor in the ground!

 In the center of the collapsed area, a localized secondary collapse suddenly occurred, and at once the more than thirty excavators operating above along with the ones assisting in the operation next to them were directly plunged into it, and were directly covered up.

 Su Bai and the others were also dumbfounded, an accident?

 The second dog touched his heart and said, "This is too horrible, right?"

 Su Bai gulped and looked at the deep pit that collapsed out and said, "It seems like the passageway opening? But this opening is a bit dangerous."

 Meng Ding's entire face twitched, just now, at least a few hundred people had folded in.

 At this time a team of heavily armed elite soldiers walked over.

 The captain leading the group saluted Lei Dong and said, "Hello! I am Dragon Tooth Force Squad 79 Captain Chen Wu, we were ordered by our superiors to carry out a protection mission, we can now depart!"

 "Ah! Departure? The main channel is dug?" Lei Dong asked with a baffled expression.

 "Just opened!" Chen Wu returned with a serious face, not knowing that he thought he was joking.

 "You're joking, the mouth that was exposed by that collapse?"

 "No joke, it's there, time is running out, please!"

 "OK! Yes! Taking a step back even if the main access opening is open, then isn't the access opening at the support point still undug?" Lei Dong almost didn't jump up.

 "That's other people's business, we're only responsible for the main passageway entrance, and we're running out of time! So we go first." The captain in the lead returned with an undeniable voice.

 Mundine on the side was just no longer clear about the current situation, but he also knew something was wrong.

 "What the hell? We're going in now? Crazy! The mouth of the passageway was collapsed open and not fixed, and the rest of the auxiliary ports were not dug up! What do you mean by this, Lei Dong? Are you lying to us?" Meng Ding all wanted to slap Lei Dong's face.

 Lei Dong also felt wronged as he said stiffly, "Listen to my explanation."

 "You think I will listen to you? We'll wait here until the right time to do it!" Meng Ding was unusually annoyed.

 The corner of Su Bai's mouth was also twitching, he was trying to earn money, but he didn't think of not taking a life, which idiot blindly commanded this? This look is going to go in.

 Without waiting for Lei Dong to open his mouth, Chen Wu saluted and said, "I'm sorry, if you didn't come here before, how you choose is your right, but once you come here, you have to obey the command here, this is an order! It is not to be refuted! Otherwise you will all be punished according to military discipline! Desertion is punishable by death!"

 Hearing Chen Wu's words, Su Bai and the others were petrified, what kind of pitiful situation is this!

 Lei Dong wiped the sweat from his forehead and hastily interceded, "Wouldn't this be too hasty?"

 "This is not something we consider, over there is already starting to make preparations, in addition we will fight to the death to protect their safety, as long as we are still alive, we will not let anything happen to them, please." Chen Wu said back in a very serious manner.

 Right next to the secondary collapse area, excluding the people who were rescuing them, an advanced multi-functional operation mechanical vehicle and drudgery were already assembling and preparing, in addition, the vanguard troops of the Dragon's Teeth were also gathering over, it looked like they were really planning to force their way in.

 Su Bai and the others looked at each other, the Dragon Tooth squad leader in front of them had said so, it was always impossible to wimp out.

 "We are not cowards either, since you all said so, let's set off."

 "Thank you!" Chen Wu nodded back.

 Meng Ding's expression squirmed for a moment as he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go with you guys!"

 "You ... "Lei Dong hurriedly reached out his hand to pull Meng Ding, his words somewhat unspeakable, if this guy also hung up, he would be even more miserable.

 Meng Ding directly threw himself off, shaking off Lei Dong, and jumped down from the transportation vehicle.

 Su Bai and the others had smiles on their faces, "Uncle Meng, you can just watch from here, don't go for this kind of chores."

 "Just you brats, I'm still not at ease, I brought you here, naturally I'll take you back." Meng Ding returned without a good mood.


 The atmosphere of the scene instantly became much lighter.

 Chen Wu looked at this scene, and his tightly tensed face eased quite a bit, in fact, he wasn't an unreasonable person, but the situation was really very urgent right now, and there wasn't much time to buffer it at all.

 "But isn't there one thing that needs to be reworked." Su Bai suddenly changed his words.

 The slackened nerves of Chen Wu and the others suddenly tensed up again.

 "What thing?" The fatty meat on Lei Dong's face twitched along with him as he asked.

 "Our remuneration ah! The danger is so high, shouldn't it be doubled more?" Su Bai smiled and looked at Lei Dong, looking at Lei Dong's heart!

 "This ..... Okay!" Lei Dong could only agree with a bitter face.