Rescue 7

 A few moments later, Lei Dong meat pain looked at the collection of the advance team into the channel, but inwardly it is meat pain incomparable, although the promise is quite fast, but that doubled the money will need to solve the problem by himself, the above will not be given to the report, over the standard!

 Of course, Lei Dong is just a purely physical pain, there is not much complaint, because the danger is indeed increased.

 Inside the main passageway, there were falling steel concrete and steel plates everywhere, Chen Wu walked in front of Su Bai and the others with his weapon in hand, just as he said, he would do everything in his power to protect them, Su Bai looked at the support pillars and walls that were all deformed on the edges of the passageway, and said in a lowered voice to Meng Ding.

 "Uncle Meng, is this passageway normally maintained?"

 "Definitely maintain, exist for thousands of years, even better craftsmanship can not withstand the erosion of time, if not maintain the collapse of the collapse is not what you see in front of you, teach you how to distinguish in the field, those who later maintained the area, the color is obviously a little lighter." Meng Ding said his own experience.

 Su Bai looked over carefully and found that there did seem to be a part of the deformed structure area that was slightly lighter in color.


 The surrounding support pillars, from time to time, emitted a twisting sound, giving off a shaky feeling.

 Hearing it made Su Bai's psyche a little hairy.

 However, Su Bai and the others still walked forward with a hard head, there was another team in front of Su Bai and them, that team was a team of engineers from the military department, they were responsible for the foremost survey. Whenever they walked a distance and determined that a distance was safe, they would send out a designated message, and the multifunctional light operating vehicles and Dragon Teeth troops behind them would advance a distance, the

 It was roughly half an hour into the inside.

 Suddenly Chen Wu, who was walking at the front, stopped.

 "What's wrong?" Su Bai asked.

 "The team in front has stopped." Chen Wu said simply.

 Su Bai squinted his eyes and looked ahead through the dim light, the passageway directly in front seemed to be blocked! The team of engineers in front seemed to be surveying.

 Just at this time a captain within the team in front, turned to Chen Wu and waved his hand in a gesture.

 Chen Wu turned to Su Bai and the others and said.

 "There is a collapsed area in front of us, we need your assistance."

 "Go." Meng Ding nodded.

 Approaching the collapsed area, Su Bai saw at a glance the crooked concrete, rubble and steel plates sealing the road,咋看过去cluttered without a clue.

 An old engineering who looked to be of age walked up to Meng Ding and said.

 "I am Wu An, an engineer specializing in tunnel restoration, I heard them say that you are the best dismantler, this collapse can not be demolished by brute force, it is necessary to carry out manual dismantling of a part of it, and then a little bit to build a support, and then finally to use mechanical work."

 Mundine was silent for a few seconds and said, "Yes, but we have a request."

 "You say."

 "You can specify the point, but how to dismantle it, it's up to us, anyway, we'll be able to meet your requirements in the end!" Mundine made the request.

 "No problem, this is reasonable."

 "Let's get to work!" Meng Ding said to Su Bai and the others.


 Inside the deep dark and deep passage, the sound of crashing continuously came from the depths.

 Inside the private room, Ye Ying closed her eyes as she quietly listened to the sound and frequency of the crashes.

 She needed to maintain a high level of vigilance at all times.

 Suddenly Ye Ying snapped her eyes open as she heard a trace of screams!

 A compartment had been breached, Ye Ying looked at her watch and the time she expected to pass, only half of it had passed.

 Of course there was nothing surprising about this, because when a train is derailed, there are bound to be parts of it that are damaged, and damaged carriages are naturally more fragile!

 But this wasn't good news, because the partition in the middle of the individual carriages wasn't as hard as the external armor of the train, which was tantamount to shortening the safety time in disguise!

 Knock knock!

 A sharp knock suddenly came from Ye Ying's room door.

 "Open the door! Let us in!"

 Hearing the voice of distress, Ye Ying's heart sank slightly, it was impossible for the people inside this carriage to come out and knock on the door, there was only one possibility, these people came from the next carriage opening the connecting passage in the middle, and the screams that she had just heard were from the next carriage.

 But Ye Ying did not open the door.

 The reason was very simple, her compartment was very small, the number of people that could be accommodated was very limited, and she obviously heard a large number of pace sounds, that is, a large number of people gathered at her door, and people tend to lose their sanity when they are in a fearful situation.

 And this compartment is not quite the same as the other compartments, belonging to the area where the richer people live, it is even more unlikely to just open the door.

 Once one foolishly opened the door, there was a high probability that he would put himself in danger!

 So Ye Ying chose to remain silent!

 Sure enough the people gathered outside, after not getting any response, began to curse angrily!

 "You filthy coward! Quickly open the door for us, or we'll have to break it open by brute force!"

 "Open the door, or we'll be rude!"


 "Please open the door, there are children and old people here! Do us a favor."


 Ye Ying closed her eyes as if she didn't hear it, not that she was cruel, but because she was rational enough.

 She let her heart calm down.

 At the mouth of the passageway, Su Bai's eyes were staring at the steel rubble in front of him, he dug it out little by little, every time he dug out a piece, some tiny pieces of rubble and dust would fall from the wall around him, Su Bai's forehead sweat kept dripping down, and his whole clothes were drenched.

 Second Dog Zi and the others' throats were dry as they watched Su Bai at work.

 Su Bai snapped out little by little, the whole mechanical arm was very smooth, he had to clear out a small opening first, the back was so easy to reach in and reinforce it.

 The hearts of all the people present watching were lifted up.

 In the end, Su Bai smoothly dug out an opening.

 "Beautiful! Go up and reinforce it! Clean out the objects on the side!" Meng Ding said with some excitement, he was also sincerely impressed! It was really marvelous balance, before letting Su Bai do this time, he was still very worried, but there was no way that only Su Bai among them was equipped with an auxiliary robotic arm and had that much power to work.

 The second dog and others immediately rushed up!

 Soon this point was reinforced a little bit to complete!

 Su Bai then utilized this method to open up the other side as well, first putting in the telescopic roof, then clearing out the location to put in the steel columns, of course the reinforcement was more than just the collapsed area, along the way over all the supporting steel columns were put in.

 "It's ready!" Mundine turned his head and said to the personnel waiting behind him.

 "Start the operation!" Wu An did not hesitate for a second.

 At once those multi-functional mechanical vehicles drove up and began to clear the steel rubble that had collapsed in the center!


 Pieces of reinforced concrete slabs were cut apart and then brute force pumped out!

 "Great! It's open!" The operator shouted in surprise.

 A mini-channel capable of accommodating a mechanical vehicle to go through was cleared out in front of them, and all the operators immediately stopped their work.

 "Keep moving!"

 The crowd was also stunned and glanced at Chen Wu, but then they continued forward! Obviously, their highest priority purpose was to save people, as for the rest they would talk about it later!

 Su Bai just did not gasp a few breaths, on the black face to follow up, I have to say that this group of people forward speed is also thief fast, running more than half an hour, Su Bai can not come up for air, it seems that there is time to have a good conditioning and exercise the body.

 Chen Wu saw, without saying anything, directly back to Su Bai front.

 "I'll carry you!"


 "Go!" Without any nonsense, Chen Wu directly carried Su Bai on his back and ran forward!