Rescue 8

 At the edge of the collapse in Area F1, Zhang Lingyue looked down at the feverishly working crews below and asked again with an expressionless face.

 "Where has the advance force advanced to?"

 "It has advanced to the forty-six kilometer area of the train collapse area, almost halfway through the journey!"

 "How long has it been since the accident."

 "Fourteen hours have passed!"

 "How much longer is it expected to take to reach the target area?"

 "It'll be at least 24 hours." The supervisor next to him, trembling with fear, explained.

 "There isn't that much time for you guys, in 24 hours the yellow flowers will be cold, the people inside the train are probably all gnawed on and their bones will be gone, tell the advance unit to speed up, give them 4 hours at most!"

 "4 hours!!!"

 The supervisors on the side were about to faint when they heard that!

 "It's 4 hours, if they're all dead inside, what are we saving? Can't even recover the corpses to avenge them? Do you think I'm right?" Zhang Leng Yue tensed his face, giving off an oppressive feeling that he couldn't catch his breath.

 "We understand, we'll inform down here."

 Inside the tunnel, the advance team stopped once again, Su Bai's mouth opened into an O. It was true that the more he worried about something, what happened!

 The tunnel in front of him had a fault! It would be fine if it was an ordinary fault, but the key was not an ordinary fault.

 The entire length of the fault is about fifty meters long, with a sinkhole in the middle, and the mouth of the opposite fault is also subjected to collapse-type extrusion, and the entire mouth of the opposite side is like being sealed solid.

 "What now?" The crowd had looked at each other, all a bit at a loss for words.

 Engineer Wu An's old face was also a bit dark, this was a big trouble.

 With the fault blocking the mechanical work trucks and the collapse opening requiring mechanical work, this was a dead end.

 If they had enough time, this would not be a big deal, it was just a matter of building a temporary bridge to get across, but they did not have much time.

 At this time, a soldier came sprinting from the back, coming up for air and reporting.

 "Latest order, the top came down with a death order, to let us fight our way in after four hours!"

 "Holy shit! Who gave the order, idiot? Being said four hours, you just give us forty hours and we won't even be able to get in." Second Doggie spewed out without a trace of anger.

 "Second Doggie!" Meng Ding shouted at Second Dogzi.

 The second dogzi unwillingly closed his mouth, Su Bai exhaled a long breath of air to what Meng Ding said, "Actually, what the second dogzi said is not entirely wrong, this is so outrageous that I want to curse!"

 Even people in a good temper couldn't stand it.

 It was also true that the entire advance team was boiling over.

 On the contrary, it was Chen Wu and the members of the Dragon Tooth Squad on the side that fell into silence, their duty was to obey orders.

 Meng Ding pondered for a few seconds and walked over to Wu An and asked, "Teacher Wu An, what do you think should be done next?"

 "Actually, it's not completely impossible to reach the area where the train is trapped within four hours, it's just that the conventional methods won't work anymore." Wu An's somewhat tangled back.

 Chen Wu and the others looked at Wu An.

 "What method?"

 "Going down from here!"

 The air was quiet for a while, no one said anything, the corners of Su Bai's mouth were twitching, go down from the fault and climb back up? Or hang on the wall and go over?

 After a few minutes, Chen Wu opened his mouth to break the silence and asked, "Is it possible to pass from below?"

 "It's just possible, I'll let you look at a drawing, this is not an accident before the thumbnail of this area, the main channel below, in fact, is the pipeline troposphere, that is to say, the small pipeline area, these pipelines askew, but at least dozens of can lead to the train area, but things are not as simple as it seems, we are not sure of these small pipeline situation, whether there is a collapse or what? condition, whether they've collapsed or what, not to mention the other dangerous types." Wu An opened the portable computer panel he had with him, and a complicated map of the underground pipes surfaced la.

 "What you're saying is that there's a probability that these dozens of small pipes lead to the train area, but you're not sure which one is still intact."

 "That's right." Wu An nodded.

 Without any hesitation Chen Wu twisted his head and said to the team behind him.

 "Everyone get ready! Let's go down!"


 The rest of the Dragon Tooth Squad members did not have any hesitation to similarly start preparing.

 "Wait, if you guys simply go down it won't necessarily work, it's still necessary to bring along professionals, the pipeline down there was originally very complicated, coupled with the influence of external forces, now it's even more unclear what's going on, of course we'll go down as well." Wu An explained.

 Chen Wu and the others' gazes fell on Su Bai and the others.

 "No need to look at us, if you need us, we'll follow you!" Meng Ding was not afraid at this time, because even if he was, he had no choice,

 "Good!" Chen Wu nodded.

 Soon there were thirty-two teams within the people present, each team was standardized with seven people, five Dragon Tooth Squad combatants, two support personnel, and the rest stayed in place.

 A climbing rope was shot out, top dead on the opposite wall, below the rope corresponded to their respective passages.

 Su Bai and Er Dogzi were assigned to a group, led by Chen Wu, and the rest of the people were assigned to other teams within the group.

 Su Bai stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down, it was at least a few hundred meters deep!

 And the mouth of the pipeline they were going into was forty-six meters directly below the opposite side, this if they didn't fall down well, it was estimated that they would all become meat cakes.

 "Buckle up, we're going to swing over!" Chen Wu said to Su Bai and Er Dogzi.

 "Okay." Su Bai and Second Dogzi hurriedly fastened the safety buckle.

 "Go!" Chen Wu dryly shouted.

 At once a member of the team dryly jumped down the rope in one leap.

 Before Su Bai could react, Chen Wu grabbed Su Bai's waist safety belt with one hand and jumped down with him!

 "I go!" Su Bai was startled, before he could react, the whole person had already swung over in the free fall.

 Swinging past was just a few seconds, Chen Wu also boarded a foot on the opposite wall to prevent hitting the wall, and then his body slid down quickly, and after descending to a certain extent, a hand pressed the safety buckle on his waist, and at once the two began to slow down!

 Su Bai felt a tumbling in his internal organs! Sure enough without professional training, the ability to withstand is not.

 Immediately after that, they stopped, impartially, just at the mouth of a pitch black pipe!

 The rest of the team also slid down nearby.

 "Exciting!" Er Dogzi excitedly shouted to Su Bai.

 "Stimulating my ass!" The corners of Su Bai's mouth were twitching! Fortunately, he was prepared in his heart, or else his soul could be scared away by such a toss.

 Soon after, Su Bai seven people successfully drilled into the underground pipe mouth, but the entire interior of the pipe mouth was pitch black, there was not a single light, but one could vaguely hear a hint of water droplets falling sound, of course accompanied by a strong smell of foul sewer flavor, which was unavoidable.

 Chen Wu and the others raised their hands and pressed a small button on their helmets, instantly their helmets all lit up, but the light wasn't the harsh kind, it was soft, but the lighting effect was very good.

 "You guys follow behind." Chen Wu finished speaking and took the lead to cautiously lead the way inside.

 Su Bai and Er Dogzi followed behind, looking around from time to time.