
Dillon didn't want to die again. He spoke big, but he really didn't want to die.

Everything in his senses became clear after being smashed by the hammer. From the peculiar stench of the lake to the subtle differences, this world had compared to Earth.

And in this moment, the enormous snake that floated on the water's surface looked even clearer than usual.

Its blue scales transitioned from a dark to a lighter blue from the bottom up. There were hints of additional appendages at the side, which could be anything from wings to fins. Whatever it was, he had never seen anything like that before.

He didn't want to die, but he found himself in circumstances beyond his control.

'Move,' he thought, trying to get his body to move.



He pushed again, trying to at least inch away slowly. His body moved slightly, and grime gathered under his fingernails in response.

But it was a step in the right direction.

He inched again, not sure of which direction he was supposed to head to. And with that, he stepped straight into the water.

A big mistake on his part. He remembered the large snake that lumbered behind him, and all the strength in his arms disappeared. Both limbs gave in weakly, dropping and splashing in the water.

A wave of anger and pain that did not belong to him gradually welled up deep in his chest, threatening to burst out and overflow at any second. Why did these people always feel like they could do whatever they wanted?

Treating life like something that can be played with and thrown around without regard.

Was this how this world was? 

If they didn't care about you, then could you be discarded at any time?

Gradually, the pains and anger of both men intersected. It was the final merging piece. 

He forgot about the giant snake monster waiting behind.

The dark hair of his new body fell to his shoulders, defeated. Dillon dug his fingers deeper into the sand and willingly let a bit of the sand under his nails.

It was cold. 

Realization dawned on him for the first time.

It would be a long time before he saw his mother and Lora once again. Everything he ever knew and loved.

'I might… never see them again.'

Even the bad parts.

Melchior turned his head to meet the snake's slitted red eyes.

Was it fear that was causing it… or could he actually see a shred of understanding in this monster's eyes?


It was more.

The giant beast reared its head forward and lowered it down to below his feet.

Subservience. Respect for a superior

A deep soothing voice emerged afterwards, reaching the boy's ears like the calming sounds of nature.

"I sense you experience turmoil," it said.

The surface of the water seemed to boil the moment it spoke. Winds rose, rustling the leaves and trees violently. 

"What are your instructions… Your Excellency?" it hissed.

"What are you?" he asked.

He was about done being fearful for today.

Head still below his feet, the snake responded in its sweet, calming voice. It brought a calm to the raging ocean that rose within his heart and his mind.

"I'm but a mere spirit."

The answer confused Melchior. The boy could not see the connection between this creature before him and the knowledge about spirits that he had seen in his memory.

"You are corporeal, sentient and present in this world. How is it possible that you're a spirit?"

This seemed to stump the snake a little. It deflated in bearing for a second.

"I don't know how I'm a spirit, you see. I just know I am that I am," it said. "And I am your servant and your attendant for as long as you walk this earth. Do with me as you please, Your Excellency,"

It was an answer, alright. One that he wasn't sure how to approach.

Melchior continued. He had gone this far already. Why not make it count?

He pointed at his completely destroyed legs. "Fix them"

 A response came without a moment of hesitation.

"As you wish,"

The large snake raised its head and finally met Dillon's eyes for the first time since the conversation started. And for the first time, he could confirm it. There was no fear affecting his perception of things anymore.

He looked into the slitted red eyes, and they looked back at him. Subservient. Ready to let him take control.

It was a feeling he was unfamiliar with, but he liked it.

The creature promptly looked away and looked down at his leg. It let out its long tongue and pointed it straight at the mostly crushed limb.

Mel instinctively flinched in response, but he remained in place. Not as though he could move, anyway.

So, he let the long, forked tongue of the snake run across his leg. He initially expected a cloud of purple smog to invade his orifices and poison every single vein in his body, or at least something that would match a snake.

Nothing like that happened.

A short silence elapsed, occasionally filled by the low chirping of insects.

He stared carefully. Ever since he first got into this world, he'd seen many things that he could only imagine before. It was wonderful.

Soon, as he had expected, something happened. A chilling sensation went up his spine and then to every part of his body. Eventually, the feeling concentrated on his crushed leg and rested there.

There was no magical light. All that happened was the very gruesome and detailed gathering of the flesh and tendons around his legs. A second later, he wasn't crippled anymore.

Astonishing; not the act of fixing his leg in itself.

'The fact that it listened to me in the first place…'

He got to his feet quickly and reached a hand out to touch the snake's head. Its scales were cold to the touch, but comforting.

"What is your name?" he asked.

Once more, the snake bowed.

"Damjan, the spirit in charge of this lake. I am happy to be of service, my Lord."

Melchior's hair rose in the wind, floating all around him. A faint white aura rose and surrounded his entire body. It was unlike anything he had ever felt. 

He raised a white-coated arm and touched the snake once more. Then, he spoke, with a voice that was and wasn't his. With more power than he had ever wielded.

"Sing the song of celestial love, for you are mine. And I am infinite."


[Allegiance has been sworn by Damjan the Storm Eater.

Contract Established]

[New Skill Learned: Dignity]