Damjan the Storm Eater

A screen appeared in front of him.

[Status Window]

Name: Melchior E'al Zale (Son of Zale) | Title: Divine King of Spirits

Race: Human | Spirit Bond: N/A




Physique Lvl 1

Spirit Lvl 0

Charisma Lvl 0

Intuition Lvl 1 



Basic Weapons Training, Basic Hunting and Gathering, Basic Marksmanship Basic Rune Comprehension, Dignity (Lvl 1)




Damjan the Storm Eater]


His eyes twitched a little when the screen full of information popped up in front of him. 

'It looks just like in those books and animes…'

One could argue that it was disingenuous, but the fact of the matter was that it served its purpose perfectly. He assessed the information, trying to glean whatever was possible from this status.

The first was his name; Melchior E'al Zale. None of the previous owner's memories made any mention of that surname. It wasn't even a surname. This was probably one of those societies where they didn't really have surnames and just used the father's name in place of that.

Apart from that, he also instantly noticed the title.

'Divine King of Spirits… That's what Damjan addressed me as. King. What other effects does this status have?'

His eyes narrowed a little. That was something he would have to find out himself.

Melchior skipped over most of the obvious stuff, but his eyes temporarily stopped on the part that said [Spirit Bond]

"Right, that was the dilemma. This fellow didn't have a Bond, causing him to be bullied and mistreated everywhere he went," he muttered out loud.

A soothing hiss followed after this.

"I don't mean to intrude, sir, but are you perhaps alluding to your lack of ability to contract a Spirit Bond?"

Mel paused for a second, then nodded.

"You are the destined leader of the Spirits. We are all to obey you, regardless of the circumstances. Because of that, there is no real need for you to have a Bond in the conventional sense," Damjan continued, slithering around.

Seconds elapsed with silence before the snake gathered his sentences.

"You may use any of us in any way you desire, Spirit Bond or no Spirit Bond."

That answered one question, at least. If he could command and use any spirit from the Spirit Realm, it opened him to a lot of possibilities that normal Bonded couldn't comprehend.

But at the same time, it would also put a target on his back. Who wouldn't want to 'own' a person who could potentially use any power possible?

'I have to be careful with the things I do in public then,'

Melchior turned back to Damjan. "What about people who can't Bond a spirit at all? Ordinary people?"

The snake shook its head.

"Lost causes is what some of my people like to call them. They are without a doubt amongst the majority of humans, but their inability to harness and take in Spirit Energy is seen as a 'disability' to some. I see it as nothing but a part of a working cycle. If everyone could use Spirit Energy, then there would be nothing left of this world, my king."

Damjan was right. If everyone could wield so much power at all times, then there would be no peace in the world at all.

There was no time to dwell on that. He skipped over the attribute section, since he had a general idea of what that meant.

He could also ignore the skill section, but it was worth noting that even a powerless person like Melchior learned so many useful skills.

'My body reacted almost instantaneously to Clyde's fast attacks. Which means I still have the muscle memory of the body's previous owner… and that implies that I can use all these skills as well.'

There was one skill he was interested in, though. 

'Dignity. The system announced that I had learned it just a bit ago. But what does it do?'

And as if on command–


[Name: Dignity (Lvl 1)

Type: Passive Skill

Details: This skill is common among leaders. It elicits a response of respect from others and is usually triggered after a set of words or actions. The skill grows as the user's charisma and strength increase.]

Melchior glanced over it and understood the key aspects in just a second. So all he had to do was look cool and inspiring and the skill would bring out all the respect in people.

It didn't sound very useful, but it was probably an invaluable thing for kings or people who were trying to lead.

And for the last part.

"You're one of my attendants, Damjan," he said with certainty, despite all the questions lingering in his mind. 

His new attendant sensed the hidden question, however.

"That is the alternative to the more common Spirit Bond. As the King, you can select attendants who perform the same functions as a normal Spirit Bond but with much greater efficiency."

Melchior frowned. He didn't know what Spirit Bonds did in the first place, so this explanation did nothing for him.


Damjan nodded and rose to the air. It was much bigger and longer than he had initially thought.

"For example, normal bonds give the user more physical strength after Bonding. It's usually about one time stronger than a normal human. In your case, sir, I can boost your physical strength by about two more times compared to that. But that's only because I'm stronger than you. The moment you surpass me, it won't matter much anymore."

"And for innate abilities, normal Bonds bestow their user with a single magical ability upon bonding. It usually starts weak then grows stronger with the Bonded. I can do the same, but give you many, many more abilities or the same amount, which is far stronger."

"Interesting. Are these effects permanent?" Melchior asked.

"The physique aspect is permanent. The innate ability part isn't. You have to call on me to use them, compared to a normal Bonded who can use his innate abilities at any time,"

He grunted a little at that last part. It was only a minor setback.

From what he heard now, he would be stronger than most of the people his age. Soon, a plan started forming in his head.

"We shall convene here at this time tomorrow. Our conversation will then."

Damjan bowed submissively, "As your will commands, my King."

The boy nodded one last time, then turned away to face the forest. He dashed forward and made his way to the cobblestone path, all thoughts running through his mind.

He was done being treated like an action figure or a pawn.

'The arrogant do not long endure… Clyde, Andy.'