Fallen Angel Space

Melchior floated there in the dark space with the floating feathers that he had now dubbed the "Fallen Angel Space". He tested the limits of his powers and found that he was insanely strong.

His only limit at this point was the skills in his arsenal themselves.

"I don't run out of energy here, and my attacks take on a completely different scale than if I performed them in the outside world."

Those perks were already good enough, but he felt as if there was something more to it that he didn't know. However, right now, he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"I wonder what's the look of this from the real world? Did I disappear?"

He was curious to find out, but he didn't want to leave the dark space just yet. The moment he stopped running the technique, everything would collapse.

A major thing he had realized from testing was that he could develop new skills freely here. He didn't necessarily have to be on the brink of death to create it. Coupled with the unlimited energy, this space was the optimum location for just that.

"Can I bring objects or living things in here?" he muttered to himself, floating idly.

Melchior found that he was able to move a considerable distance when he freed his mind, but somewhere around the 2000 metre spot, he found himself unable to move anymore.

Everywhere else within that 2000-metre radius was his domain. He could do anything to perfection as long as it was within his skill set.

There were still a few things he hadn't figured out, but he was satisfied with his progress for now.

Melchior plucked a pitch-black feather from the air and watched as it disappeared into nothingness after a few seconds between his fingers.

It didn't take a genius to realize that he still had a very long way to go with this discovery of his.

So, he reached into himself and cut the string of energy that made this possible, and soon, everything returned to normal.

The trees, grass, water and even Damjan. All in the span of a single second, he could sense them again.

Melchior first stood to check if there was anything different about his body, and sure enough, there was.

He felt refreshed, and even… stronger in terms of energy capacity and consumption.

More importantly…

"It's working"

Damjan, who had been watching from the side, leaned in curiously to ask.

"What is it, sir?"

Mel grinned. Numerous jolts of energy entered his body and followed the energy canals in the mode of the Fallen Angel Circulation Technique. He wasn't even trying or anything, yet it was as though he was.

If Melchior could put it akin to something, he would say he was like a power generator. Or a perpetual energy machine of some sort.

As long as he didn't die and there was still Spirit Energy in the surroundings, he wouldn't run out of power to keep himself going. At least on the energy front.

"Well, it seemed like it paid off in the end, Damjan."

"What paid off?"

Melchior quickly gave a rundown of what had happened after he began circulating his energy according to the technique.

A very visible frown appeared on the snake's face.

"You don't seem very glad,"

His attendant shook his head. "No, I am. It's just that I wasn't aware of something like that being able to happen. I haven't even heard of this Fallen Angel race that you speak of, either."

A small silence elapsed between them, and then Damjan continued.

"But you said you spent about 30 minutes in that space?"


"How fascinating. It's barely been three minutes since then on the outside."

Melchior's eyes widened from a mixture of shock and excitement. So if that was correct, it meant that time in the Fallen Angel Space moved ten times slower compared to time in the real world.

In other words, he had ample time to explore the ins and outs of the space.

"Excellent. Really excellent,"

Time is money. That saying existed both on Earth and Elgross, but on this planet, there was another part to it.

Time is money and power. Here, money didn't translate to power like on Earth, so it was separated.

With this "extra" time, there were several things he couldn't wait to try out and use to improve himself.

'Well, that's done, but I still haven't finished checking out the newest details on the system.'

He wasn't particularly interested in what Surge Jump could do given how straightforward it was, so he skipped over it and went directly to the second new skill he had gained.

Primitive Spirit Channelling.

For some reason, he wasn't able to picture what this skill would be like in his mind, but he opened the status panel to check, nevertheless.


[Name: Primitive Spirit Channelling (Lvl 1)

Type: Active Skill

Details: As the king of spirits, you have the ability to call upon ancient primitive spirits who are considered incomplete spirits. These spirits will do your bidding regardless of whatever you ask. However, their services are limited to single-use events and they will be forever gone after those events pass.

Cooldown: One month]

It was a rather interesting ability, and with a cooldown at that, but he wasn't really interested in it at all. His skill set was already so diverse and versatile that this wasn't very useful, but it wasn't like he'd throw away a gift.

So, Melchior just tossed that to the back of his mind and hoped it would maybe be useful enough someday.

And with that, he was done sorting through everything he needed to. A small mental exhaustion from the weight of the discoveries overwhelmed him.

"I'll be back perhaps tomorrow, Damjan."

"I understand, sire." the spirit bowed. "Make sure to keep yourself safe and away from fights."

Melchior rolled his eyes, then walked away, fading into the forest slowly.

. . . . .


A head of glowing neon hair bobbed around sideways in a dark cave.

"Still nothing," the person sighed. "Looks like we'll have to commence the operation soon, then."