And Then It Collapsed

The next morning, Melchior woke up early to practice within the Fallen Angel Space. 

His combination of Innate Spirit Energy Manipulation, Flow and the added Fallen Angel Circulation Technique made his Spirit Energy movement so much smoother.

He hadn't noticed it the previous night, but it was incredible how seamlessly it flowed through his entire body.

The Space was still the same as it had been, though. Which wasn't a bad thing. It still had all the advantages as before, but he had yet to discover anything new about it.

He viewed curiously as the feathers still fell and the eye still watched him. It was perhaps the most ethereal thing he had ever witnessed.

Even while practising the application of his skills, he found himself wondering.

'Could those feathers be that of the supposed Fallen Angel Race? Is that also the case with the eye?'

That was something he couldn't help himself but think, and for good reason. Thinking did nothing for him, though. So, he tossed those thoughts away.

About three hours later, he called his training session to an end and exited the space.

Everywhere was just a bit brighter than he had left it when he first left. He also felt rejuvenated still. He didn't quite understand the logic of how the space worked, but he opened it for now.

"Well, guess I gotta go now."

Melchior got out of bed, dressed up in plain, brown cotton clothes then left his room to the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, there was only his mother who ate in silence.

"Where's dad?"

"He hasn't been back all night," she responded.

"Aren't you worried?"

Alissa blinked innocently "Why would I be?"

At that, he couldn't help but pause. According to Tirun, his father was amongst the strongest in the entirety of Blackmount. Meaning, he was probably safe wherever he was. So there was nothing to worry about in that case.

"I'll be heading to the mines to serve my sentence now,"

"No breakfast?" his mother frowned.

"I'll be fine. I don't feel hungry at all!"

"Well, if you say so." Alissa sighed "Make sure you stay safe and stay our of fights while you're out,"

"Of course I will!"

"Mhm, love you, Melly."

And with that, he was out of the house. He had no intention of starting fights with anyone, anyway. Aside from Elias, Clyde, and Andy, no one would be looking forward to killing him.

"Oh… and maybe Circe. Where is she, anyway?"

The strange lady had disappeared after lunch with his family. He had grown so used to her presence after such a short time that not having her hover over his back was a little weird.

Soon, he arrived at the mine shaft. After his brief fight with Elias yesterday, every single miner and overseer looked upon him with respect. Even the soldiers, who first looked with disdain, then acceptance, finally nodded with subservience.

He enjoyed it a lot. Praise like this from just some random people was already so much. He now understood why so many kings in ancient history went astray.

It was wonderful.

He entered the mountain area casually. Elias' large figure was nowhere to be found. And for good reason, too. If it were before, the man would already be here, trying to cause him some trouble. Now, he probably wouldn't show his face after.

Melchior grabbed some equipment and then made his way down the mineshaft over to where Erin was. As expected, he spotted her working.

"Huh, you're early today. No magical soldier army? Unexpected fight with a bunch of Water Cats?"

He rolled his eyes, then slapped her head lightly.

"Very funny. I might just decide not to help you out today."

"HUH?! Wait no! I apologize, Mr Super Poweful Bonded sir!"

"Nope, you're not getting away scot-free this time, you dumb gremlin!"

Erin's eyes narrowed as she reached for her pickaxe.

"Call me a gremlin one more time, I dare you!"

The boy grabbed the tool away from her hands before she could even react, resting it on his shoulder.


"Stop messing around. We have a lot to do today,"

"You mean you have a lot to do today?"

"No, we. I'll work and you'll yap your brains away while I work to keep me company."

The brown-haired girl appeared to consider the matter seriously for a few seconds, before nodding once more.

"Uh huh, that sounds like a pretty fair deal to me."

Melchior grinned, tossing her pickaxe back and picking his up.

"Alrighty then, let's get to wor-"


Before he could even continue, a large explosion sounded from outside the mineshaft, and the mountain quaked heavily.

A series of screams coming from all over the place emerged as the quakes continued.

"W-what the hell is going on, Mel?!" Erin quivered, collapsing to the ground. The pickaxe changed as it fell right to the ground.

Melchior remained standing since the quake wasn't able to destabilise him in the slightest.

"I'm not sure." he shook his head. "Find somewhere a little safer and wait there while I go check."

Her eyes widened. "Check? Are you crazy?!"

"Yes, I am. Now, do what I said. I'll be fine,"

After a few seconds, she gave a hesitant nod, which was his go-ahead to start moving.

Melchior practically flew through the cave pathways, passing by fallen miners who huddled up in fear. Luckily, there didn't seem to be any fallen debris or casualties from that.

But that begged another question.

'Then what's causing so many people out there to scream?'

There was only one way to find out.

He maintained his speed until he left the cafe and finally made it into the open. And the scene…

Dozens of robed and masked individuals fully occupied the entirety of the front of the mountain. It took him less than a second to clock their identities.

"The Zatanian soldiers," he said.

Most of them were unfamiliar, but there were two who stood out quite visibly from the rest.

It was none other than the first man who he faced that night; the one who wore a white mask and could stop time. And then the survivor of the duo that came after him; Hawk.

The nameless man stepped forward, removing his mask. Underneath the plain white mask was a smooth and beautiful face that seemed without any imperfection.

He had long silver hair tied up for comfort, and chilling gray eyes.

"Your under-handed tricks won't work with me this time, boy."

Melchior frowned and called upon Tirun in advance. A dark energy immediately swirled at his fists.

"Do not get carried away, Aster." Hawk called out from behind, "We still have an objective." 

The man known as Aster scoffed. "None of you should interfere with this."

He stepped forward again, his heavy-booted feet stepping upon the heads of multiple poor miners without any regard. They were dead already.


Then time froze. White bolts of lightning poured out of the air.

The fight had already begun.