The Fated Rematch

A split second before Aster could freeze time, Melchior moved. His experience from their last fight was enough to know not to let the man get the upper hand first.

He zipped forward first, bringing a vortex-covered palm down onto the man. 

His opponent was prepared. White bolts of lightning appeared from his arm and grabbed Mel's before it could continue to go forward. A small suction force appeared where their hands connected and pushed against each other.

Time froze then.

Aster stared at him with those grey eyes of his, then drove forward with his other arm. It was subtle, without any sparks or a light show. However, it was way faster.


Mel's eyes widened in response. His mind was able to react, but his body couldn't keep up with the speeds.

The arm jabbed straight into his right side, tearing through the skin there like a hot knife through butter.

And then…