The Hawk's Rage

Hawk pushed his feet back, then propelled himself forward all in one smooth movement. The cyclone that formed around him picked up with sharpness as well. It whipped around, shredding the ground all around with ease.

Melchior raised an arm to his chest to block the inevitable blow, but even that was useless.

A loud screech emerged from Hawk's movement. He slammed into the boy's chest with the speed of a nuke, sending him flying back.


Melchior felt his soul leaving his body as he rocketed through the air right through the gate that separated the mining area from the forest.

He finally collapsed to the ground after the lengthy flight, and a small mouthful of blood escaped his lips.

The area where his chest was struck was even worse than before. A large, bloody bruise nearly covered the entirety of the area, cracks sprawling out from the centre outwardly like a large crater.