Who Decided That?

"What are you talking about?"

"Vice Lieutenant, Aster's dead."



All of a sudden, the atmosphere seemed to shift. By now, Melchior had figured out the identity of the person speaking. It was probably the same person that had stopped him from finishing Aster off back then.

It was a person rather high in the hierarchy as well. Hawk referred to the man as Briar and Vice Lieutenant.

'So that's the vice?' he thought, cold sweat dripping down his head, 'If he's that strong, what about the Lieutenant that Aster kept mentioning?'

He didn't even want to imagine that. His hands were full with Hawk alone, talk less of a Lieutenant.

Whatever the case may be, he had to find a way to avert the crisis in front of him at the moment.

Melchior gripped Stormrage, covertly looking for any possible openings he could use to take advantage of.

'I just need one clean hi-'