His Father's Son

A week passed by in the blink of an eye.

For the townspeople of Blackmount, it was one of mourning.

Many of them had lost loved ones in the Zatanian attack on the mines. For several days, a solemn feeling hung over the town, and no one seemed to be in the right state of mind. They were advised not to reveal anything to anyone

Travel into and out of Blackmount was forbidden to keep the information secret for as long as possible. It would cause a kingdom-wide outburst if the citizens found out that Zatanian troops could invade this far into their territory.

To Erin, most of that didn't matter.

She sat in a chair at the side of Melchior's bed, watching his bandaged chest rise up and down steadily.

Why did he go through so much trouble? She saw the damage he sustained.