
Melchior rubbed his head gently as he ate.

"Stupid gremlin. Were you really trying to put me in another coma?"

Nearly an hour had passed since then, and the first thing he had done was get some food. The whole table was covered with different dishes, and there were still more, waiting to the side for when the first batch to be finished.

Alissa, Zale and Erin all sat at the table, watching him voraciously scarf everything down.

"Just shut up and eat. Your body needs it,"

"I am… eat…ing," he said in between chews.

"Stop talking while there's food in your mouth. It's bad manners," Alissa scolded.

"Sorry ma'am,"

His body no longer felt like his insides were lacerated. And most of his wounds no longer hurt. However, they most likely would open up again if he didn't take care to not exert himself again.

'A few more days and it'll be healed completely,'