Wretched Thief [Bonus Chapter]

Melchior was a little dazed as he left the Fallen Angel Space. He didn't want to spend much time after seeing what had happened to the assassin.

If the eye was responsible, then proximity to it for a long time could maybe affect him as well.

Whatever sort of madness it induced, he wasn't ready to face it just yet.

So, he just decided to take his mind off of it by going for a stroll in the city. It was late afternoon, and everything had mostly settled. There weren't as many people randomly going around, but there were still a lot of people.

He struggled to navigate himself through the crowd properly, but still managed.

The attractions were nothing like those he'd seen in Blackmount before. Some stuff came to mind from books he'd read, but a great majority of things were unfamiliar to him.