Catching the Thief

He dashed through the city's pathways for the next thirty minutes, trying to find the girl.


Absolutely nothing.

For the first time, he realized how terrible his skill set was outside fights. He made do with Tirun and Damjan's abilities for movement and fights, but anything outside those, and he was completely helpless.

His movement techniques were also inadequate since Tirun and Damjan were originally not speed-based Spirits.

If he kept going on like this, he would end up with an unbalanced build that rendered him nearly useless in other situations. He couldn't exactly let that keep going. He needed to fix the lopsidedness quickly.

Getting more Attendants was an option, but he didn't want too many, just in case there was some hidden limit that he didn't know about.

His mind wandered over to other solutions and eventually came upon two.