Entrance Test (Part One)

"I am Melchior E'al Zale. I have come to join the army."

A bit of silence followed his declaration.

Someone in a red cloak and the usual soldier under uniform stared down at him to speak.

"Ride straight ahead till you reach the cross-path before the main building, then take a right till you eventually come upon the edge of the forest. Someone will take and instruct you from there on out."

Then the gates slid open, allowing him to pass and see into the outpost's compound.

Even now, soldiers were still training in front. They stopped as soon as they saw him, but he didn't stop for them. He snapped the reins of the horse even harder, causing it to speed up and speed past them on the path.

Vepas was not there, fortunately for him. He had no doubts that the noble would try to cause some trouble for him for whatever reason.

He made his way to the fork in the road that the sentry spoke of and took the right path as he was instructed.