Entrance Test (Part Three)

Vepas' face had returned to its natural neutral expression. He stared at Melchior for a few seconds with indiscernible thoughts running through his mind, before finally drawing his hand backwards.

Mel let it go awkwardly and returned his hands to his side.

A bit of silence elapsed between the two before Vepas spoke.

"You're better than I'd have expected. About a total of two minutes elapsed, and you were able to accurately block one of my jabs right on time."

Mel nodded, unresponsive to the rest of his words.

Vepas brought his hand up to a fake cough. "Anyway, I'd say there's not much testing we need to do after this, but for formality's sake, I have no choice but to follow the appropriate procedure."

Melchior wondered how shameless the man could get. It was obvious that this wasn't a designated test in any way. He had just wanted to embarrass Mel, but he ended up making a fool of himself in the process.