Entrance Test (Part Four)

The feeling had been hard to grasp initially, but he took a quick glance and got the familiar feeling that he usually felt in pieces of Stactite.

How expensive such an undertaking would be. It wasn't cheap to furnish the whole interior of a room with Stactite, all the way from the walls, to the ceilings to the floor itself.

As expected of the military. It also wasn't for show. Everything that was happening had practical value in the largest sense of it all. It would be useful for absorbing huge amounts of energy without causing any damage to the building.

A marvel if he had to be honest.

The interior of the room itself was full of contraptions that he had never seen before. At all the different corners was new equipment that he was not in the slightest, familiar with.

At the centre in particular was a transparent glass circle that was embedded into the floor. The circle extended up to form a see-through cylinder that rotated on the spot slowly.