Technique Repository

"That's the longest he's ever spoken with anyone." A voice spoke. It was the administrative soldier from before. Mel did as Muller advised and went to find him to lead him to the technique repository.


The man was quite chatty, either eager to finally leave the desk or to curry some favour. Or both. Whatever the case was, it wasn't as if Melchior wasn't benefiting from the interaction. He had learned quite a lot from the soldier who he now knew was called Winn.


Winn was without a doubt an enthusiastic person. So enthusiastic that he told him everything he needed to know without him uttering a single word.


"Oh really?" Mel asked.


The man nodded, "Indeed. He spends most of his time in that office too, but most of the briefings he has with Sir Konnor or Sir Belial usually only last a minute or two. That was about five minutes you spent there. It wasn't very long, but for the Captain, it was a lot of time."