Spirit's Mind Eye

At first glance, it was exactly what it sounded like. But the name completely caught him off guard. When he had heard technique he automatically thought it would be some flowery names that gave off some sort of imposing feeling.

This was far from that. It was blunt and straight to the point. He didn't really know how to feel about that.

He only had a vague idea of what seismic sensing meant, so he looked below the title of the parchment to read the brief summary of the skill.

"Attune the body with spirit energy in a way that allows for sensing of Surface-level waves that travel through the ground. This allows the user to gain an accurate depiction that can go as far as 100 meters away from the body when trained to its highest level."

And that was it.

It allowed him to sense waves through the earth. These waves would allow him to get an accurate depiction of all physical activity that happened next to him from all directions.