Foreboding Mystery

"You have records of Spirit Beasts?" he asked Stein as they walked further to reach the man's house.

A nod came in response.

"Life as a hunter usually requires that of you,"

"You hunted?" Lia asked.

"Aye. Professionally, back in my younger days. Wasn't a very strong one, still not. But if nothing else, I'm crafty. Made it easy for me to punch above my level a little,"

That checked out. Stein also particularly played the part of a hunter really well. He was skeptical, making it difficult to fool him in any way. His ability would also make for impossibly overpowered in forest settings.

"What was your biggest haul?"

Stein reached for his stubble, scratching it a little.

"Elder-rank. Terrible bison-like creature. Could create large craters in the ground with just the stomp of a hoove. We lost ten men before eventually felling the foul creature,"