Waste Of Time

He stared dumbfounded at the words for a few seconds before picking the book up.

It was an old and tattered leather-bound document. Brown stitches ran across the dark spine of the book, barely holding it from falling apart. He held the page to prevent from losing where he'd seen the words.

The leather cover of the book was all black. There were no letters indicating the title or anything else. It was just a plain black covering that oddly seemed to be in better condition than the rest of the book.

An odd occurrence it was to see Tirun's name all of a sudden in a random book that fell out of Klein's shelf. It was too odd a coincidence to just brush aside, even more odd was the fact that the page had fallen precisely on the page that spelt "The Underworld Gate" in bold letters.

His brows furrowed up into a frown as he stared at the book longer. At this point, there was no hiding his interest in the book, so he just directly turned to Stein.