The Black Book

"You didn't discover anything?"


"Nothing at all?"


The remaining soldiers were as perplexed as he and Lia were at first. 

"We did find something about a similar beast that resides mainly in the Khetor Kingdom, but its physical description doesn't wholly match the beast that Lia saw, so we're not sure where it stands yet."

Silence passed through the small table they sat at. They had temporarily convened back at the inn at Melchior's instruction.

It was only midday, so there were still several more hours till night struck and they had to be on full alert.

"We're going to keep patrolling as usual. Anyone who discovers something ought to alert the rest of the group, and think carefully before making any actions that can backfire."

The last part was a clear-cut message aimed at Lia. And the girl knew it, she made a small harrumph and got up from the table first.