Flame Of Ilyor

Then the world before him exploded.

The golden runes that shot out of the book's pages wholly surrounded him, rapidly rotating around his floating body.

Suddenly, they all dove headfirst into his skin.

A burning sensation spread out across his entire body as the runes invaded. It went up his spine, then down the rest of his body like a slithering snake of some sort. 

The brand glowed even brighter at that, and then Melchior's body seized up as a huge amount of energy passed through his body. The energy surge was so large that he couldn't move or even think. No thoughts passed through his mind but the cacophony of the world.

However, whether by luck or by expertise, the energy began circulating throughout his entire body slowly as the Fallen Angel Circulation technique activated.

And for the second time since he'd first arrived in this new world, the boy tapped into the state of Harmony.