The Last Priest

As he processed the information in front of him once more, everything returned to him. The words disappeared while he had been reading them, but he remembered precisely everything he'd seen.

For a brief moment, they almost disappeared, and that scared him.

He had a strange feeling that whatever force that caused the words to disappear was trying to tamper with his memories, too. It felt like a large hand trying to pick out his memories.

And that scared him quite dearly. The fact that it was very possible that someone or something could thoroughly affect his memories like that.

It was only after he'd read the new titles that everything came back to him.

However… even that fate wasn't as kind as he'd like to imagine it was.

"The Temple of Ja'a Vaan will rise again" were the same words he'd heard when he died on Earth. Those were Runo's final words as he and his brother fell into world-shattering combat.