The Captain's Worry

"What do you mean he's missing?" Muller growled slightly.

The Illusion World, which was normally stable, now crackled and distorted under the weight of his influence.

His little ship rocked back and forth on the tumultuous waves of the vast ocean and the sky took on a dark colour.

He started at the opposite side of the boat at the little clerk soldier who was practically struggling to stand properly.

Muller calmed himself, and the Illusion World settled down in response.

It was unseemingly for someone of his strength and status to behave like this.

"Explain everything from the beginning,"

"We received the report just now from the group," the soldier continued, "They discovered the cause of the disappearances in Cresthill, and squire Melchior had managed to take it out."

"Then what? How did he go missing?"