Basic Spatial Displacement Device

"Where in the fuck am I?"

There was no one to answer that question for him. Wherever the assassin had taken him to was obviously not very close to Cresthill.

Most of Melchior's knowledge of Centuros was limited to the Black Mountain Region. He had no idea of most of what went on outside the region.

He looked at the dead body in front of him once more. Perhaps it'd have done him good to ask where he was teleported to before killing the poor sap. But now it was too late for that.

"There could be something on his body that can help me figure it out,"

It was rather bloody.

He stepped around the pool of blood, then reached for the man's body. At that point, it was rather impossible to avoid the blood, but luckily, he wore gloves.


[Status Window

[Name: Jov of Tamula Kingdom]

Race: Human | Spirit Bond: Bird King (Common Spirit)

Layer: Second



Spirit Lvl 2

Physique Lvl 2