
Melchior nodded. "That's correct, sir."

He first narrated everything that had happened up to Jov, grabbed him and transported the both of them to the Dead Strip. To that, he received a nod.

"Checks out with the reports that the rest of your team gave us," Muller grunted. "What next?"

"I appeared in this foreign grassland with nothing in sight. Not a single human, beast, nothing but the swaying grass around,"

"The Dead Strip," the captain muttered.

"You're aware of it, sir?"

"Of course. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone as high up as me who wasn't aware of the Strip,"

Melchior nodded. That was curious. Was there perhaps something more to the Strip? That would be pretty believable considering all the mystery around the strip. However, those thoughts and pondering could be ignored for now.