
"You're done?" a voice called out.

Melchior nodded. It was Valery. She was standing alone outside the military base, presumably waiting for him.

"Where's Sylvester and Miss Halia?" He asked, looking around for the carriage that had brought them here.

"Gone. Sylvester had to attend to something, so he couldn't wait for you, unfortunately. However, he asked me to guide you around the city in the meantime. Is that okay with you?"

He was going to do that, anyway. It was better and more convenient with someone who was actually familiar with the way around the place.


"Lead the way,"

Valery proceeded, walking him through the large city very quickly. It was busy yet organized enough that they didn't unnecessarily bump into things.

He couldn't help but stare at everything like an excited tourist in a new country.

And essentially, it was what he was.

"It's so different, yet so similar to the Black Mountain Region," he muttered.