The Storm

"The War Maiden's companion?" the man asked again, still staring, "I don't seem to recognize him from anywhere, around. He's not from the city, is he?"

Valery shook her head, then answered for him.

"Melchior here is a soldier like you, but he comes from the Black Mountain Region which is just after ours. He happened to find himself in the Sands by chance, however. House Parth will be hosting him for the time being,"

The greasy haired soldier turned towards him and bowed slightly as well. It wasn't as low as the one he'd given Valery, but it was still pretty low.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you find yourself comfortable in our lands,"

"I do. It's been quite pleasant so far,"

The other man nodded.

"You're a soldier? If you're miss Watcher's companion, I presume that you're at the Knight rank like myself."

"Nope. Squire." Melchior said, walking forward to the inside of the circular ring.