Sending A Warning

"Who could have done it?" Helanon asked finally, as she stared at the scene in front of her. She'd been standing in the room for more than five minutes already, not moving a single inch, yet she still couldn't believe what she was looking at.

The first guard shook his head. "We're not aware ma'am, we met the body here when we came to check up on him."

'Useless bunch,'

It took everything in her not to burst out in anger right now.

Here her most trusted servant was; decapitated and lying in a pool of his own blood. His head at the centre of the room like it was some sort of trophy… or warning.

"Might I propose it was the guard beast, mis-" a voice suggested from behind her.

"No." she snapped, "This was a sword wound. Not to mention the spirit would know better than to touch one of mine."

'And it would be far more brutal had Kedron been the one to do it.'