Nests and Dungeons

'Are they heading out?' Melchior couldn't help but think initially.

However, he quickly tossed those thoughts aside and hastened a little to meet Sylvester. The other youth was dressed a little differently compared to before. Instead of the white shirt and dark pants combo from before, he wore a flowing but compact set of sandy-brown robes.

The robes looked particularly similar to the ones he saw the soldiers at the outpost wear.

It was coupled with a long wooden staff that had replaced Sylvester's cane. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were off to battle," Mel said, noting the unusual getup.

Sylvester laughed, taking a quick glance at his body.

"Well, you're not far off from the truth."


The blind youth pointed to the back where a group of similarly dressed figures stood, waiting for him to come back.