The Beginning of a Nightmare

Evening occurs, Clock ticks at 5pm. Master Ryou goes to attend his usual meeting with his team, he makes sure to attend his meeting quite early for a reason.

"Here, take the bags and the documents, and you can go home from the car, Aimi."


"I know, I'll come home a little late today. It's my girlfriend's birthday today, I must give her a surprise." Ryou smiles.

"Okay, young Master. Have fun, and be safe." Aimi says.

[Ryou's Perspective]

Her smile looked quite fake, this is a bit concerning, is she worried that I'm not taking a personal assistant everywhere? Are there any rules while going out anywhere without a maid? I'm not built for it ...*sighs*

"M-master.." Aimi tries to speak

"It would be helpful for me to make sure you recieve your evening food and dinner at the right time, if you allow me to go there with yourself." Aimi says in fast voice, as if she knows she will get rejected.

"Uhh, sure. But my girlfriend knew me ever since I was an average kid, so it will be quite weird, if she sees me different, with a maid surrounding and serving me like a kid, haha so I don't think-" Ryou tries to reason

"Fine, master." Aimi says in a broken voice, as if she was in peak of her jealousy.

"No, you're coming." Ryou says

Hearing these words, the maid was surprised. She thought her master was afraid of showing this master side of his to others in public so easily, but here he is, accepting to go with his maid everywhere.

[Ryou's Perspective]

This is jackpot! I can actually make her go with me. This way, we can finally interact and actually be friends. This will be the time she becomes a friend of mine and no longer a maid! then:

[Ryou's Perspective]

"But you're coming without the clothes." I try to make sense with this, as I want her to look normal.

"...master..." Aimi blushes.

"Dummy I meant without the maid clothes, come in something normal." I say with a strict voice, inside I was embarassed but I had to hide it in public.

*Moments pass, we reach our house and Aimi tries on different clothes, I regret telling her to come with me, when she is even asking me what to wear and what not to.*

*Sighs*...Being a master is just as hard as a maid.

"Master, are you alright?" Aimi asks worriedly


"you look SO BEAUTIFUL~" I scream in shyness, I already thought this maid was beautiful, and now seeing her in a clean white golden dress in a contrast to her black wavy hair? It surely would make any man cry out of

pure satisfaction. I wonder who raised her.

Soon the clock ticks 7pm, everything went so smooth we didn't realise time was already going so fast, in midst of the birthday party:

"So, Miko, here's your gift!" I gifted miko a 3000$ Jewellery, not to flex my wealth, but I rather made sure I only spent the money I earned myself, and not to use my father's money he left for me after his death.

"You- never had to-" Miko hugs me and cries out of happiness, it's as if she was proud of how successful I've become and how more my path holds ahead, as if she never regretted staying with me, and choosing me as her life partner.

"I still remember the days of-" Miko tries recalling.

"Yes, Miko, I brought the good old rose as well." I laugh knowing it's what she likes aswell.

"YOU'RE THE BEST HUSBAND OF THE WORLD!" Miko shouts in happiness and joy.

"~Husband? Haha! Sure! Mr. Hubby I am then!" I join in with her joy.

In the midst of the happyness and our lovey-dovey everyone seemed to enjoy it, however, I saw past a two glowing eyed figure, long hair walking hurriedly towards the gate, carring a very familiar looking bag. I didn't pay much attention to it, I rather countinued to enjoy Miko's day.

[Aimi's Perspective]

".. master" Aimi says with her eyes looking down. She speaks to as if to nobody, but rather air.

..master, why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?

[Ryou's Perspective]

*Time had passed, it was now 9pm. I remember my good maid's words and made sure to come home quite early.*

"Ahah, Mr. Driver. So then, has my maid already went? I couldn't find her in the party?"

I wondered why she left in the middle of the party, infact, I'm quite worried. I forgot as if she was there. Though I knew that is supposed to be her job as a maid, I still didn't want her to feel as a maid over there. I failed.

"Aimi, you say? I dont know, master Ryou." Driver says.

"Hmm... Did you see her anywhere? It's quite obvious if she isn't here she must be at home." I reason.

"Master Ryou, I don't think she went home. I'm your faithful driver, and I always drive my good Master and his maids to home, nobody else does it other than me. So, Aimi should have come to here to go home." Mr driver tells.

"Hmm, it is true. Well then, I'll see to it." I say with a confident voice, I know she is at home.

Coming to my house, I rush towards the gate, ignoring the giant hall, I go to my room, ask all the maids where is Aimi, none of them are successful at telling where she was. Mr driver was right, Aimi isn't present here. Neither at my girlfriend's place. Where was she?

"Damn, I never thought maids could get lost." I wondered.

"Surely master, it is not our etiquette to go without Master's Permission." Another maid, Rosa, tells.

"Is there anything I can do for you for today Master?" Says Rosa.

"No thanks, I'll be fine." I'm not fine at all.

Rosa doesn't listen, instead, she kneels down infront of me.

"Dear Master.... Im extremely sorry for something out of context to be said here but-"

"Hey hey hey hey hey HEY WHAT-" I panick

"Master, my mother is extremely sick, our pays are not increased ever since an year, please, save my mother master." Rosa, says in the verge of her tears.

"Wait, that's all? Define your salary." I tell in a commanding voice, I must never let a maid down like this, I pick her up and willingly increase her salary to her liking, with a determined face. I love to be kind.

"Anything that my master desire." Rosa says in a broken voice.

"50% salary increament to all maids and drivers. Should sound good right?" I try to increase their salaries like an office employee.

Rosa brightens up to these words and thanks master.

"Master, im indebted to you, I wish to remain in your submission as long as you desire." Rosa says in a soft voice, as if she is trying to return a favour.

" thanks!" I laughingly decline, trying to keep things friendly. Atleast I successfully made one maid my friend. Which is good, for now.

I lay down on my bed, all alone. Wondering where is Aimi, and what is she doing right now. All maids are gone to sleep. It was surely a lie, no groceries are being brought. I think to myself, maybe she's just upset? If so, I'll make up tomorrow. Let's just take a peaceful sleep tonight.

and suddenly, I hear a loud bang. Followed by some screams in a muffled manner. I see the timing, clock ticks at 3am. This is bad....











To be countinued.