
Ryou heard gunshots, and muffled screams. Checking the time, it was 3am. In his mind, he had never thought that first it's the missing of Aimi.... ....and now this?!

[Ryou's Perspective]

I was scared. But as the master, ....or perhaps as a master who had no idea about what's going on in his own house, I was needed to act. So, I decided to get out of my bed, and walk towards the door.

"Shit, my phone's dead." I was worried, I couldn't even call security at this moment.

Before stepping out, for my own safety, I shouted-

"Hey! Everything's alright?"

I heard nothing... ...that's it. I'm stepping out.

Creaking of door.

"Ah, it's...quiet? Hah...what did I expect. Now then, what the hell was that noise?"

I step forward, and forward...time felt super slow, my leg felt light, I was on verge of a fight or flight response. But then, suddenly....


"Master. What happened?"

A gentle, warm, and quiet submissive voice came out. I couldn't recognise the voice. I was still new to this lifestyle, I felt as if it's somebody I know...

"Aimi..? Wait she isn't here.... Rosa..? Is that you?" I panick.


"Then who is it?" I ask in a bold voice. As if I'm pretending to be bold. Inside, deep inside, I'm scared.

I run towards the black abyss, to turn on the lights and reveal this person infront of me. Not so far as I run, I bump into the source of the voice.

"AHHHHH" I scream in horror.


"..." "...Aimi?"

it was Aimi, but if I remember correctly, I bumped into a bag too, it wasn't just a petite girl, but something else too...

"Wait, where were you-.... Nevermind, it's not the right time. Did you hear the screams too? Come inside Aimi, this isn't safe right now." I hurriedly tell her.


"Aimi! Move! What the hell?"

"....answer me Master Ryou... What's the Bargain for life?"

"Did you drug yourself in the party? Not the time to speak nonsense!"

"What would you sacrifice to live...master?"

I ignore her questions, and run towards the light. Suddenly, I'm stopped by a force, I fell down, I think it was a taser gun... I don't know.

Suddenly, the lights lit up, I wake up in my room...

"Probably the worst dream I've ever had...wouldn't say it's a nightmare though-..."

I turn around, I find myself completely normal... Until, I see red drops dripping on my face...from a knife...


"You didn't answer me....dear Master...what's the Bargain of life?"

"Who the hell is this?"

Suddenly I feel my head...I feel it isn't a pillow...not the perverted time, but I knew my head was on a girl's thighs, speaking from experience.

As I look up, I see Aimi, with a knife in her hand, dripping of blood... And possible I start connecting the dots and I suddenly shout...

"HELP-" "MmmhHH AGHHH" my mouth gets muffled, it's by a hand, I'm terrified.

"Not the time to really speak, master. I'd answer my question for you

The bargain for life is, to sacrifice something valuable-" Aimi speaks in a gentle voice.

"Shut up! Free me!" I speak

"You're free to go master... I haven't tied you."

I try to sit up, suddenly, I'm stopped by Aimi's hands.

"Wasn't I free?"

"Yes you are, Master, I never said you aren't but you must free yourself in exchange of a life."

"Does that mean..." I speak in a terrified voice.

"DONT KILL ME. NO. PLEASE. ILL DO WHATEVER YOU SAY." I shout. I realise what's happening, and I'm currently doing what she asked me, Bargaining for my life.

"Oh no, dear Master. Would I ever think of killing you? I'd curse me rather." Aimi speaks in another soothing voice.

"Then...what is it that you want? Money? Property?! Just speak up!" I try bargaining.

"No, master. A maid is at complete mercy of her master. How dare I ask? I'd rather want you, master. See, it costs me alot of lives to be with you and serve you. That, is my salary."

"Wait..." I was horrified ""

Aimi speaks excitedly "yes! Master! I kill! I killed everyone! Rosa, the other maids... And who not?"

"...." moment of silence... "WHAT THE "

"WHOM ARE YOU AFTER NOW?" I try raising my head, I got stopped by her gentle hands...and that knife. But I still tried to ask her.

"Isn't it obvious, good master? A husband and a wife, mmh... I'd hate that. A master shall be of his maid's and use them, not a foreign girl who never knew the needs of our master!"

Aimi hints at somebody she's about to kill with this..

" you don't... Don't..." I figure it out. She's after my girlfriend, Miko. She has killed Rosa today, tomorrow it will be Miko, and one day, it will be me.

"You don't realise my pain. You don't see me as a maid do you master? You think I don't have emotions, you- you don't demand! You don't oppress! How cruel can a master be by sparing his maids and..and especially me?"

Aimi speaks in a broken yet threatening voice.


"No master."


"and I will stab you right here master."

"I-.... FOR EACH LIFE YOU SPARE, I WILL SURRENDER MYSELF TO YOU FOR THE DAY!" There...I finally said the words. That's it.

I bargained. Finally. Will I live now? Will I get to see another day? Will my loved ones be safe? Will this demon at the face of an angel spare me?










"Oh my..." Aimi speaks...thinking of a million possibilities..






To be countinued...