
"....understood?" Edrick asked.

"Roger." Mayuri Replied.

Chapter 8: Traces

Next morning

"Ah...he's still sleeping." Aimi gasps

"Fufu~ Master looks so cute when he's asleep. Especially when he knows his life is in palms of mine."


Aimi feels a chill down her spine and shivers.

"Just by thinking~ I'm so wet~" She was blushing.

"Wakey Wak- Wait. Not today."

Aimi sits beside Ryou

[Aimi's Perspective]

Gosh, I would have never knew Master is so muscular up close. He was in a foreign country, after all. All that smell, of a different location, NEEDS to be replaced.

This is right. This is right.

I begin taking off his shirt, one button at a time.

Dont mess this chance! This is it!


[Ryou's Perspective]

Sfx: lucid dreaming

"God dang...last night went normal. I'm glad that kiss was good enough.. to keep her distanced.. ahh miko I miss you-"

" off... I feel cold." I wondered. What is it?


"... MASTER! IM SORRY!" Aimi gasped in fear.


"Oh wait, that's right." Aimi realised, she still has a hold of him, she can just blackmail, right?

Welp, this was my day from now-onwards. I was now just a play-toy for Aimi. God save me.

"My my~ Master, I know the perverted side of you, this is the service you demanded, last night.~" Aimi spoke with ectasy, as she begun walking towards Ryou and leaning on him, slowly unbuttoning both of themselves.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey what was I demanding last night?" What the hell was I doing last night?

"Master... The honest side of you comes really contrasting when you drink alcohol." Aimi blushes.

"What the hell? WAIT- didn't you-"

"Yes, master, I made you drink alcohol last night, that was, my demand of the contract." Aimi giggled.

"Hold on! It was just for one thing, right?" I questioned if she's taking advantage of this.

"hm... Erotic mangas..."

"Fine fine fine" "go..ahead."

Aimi started blushing, her hair covered her eyes, and she began unbuttoning me.



"That's it?" I wondered, wasn't she going to...

"I needed this for laundry, master."

"Oh, alright, I thought you were going to-"

"Master! You're so straightforward~" Aimi giggled and ran away, she was blushing.

"I bet she will sniff the shirt like the tie too.." I sighed.

I got a notification.

*You have recieved 1: Attachments

"Huh?" I open it.

What I see was terrifying. A man standing close towards my door, he seemed German and looked as if he's half crazy.

I run towards the door, I feel the emptiness of the mansion: that's right, Aimi had asked all the maids to be on a leave.

Sfx: doorbell rapidly

"Hold on goddamn I'm coming"

"Good morning, Ryou Aikawa, am I correct?" Edrick spoke, with a delighted voice.

"And you're the guy who sent me photo of yourself? Creep." I stare at him.

"Lovely youth..." He giggles.

"Huh? OH WAIT IM SORRY" I was naked from above, only thing covering my shame was my pants. And oh, I have had lipsticks marks over me.

"Pardon the intrusion-" Edrick forces his way into my mansion, into the hall.

"You can't just come like that-!"

"Focus on the youth marks, young lad" Edrick laughed.

In Mansion-Kitchen

[Aimi's Perspective]

No no no no no no no- I am sure I had hid the body quite well in the garden. Or wait, was I overwhelmed by winning Ryou- no, master? Where the hell is Rosa's body? That bitch was always a problem, even after death? Where where where where?

"Aimi! Tea for 2!" Ryou shouted from the hall.

"No...3!" Another deep voice came.

"You drink alot of tea!" Ryou was arguing with somebody?

I bring the tea, walking in the same manner, to seduce my dear Master, by what I see next, I'm terrified.

"Like my new ring?" Edrick spoke, looking at Aimi.

It is the same ring that Rosa wore, I can't let this be known.

"Good morning, Master Ryou, and may I know your good-name, sir?" I asked, in a polite manner.

I knew he will tell me he is a detective. If he is wearing a ring, it's already confirmed he is suspecting me or Master Ryou. Since Ryou didn't notice the ring, but I did, he will expect a hint of surprise or even a glance at that ring. Not today, old man.

"I'm a Detective, I catch baaadd people!" Edrick laughed. "Ho ho ho ho!"

I gave him a curious look, like a dumb maid would. "Oooh? Detective, as in, movies?"

"Haha! No! I am from the police, and I'm here to investigate this maiden who was found dead near Ryou's garden!" Edrick laughingly explained. He seemed quite of a convincing man.

It's a lie. I know it. I dug the body and buried it properly. No way he found it lying on the ground.

[Edrick's perspective]

Fall into the trap, little maiden, it's pretty obvious with the love marks and you glancing at the master, it's only you who could have killed. By now you will try to correct me, you will tell me there's no body in the garden. Which is true, I pulled the body OUT of the garden, to make it look like you did it.

"Am...I, wrong?"

"Actually, officer, I have something to tell you!" Ryou raised his voice.

"Hold your horses, lad. Let the beautiful maid speak, can't I enjoy some of that voice too?"

"Master had me busy all night- I am not sure if I was thinking about outside the house except for master-"

"Hey! That's enough! You're just a maid!" Ryou blushed hard.

"Hoho....I see." I knew this maiden is guilty, but with master? Judging by their chemistry, it's obvious she's a mistress, or a very useful maid.

"Meet me at my office at 5pm, Ryou Aikawa. Tell me everything there. If, that is, um, your needs are fulfilled before the time. Hoho!" I tease both of them.

The maiden blushes, but the master is just trying to convince me there's nothing. It looks so normal yet guilty to me.

"Of course I will come."

"If you don't, I'll arrest you tomorrow."

"Haha! What?" Ryou giggled.

"I am not kidding."

I go outside the mansion, bidding them a bye.

"Mayuri, I need reports of whatever they do, spy on them starting from 4pm. To 6pm."

"Roger." Mayuri spoke.

[Ryou's Perspective]

"What time is it...master?" Aimi asked me the time.

"It's 3pm already...why?"

"He wasted so much of our precious time." Aimi hugged me, I felt two things pressing against me.

"Okay okay just don't k-"

"Don't say that, master... I'm quite sensitive today.." Aimi spoke nervously.

"Huh? That word specifically?"

"Yes..." Aimi blushed and hid her face in me.

"Say, master, can I ask you for a favour today?"

"As a part of the contract, ofcourse." I smiled.

Let's actually appreciate Aimi hasn't done anything yet, I will report her to Edrick so it's not a big deal, 5pm, huh... I will do it later too, let's just finish this today.

"I want you to ....ask me to service you this evening~" Aimi spoke, as if she wanted this desperately.

She's sensitive today, must been that week of the month.

"But on 5pm-"

"Ask me for the service in a loud manner... Okay, master?" Aimi spoke, with hope in her eyes.




So it seems, she has a plan aswell...





To be countinued.