
"Break into their terrace, and wiretap them. According to my calculations, knowing the cold-blooded killer Aimi is, she would kill the Master to save herself." Edrick plotted.

"Would surely do." Mayuri agrees.



"Am I audible enough, Detective Edrick?"

"You damn sure are." Edrick had hope.

Chapter 9: Counterattack

Clock struck 5pm, the game begins.

Ryou knew that not calling Aimi for service, would be a breach of contract.

"But who would she even k- wait, not that word." Ryou wondered.

"Ehm ehm....I need to mentally prepare." He cleared his throat.

[Ryou's Perspective]

Am I really supposed to do this? Judging from her past interactions, she surely won't take my first... Nah, what am I even thinking? I'll get her to jail after this, so it's a no-brainer to enjoy the last moments.

After an hour of overthinking-

"Aimi, come to my bedroom." I shouted.

[Aimi's Perspective]

Oh my~ now then, Detective Edrick, I'm sure you'd love to hear a maid being forced upon by her master. You thought it isn't obvious? In the beginning, you suspected both Master and me, which means for safety, there must be your accomplice waiting outside the mansion. And that same accomplice, is wiretapping us, right now.

[Mayuri's Perspective]

"This damn he that horny? You're supposed to meet Edrick!"

"Detective, he's not coming" I whisper to Detective.

"Shh, I know this, I am not in the office either."

Edrick whispered, on the call.

*You have recieved 1: attachments

"Huh? A notification?"

"Goddamn you Edrick, you creep."

He was infront of the house, spying on me, who's spying on the maid.

[Aimi's Perspective]

So this is it, hm? I'm going to be a woman today~

"Evening, master." I bowed down towards master. Who was sitting in his bedroom.

"You know why you're called here." Mastered said, in a bold yet cruel voice.

"I'm afraid I would need you to explain your command, master." It's time.

[Ryou's Perspective]


"First of all, you're not going to leak this to my girlfriend."

"Fufu~" Aimi giggled. "I shall not, Young Master."

"But my my~ Let's take this slow, shall we?" She was teasing me at this point. But hey, I dont want this either, I have a girlfriend dammit!

"I'd like you to finish this before 6p-"

"I'd take my time. Master."

"Though why?"

"You see, you're quite cunning master. You thought you could go away with this."

She opened the notes app on her phone, and showed me a text written. I don't get why she's not willing to say this particular sentence out loud.

The text wrote: "if you go to Edrick's office today, I will kill your girlfriend tomorrow."

"Now then, let's begin. master~"

[Mayuri's Perspective]

"Officer Edrick, EDRICK!"


"They are going down! They are going to-"

"I didn't tell you to focus on their youth, woman!" Edrick scolded.

"Geez.." "hey wait.. they went silent?"

"I- OH MY GOD" Mayuri was blushing.

"What happened? Report!" Edrick was curious.

"The hell detective, it's just a master forcing on his maid. They are kissing. Is this what you suspected the maid on?" Mayuri was in blushes.

[Ryou's Perspective]

Aimi jumped on me, and started pinning me to the bed. However with the weird noise she made, it felt as if SHE was the one being forced.

"Mmmh! No~" she smooched on my lips.

"But why are we kissing for the past 15 minutes- augh-"

"Master, noo~ I'm young~"

"Why the hell are you making it like-"

She submerged me in her body, she was top of me. My voice muffled.

"Mmhh aughhh!" "Atleast give me space to breathe!"

"Master- let's not speak, shall we?"

And it went so on, we were stuck at the foreplay for the next 45 minutes. I'm glad, atleast she's considerate of not taking my virginity.

[Mayuri's Perspective]

Mayuri was in shock. She had heard more than she ever needed in her entire life.

"I'll never forgive you, detective!!!" She was taking off her headphones, which were wiretapping.

"No no no! Mayuri, woman, listen, extend the spying session till 12am!" Edrick insisted.

"And after 12am, I'm going to change departments!" Mayuri scolded Edrick.

[Aimi's Perspective]

We only did smooching, kissing and fondling for 1 hour. It is more than enough for me to go crazy, I can't take it anymore! Why can't I normally just go to the main thing, with my life desire infront of me!

That's right. 7pm has struck.

"Master-" I spoke with a broken voice.

"Haaaah.... Aimi" Master was hard as a rock, he was ready to let it all go, and be one with me.


Believe me, Master, I'm ready too.

But we have some, DISTURBANCE.

"I- I need to shower, I'll come to you, with a better view and then-" I spoke with a shaky voice.

"Take more than 5 minutes and I'll break inside your shower~" Master Ryou teased, it's quite contrasting to see a loyal strong man falling for a maiden. Fufu~

Now then, let's see.

I stared deep into the shower, and

"So they still aren't done." I knew it. For the next 5 hours, it is a test of Master's strength and my will.

I come back from the shower as told, with no clothes, a mere towel that acts as a wall between a hungry master, and a fallen maid.

"So, then, what should we do first?" I speak, with a hungry voice.

[Ryou's Perspective]

Oh my god, is it actually happening?

"Well err.. I don't know, maybe uh" I try avoiding eye contact.

Clock strikes 8pm.

"Aimi, don't you think, you take alot- ahh-.. damn.. you take- alot of time ahh!" Aimi was kneeling, and things were happening.

I was being drained dry, by this demon who was hungry of me for ages.

[Mayuri's Perspective]

Hours passed, this couple was quite weird.

They first did roleplay, waited half an hour, went to the next step, waited another half an hour. And kept doing this until its 11pm?

"Detective, you're just testing my resistance at this point." I was at the point of collapsing, what have I witnessed for the past hours? Oh god..

"zzzz..." Detective was asleep.

[Aimi's Perspective]

Clock striked 11:59pm.

Thing is, we stopped right at 9pm, and I recorded the audio tape of everything. I kept playing the same thing till 11:30pm. Now, the real game begins~

"Master, let's do it once more."

"Wait- we already have done everything didn't we?" Master was panicking, as he was working on his laptop

"Oh no no no master ~"

I forcibly pin him down.


"Let's not speak.." I start unbuttoning him. And start moving it up and down.

Right at 11:50pm,

"Oh wait. We need to stop, master." I gasped, right as I was about to take his erect member, into me.

"Right...condoms?" Ryou tried guessing.

"To hell to condoms. I'd rather want your child, master."

"I'm going to... Take some medication ~" I teased him.

"Don't tell me youre-" Ryou was terrified.

I went upstairs, to the terrace.

[Mayuri's Perspective]


sfx: snoring

"Wakey wakey~ miss.." a gentle voice came.

I opened my eyes a bit.. I saw a woman who was...half-naked? Who could it be? Oh wait. OH WAIT.


"zzz... HUH?" Edrick woke up to my call.

Aimi spun a knife to her hands and put it right on my throat.

I took out my gun and pointed it towards her.

"Try slitting me and you'll be shot."

"You think so?" Aimi suddenly crouched, in a matter of seconds, I was kicked by a strong force and fell to the ground.

"MAYURIIII!" Edrick shouted from the call, he begun breaking into the mansion.

"Oh we meet again, Edrick." Aimi spoke through the call.

"Mayuri has two options, either get killed right here. Or make a contact with me."


"I'll prefer to live. To see you another day, Edrick." Mayuri spoke in a low voice, of desperation.

"What's the deal, then?"

"Oh, my~ nothing. Just give me a pint of your blood, and rub it in my cloth. And take this apple, and eat all of it infront of me. Simple, right?" Aimi proposed a deal. A no-brainer.

"I don't have a choice then.. you will be arrested anyways."

I did as she said.

[Aimi's Perspective]

"AIMI! I HAVE CAUGHT YOU-" Edrick panted.

"Not any longer~" I giggled.

The day re-winded.


That's right. Since I didn't kill anyone today, the day repeated itself. Just like that day, when my parents were killed.

My life then became a loop, if I loved somebody, I had to kill a person each day to pass another day.

"Oh my, I still have the pint of blood on me." I licked the blood, and then spit it out. "This isn't Master's blood, though.

My plan worked. If Mayuri's blood remained on me, even after the day rewinded. That posionous apple will also remain in her stomach, slowly killing her in the next 24 hours.

The day went as normal, I took masters shirt, did the laundry, Edrick came again.

[Edrick's Perspective]

"From 4pm to 6pm, spy on them, Mayuri."

"Roger that." Mayuri spoke.

"You like apples?"

"Huh, this? I don't remember how it came here, it's tasty though. wanna have some?" She offered. While munching on this suspicious apple.

"Nein, danke." (No, thanks)

[Aimi's Perspective]

After that, 11:50 came, once again.

[Mayuri's Perspective]

"Detective, let's abort this... I'm not feeling.."

"No no, woman, we have extended this to 12am, remember?" Edrick insisted.

"I..." I didn't feel so good, I felt like collapsing.

Sfx: Falling on the floor.

"Mayuri? MAYURI!"

[Aimi's Perspective]

"Master! Ahh! Don't stop! Go for it! Ahh! Harder!" I was bouncing on top of master. This was my day.

[Ryou's Perspective]


I can't think of anything! Right infront of me, is my maid, this demon, who's consuming every bits of me! I can't think straight. I'm have lost myself.

[Edrick's Perspective]


"Master! Ahh! Don't stop!" Aimi moaned.

I was running into the mansion, running and running, to save Mayuri.




While Aimi and Ryou danced on to of each other, in the game of love, Edrick ran for his life, to save his accomplice, Mayuri.

"Mayuri... I WILL SAVE YOU!!!!"