Master's life

Infront of the corridor, stood a man, eye so dead, holding a dead woman.

"I will, take revenge. Whoever, the killer, even God." The man took vow.

"Behind me is the little I own, you reek of pathetic-ness, therefore don't dare move a muscle on Ryou." Another gentle voice came, an angel guarding me.

Chapter 10: Master's Life



[Ryou's Perspective]

That giant pillow was suffocating me, two huge plushies were filling me.

"Augh-" *sniff*

"nnh~" I heard a gentle moan.


"mmh?" Aimi moaned. I woke up where, Aimi was beside me, in her maid uniform, cuddling me tight and suffocating me.


"I needed rest~"


"Last night~ I'm sorry master, I'm not used to it~" Aimi blushed and giggled.

"Oh, nevermind." I dug my face in myself.

Looking at the day, it's Tuesday, I gotta attend college.

"You know, if you stop cuddling and purposefully fill me with your chest, I wouldn't be late for college-"

"OH MY~ HOW DARE I?!" Aimi was embarassed. Master's break is over! He needs to go back to college!

I rushed to the washroom, had bits of breakfast.

"Master! You can't leave without eating your entire breakfast!" Aimi scolded me, like a maid would.

"You see, I have A LATE CLASS TO ATTEND!"


she shoved bread in my mouth, and forced me to eat it all.

"You're nasty!"

"Only for you~ fufu" she giggled.

Ah, fresh day, I don't remember much about what happened last night. If I remember, I'm still in the palms of a maid.

As I was about to head to the car, a hand stopped me.

"Master-" Aimi spoke, her front hairs covered her eyes. It's as if she was embarassed.


"I can't stay- I CANT STAY WITHOUT YOU FOR 5 HOURS!" she said in a fast pace, nervously shaking.

"I thought maids have studies too-"

"That's stupid. Why would I need study if my master can just teach me everything?" She teased.

"Ugh..." I realised maids actually just study books of the previous years of their master. No wonder she was excellent in studies.

"Are you gonna stalk- I mean walk me through college too?"

"Obviously, mhm!" Aimi was excited.

Well, can't help it.

In the car.

"Haha! Aimi is just like my daughter, the same age and everything. Our old master always tutored Aimi, he was so strict!"

Mr driver recalled memories, when I was in a different country.

"Hey! Uncle, you don't need to disclose everything-" Aimi was embarassed.

"Tell me more."

"She was excellent in her studies, ah, she tutored my daughter too! It's because of her my daughter got a privileged high school! And due to our great old master too, of course."

He countinued.

"Infact, if I recall, Aimi is a good artist. Come to think of it, there was err.. this one boy she always drew!" He tried re-calling the boy.

"Hey hey! That's enough!" Aimi blushed.

"Who was it she drew?" I asked, my tone was mistakenly a bit posessive. I hesitated after it.

"Mmm" she hid her face in her hands, I think she got excited by how I was being posessive of her.

"Well...if master demands..."

"I didn't demand anything?!"

Aimi leaned on me.

"Hey! We are on a backseat!" I whispered.

"I always drew..."


"You, master." She drew me, for 3 years straight.

"Uhh" I was in blushes.

We reach our college gate.

"This is pretty big. I need scholarships or prodigy or something like that." Aimi sounded dedicated.

"Why would you need that?" I wondered.

"Only then I can be in the same year as my master right?" Her eyes glowed.

"Huh what?" I laughed.

"So that no other female could even stare you. Hell, I would actively massacre the entire college feminine population. There must be gay people too, my master isn't safe from boys or girls either."

"... Oh my god." I was in shocks, well, she is a posessive maid. I am still in contract.

Suddenly, a great force slapped my back from behind.

"HEYYYY FELLA!" It was Yuuki, my old high school friend, who's in the same college.

"Well then, Master Ryou, I shall be get going now, haha!" Mr Driver greeted Yuuki and drove away.

"Hey Yuuki! Long time no see!" He was cheerful.

"Who's this? Never knew you're having a hot side chick~" Yuuki teased me, he knew I have miko.

"I am his gir-" Aimi tried saying something.

"MAID! MAID. She is my maid. Yeah, maid." I interrupted her.

"Haha! O-okay~ hey maid-san, if you ever needed a guy, call me up!" Yuuki tried flirting.

"in your dreams." Aimi gave him a cold-death stare.

"Jeez, she is still so cuuuteee!!" Yuuki was giggling.

"Well, haha! We should head back now, Miko must be waiting!" We are already late for class, anyways.

Yuuki went forward, I was stepping in but got stopped.


"Huh? Aimi?"

"Return here, exactly after 4 hours." She looked up on me, as if she was desperate, or she was about to cry.

"But it's 5 hours-"

"Or else, our contract will be broken." She warned me, her eyes still looked of hope and submission.

"Ah, okay okay okay!" I was trying to calm the mood.

Sooner, I went forward the building, I looked back, she was still there. I went further more, she was still there. Well, being a maid is kinda hard.

Inside the class, we study different topics. I present my presentation, which was due of 2 months.

"Uwaaaaa! Ryou-kun is still smart as ever!" Miko blushed.

I couldn't smile at what she said, I got flashbacks of what Aimi had done to me. I'm in no position to ever deserve a girl like Miko.

"Haha, thanks.."

"What happened? Where's my cheerful Ryou?" She was concerned.

"Well... To tell you the truth-" I was about to lie and tell her it's of my father.

"I know"

Miko hugged me hard.

I realised, lying isn't the option. It's best to just let her know the piece of shit I am.

"Ryou is still my favourite! No matter if he's sad, or happy, rude or cheerful, I don't care!"

She was flirtatious as ever.

Bell rung of 4th hour. Ah yes, I should be returning now.

"Well, thanks for helping me today, Yuuki. I'll be getting off now."

"Aha! Count on me fella! You got a company to handle too eh? I understand you bunking in just 4th hour." He tried reasoning on my behalf, considerate of him.

"Wait! Ryou, I'll come with you." Miko grabbed my arm.

I pat her head "ofcourse!"

In the campus, we walk together. Lovey - Dovey as ever.

"So, Ryou, when are we marrying?"

"Wha? So sudden!" I was blushing hard. To think of it, I did promise Miko we will marry in next few years.

"Well... Umm... keep my ring as the sign of my promise to marry you!" I took of my ring, and gave it to miko. A college-campus engagement!

"oh my~" Miko was bright as a tomato.

[Aimi's Perspective]

Miko, huh? Master...master master master master! No no no no no! What does she have that I don't?

"Uh..hey!" I tried waving to master, hoping he would notice me.

"Haha! You're right..miko!" Him and that girl were just submerged into each other. Infront of me.

"...." I was ignored.

So be it, then. Try stealing master, and you will pay the price.

"Oh...hey! Aimi, right?" Miko noticed me.

"Huh- Oh! Good afternoon, dear lady." I bowed to that stealer of my master. As I was taught to.

"Fufu~" Miko took my shoulders, and hugged me.

"You know, we can be friends, no maid-role infront of me!" Miko tried be-friending me.

"Aha! So communication is the key, right? I could have told Aimi to just be my friend too!" Master giggled.

"You would never understand how to talk to a girl, hmph!" Miko seemed proud of be-friending me, as if I was a stray cat.

So this is what I'm dealing with. I wouldn't need more than a week to make sure you exist around my dear Ryou. Take that as a word of mine.

"So, Aimi, say, is he an introvert in the mansion too?"

"Miko! Don't ask stuff like that!"

I couldn't hear what they were saying, inside my head, I was boiling.

No no no no no, get away get away get away!

My heart felt pierced. How dare this witch take away my love?



Inside Edrick's office

"Mayuri, age between 18 to 25, female, death by...posionous apple?" Harold doubted.

"That is correct." Edrick spoke.

"So, miss, would you tell me, if you're daughter was a fruit-eating enthusiast?" Edrick questioned.

[Edrick's Perspective]


That's right, I would face backlash from now onwards. This is a part of my job.

"Ma'am, I'm very sorry for your loss. However, you're cooperation is needed."

"You damn killer! May you die the same!"


"Hagh! She always bought fruits from this vendor. Here's the sample." The mom showed me the apple, with a teary face.

I examined it, on a scale of redness, it was of 75%.

"Harold, pass me the footage where I showed Aimi, Rosa's Ring to frighten her."


In the clip, on the table I saw an apple.

"This apple, it isn't a 75% red one. It is more redder."

"But sir, we need to include the display quality-"

"We will have to make a bet." I will bet my life on this case. If that's what it takes.

Comparing the two apples, they are different.

"Mayuri didn't buy the apple she ate to be poisoned." I concluded.

"It was, from that mansion."

"Just what are you thinking, Edrick?" Harold questioned my sanity.

Truth is,

I'm no longer sane.

"...I have a plan."

In the mansion

sfx: thud, BANG!

"HEY!" Ryou Gasped.

"Master, relax!" Aimi said calmly, while unzipping Ryou's pants.

"Not when you're unzipping my-"

"Oh my~ so big, and so powerful..." Aimi was blushed, she was hypnotised by the air of tension between us. She started moving it up and down.

"Mayuri! Ugh, you're too- fast!" Ryou Gasped, seeking breath.

*Banging on the door

while still servicing Master, Aimi asked.

"Who's there?"

"I would like to have a talk, Mr. Ryou Aikawa." Edrick smiled, behind the door.

