Maid's Prisoner

"This day...I've been longing for it!" Aimi laughed hysterically, before going insane with her laughs.

"Ha...ha.hahahah...HAHAHAH..!" She went mad, she was no longer in control of her desires.

Her lust for Ryou only seemed to increase.

"Aimi... We need to..-"

"Shut up, obey me." She laughed maniacally, once again.

Chapter 18: Maid's Prisoner

[Ryou's Perspective]

sfx: dream


"Aimi...! Get down!"

Wait... Who's voice is this..?

"What a nice maiden...hahah"

Who's speaking this?

"Her body, atleast 10 grands eh?"


"No...I have seen this... For 8 times!" A frail young voice protested.

"Shut up young girl..." The men held her arms.

I was seeing it unfold, I shouted

"Hey! I'm reporting you mean to the police."

"A 13 year old kid?" The men laughed.

"Let's sell him to the market too!" Another man added.

They grabbed my arms, and started unzipping me.

"Let's react these two young chemicals together." A man laughed

"You're a sicko lol!" Another pushed me to this young girl

Suddenly, the young girl took up a knife, and


"What the fu..!" The man got stabbed in the stomach.

The girl, was fluid in each of her movements, it's as if she knew what would happen after the other.

"Thanks...for providing the knife." She thanked me.

"'s" I was horrified, I witnessed a middle school massacre first, and now, it's this girl.

She stepped forward.

"Like how my parents were killed, I wish for you to happen the same. So we are similar."

With a blank voice, she indicated she wants us two, to be on the same grounds, so that we have no other but each other for ourselves.


"I'm beginning..!"

She lunged forward, and stabbed-

Sfx: waking up

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I woke up, phew, it was a dream.

"Maid, get me-"

A lady interrupted me, and grabbed my neck. She slammed me right to the bed again, countinuing to stroke me again.

Ah, that's right. Aren't I in the palms of Aimi?

"Shut...the fuff uwp!" She gobbled something, oh wait, it's my thing.

"Ah...stop ..ahh" I moaned, but I didn't like what she was doing.

So many things happened within the last 3-4 days. It's crazy.

My peaceful life, it's gone.

Suddenly, I felt something is releasing.

"Aimi you need to put your head-" I grab her head, and pull myself out of her.


She grabbed me by my neck, and slammed me again!

She didn't speak anything until I released my built up load.

She swallowed it, and looked down at me.

"You're pretty useless without me right now, you know~" She giggled.

"What the hell...did last night happen?"


Aimi slapped on my cheek, as if it irritated her to know anything besides her. My face stinged at her slap.

"Why does it matter? We are starting it all new~"

"To think of stopped calling me..master, ahah.." I tried to loosen the mood.

Wouldn't I be slapped again at this? Well, who cares. I will probably end my life someday if it goes like this.

But suddenly, she grabbed my chin and brought my face closer to her lips.

She interlocked our tongues, her tongue felt invasive yet warm and tasty, as she countinued giving me a kiss.

As she broke the kiss, she gave me a smug look and spoke

"Well, it doesn't matter, toy~"

"I'd think I'd be worth less.." I knew I was in a hopeless situation, and only person to save me would Aimi.

"Bath.. I want to take a bath.." I spoke to her, I thought I'd be slapped at this too.


"Huh ..?" She patted my head, it seems I was at her mercy this time.

"Well, stand"

I tried standing up.

"hya...!" I suddenly fell down, it seems I couldn't stand at my own.

"Well, guess who can't move?~"

"Don't tell me you.."

"The drugs are quite effective.."

Damn, has she paralysed me?


"Ah god.." Aimi sighed, she seemed real angry.

It's my first time seeing her have this many emotions instead of being a well-composed maid.

She ran towards the door, gave me a death stare. It seems she wanted me to stay quiet.

At the door

"Aimi, room. 23, right?" Carla said.

"Yes, aunt, I know it is about the rent, isn't it?"

"Such a good girl!" Carla patted her head

"2 days and you're already calling me Aunt? Haha! Well, you can pay the after a month, ofcourse. But we require security money aswell, you realise, hm?" She added

"Well, Aunt, it is hard for me to work part-time and-"

"AH I know!" Carla laughed.

"About...this run-a-way suspect..Ryou was he named?"

"Ah, Aunty, I am so young and naive. Wasn't I fooled by him too? I don't want any questions with him.." Aimi spoke in a shaking voice, it seemed she was acting her emotions, and hiding something.

"Hm, I understand." Carla went with her work.

At the room

Aimi turned back, and shut the door tight.

[Ryou's Perspective]

From what I noticed, the windows and all open spaces are closed with curtains.

I can't see any signs of light. The room next to the door looks well cleaned and maintained, I'm in the bedroom, and this room seems like an entire different world.

A bed is here, and a suitcase, there's a photo of me she has hung. And there are a few knife empty injections thrown here and there.

There also a knife stained with blood kept at the bed, a broken mirror aswell. It seems she doesn't apply makeup, she still looked really beautiful.

Agh, what am I thinking?

In a glimpse of her suitcase, I saw a few jars. One had some hair, and the other had, the bullet in my ankle.

Wait, I was shot in the ankle.

"Hey! I might be bleeding! Help!"

I don't feel my legs much, I know I can move but I'm too weak right now, it seems she has trapped me with such a situation that I would be required to be dependent on her.

Aimi walked in, this time it wasn't a seducing walk, but a walk of pure dominance.

"What is it?" She asked me, in a cold and ruthless voice.

She saw at my leg, and giggled.

"Ah, must be wondering about the bullet?"

She wore a glove, and injected me with some drug again.

"AGH! STOP!" I tried resisting.


I got slapped again, it was enough for me to be in submission, I guess.

She took a look at my ankle, and replaced the bandage.

I stared at her, she was humming and busy being a nurse.

After changing the bandage, I tried breaking the silence.

"I...heard about the rent. My account must have money, you can-"


She kicked me in the stomach, I flew to the corner of the room.

This time, I tried being bold.

"For what?" I asked.

"Toys don't ask" she said, before caressing my hair.

"I'd like to earn my own money, and sustain both of us." She added.

"I want you to be completely dependent on me, this way, you would die in the wild ~" she giggled.

After some while of countinously using me, she grabbed the collar of my shirt, and lifted my head.

"Show me.. how you would satisfy me, if you want a bath mhm~" she giggled.

"No." I was pretty straight, expecting a slap at this point.

Eh, just let me live through this, I'll tell you what happens later.

In the bath

And so, I was in the bath.

I was still pretty weak, Aimi took of my clothes and laid me to the bath tub.

"So, you didn't expect a bathtub in a rented place did you?" She giggled, expecting me to be impressed.

Why does she think I'll gasp, when she has beaten me and saved me last night.

"I'm not used to bathtubs in the first place"

"Well didn't you go to the foreign for 3 years~"

So she thinks going to foreign equals to rich.

"that doesn't entitle me to be always using bathtubs"

"Well well, look who's demanding~" she looked at the floor, while applying soap on me, and through her eyes she pierced her stare on my thing.

"Don't look so much." I was embarassed.

"AGH!" She pinched on my earlobe, making it almost bleed with her nails.

"Toys don't speak~" She hummed.

And so, she started scrubbing me, occasionally stroking my thing some time, using me as a toy which she is cleaning for her next use.

"I don't have anything more than a shirt and pant for now."

"I am not expecting much"

"I was a maid, I'm quite used to live in poverty, don't know about somebody who's been rich throughout their lives."

"I did tell you I can send money-"


She slapped me again, it stings.

"Toys don't argue~" Her 'toy' vocabulary was really getting on my nerve.

"I'm not against the idea of" She looked down and fondles her own fingers with each other.


"I should make you be all nude for one day sometime.." she hummed within herself, I pretended not to listen.

I got in fresh clothes

"Where's the comb?" I looked at the broken mirror, trying to atleast comb my hair.

My eyes looked just fine, my face had red marks of her fingers on me.

My ankle had a bandage well-done, and my neck looked bruised.

I looked like a prisoner.

I tried flexing my biceps infront of the mirror, seeing if I lost any muscle or no, atleast, my body is what I have even after everything I have lost.

"....oh my.." Aimi spoke from behind.

"Didn't expect you to blush" I spoke with a blank face.

"Well well, I never knew you were such a packed-" She seemed impressed.

"Lies, I always looked like this."

"And I don't want you to look like this anymore.." She spoke in a cold, demanding voice.


"You see, you might get stolen, if someone else sees my toy as attractive. I am in love with the idea of you, and you solely. And so, your looks don't matter to me anyways, fufu~"

So, she meant for me to lose my muscles, and become a piece of living meat. Just so nobody finds me attractive, which would give her the monopoly over me.

Yeah, she's still wicked.

She grabbed onto my hair, and pull me closer to her chest.

"gaugh-" I suffocated.

She tried stuffing me between her chest, before she ran her fingers through my wet hair.

She leaned over me, and sat on my thighs, facing me.

"I'll comb your hair this way, if you get hard, I'll give you punishment ~"

She started combing my hair, pressing her chest and thighs onto me constantly, it seemed she WANTED me to get hard.

And, so did my male body react.

"Oh wow~"

Oh god..

After finishing off with my hair, she leaned me fully, making me lay down.

She muffled my voice with her chest, and took out my thing, and began her torture.

"AIMI...! STOP! YOURE BEING TOO ROUGH!" I muffle from where I was.

She doesn't listen to me, she keeps stroking it as rough as she possibly could, infact, she was huffing at this point too, her hand must've gotten sore.

For me, it hurts. It hurted everywhere.

After 15 minutes of pure torture, she spoke a few words.

"Our life.. will now remain like this. I'm so glad~"

She added another note to it.

"If you're a good boy, we will see the sun tomorrow, at the terrace~" she giggled.

At another flat of the same building.

"Ah well, sure! If this gets me a raise, I'll do anything" Aiko spoke, with a cheerful voice.

"At the terrace, you want to meet? Weird place, but okay, sir!"

Aiko spoke with this man, who was it?

At the room

"So...terrace date with me and my toy~, for the others, I'll have to find an excuse for this young man I have here...fufu~" Aimi giggled.








To be countinued.