Toys and Terrace

While biting hard on Ryou's lips, while the tongues are intermixing with each other, as Aimi countinued to stroke Ryou's erect member, she giggled.

"My...toy.. want to go out, hm?"

"Not afraid, ahh... I'll probably...esca-?-..AHH Aimi you're too rough..!" Ryou gasped from the little un-muffled voice he had with him, while Aimi countinued to enjoy every bit of his body.

"...I will train you to be.. a loyal pet to me... Fufu~" She mumbled, in a low voice.


Maybe Aimi got too excited...

Chapter 19: Toys and Terrace

Welcome to my life, I am Aiko Yamamoto. Probably, a bachelor. But probably, because I like this girl next door. ~


"Shut the hell young man..." Carla, who happens to be walking by, shushed Aiko.

"Okay, landlord!" Aiko out his hands together and apologised.

"Well, everyday, is a fun day! I have this crush I look forward to, every morning!" He cheered.

It was evening.

As he went to the terrace, he bumped into a girl.

"AGH! IM SORRY!" He apologized pretty quick, seeing his lack of feminine interaction, she spoke.

"No problem." And left by.

He looked back at her, and she was sanitizing her shoulder, where she was bumped at.

"Yup, that's my crush!" He countinued to walk at the terrace.

At the terrace

"Here's the evidences."

"How can I trust you? Weren't you the crazy detective criminal's accomplice?" Aiko didn't trust this man.

Suddenly, the man pulled out his previous ID card.


AGE: 25



"....woah..woah! But still, this isn't in use anymore."

"I was proven innocent, infact, I have the eye-witness of who destroyed the far-hill police station." Harold spoke, with confidence.

While looking through the papers, Aiko's eyes widened.

"Ai-....Aimi?!" He was terrified.

"Yes, the runaway criminal Ryou isn't actually guilty at all...! It's his Maid, late Edrick told me the same, when he was alive." Harold sighed.

"B-ut..." He was about to reveal that Aimi is his neighbour, and most importantly, his crush.

"No buts here, okay? I want you to just keep an eye for her. If any more murder happens, or if you know of any deaths caused by any mysterious circumstances, report me." Harold was confident. It was to avenge, Edrick.

"Okay, got it."

Harold went through the exit, and went somewhere else.

While Aiko was disappointed...

"We all know it's the runaway criminal, that rich businessman, Ryou Aikawa, isn't it?" He talked to himself, trying to justify his innocent looking-lady is very innocent.

"OH" He suddenly hid through the wall.

Sfx: girl walking through the stairs.

*Step, step, step

Aimi walked upwards to her room.

Aiko blushed upon seeing her.

"She's...carrying sex toys... To her room?!"

He hid his face with his hands, and kept quite.

He heard Aimi's hums.

"I'll surely ravage him today..~ na na na~" she hummed and singed cheerfully, in a careful low voice.

"Huh? She has a crush too? It must be some Japanese idol! No wonder such a beautiful girl, I bet she's auditioning for being an idol!" Aiko had an idol fetish, it seems.

In Aimi's room

"la la la la...~" Aimi came in singing, and banged the door, as she entered.

She casually sipped a cup of tea, in her clean and well mannered room.

It seems she was in a rush, she burnt her lips while drinking the tea.

"umh..!" She panicked.

Her hand control over the tea trembled, and the tea fell over her chest, deep till her neckline.

"It seems I'm very impatient...~" She laughed at her mistake, and went on to what she was waiting for.

She picked up her bag, and took a high voice~

"My toyyy....~"

She opened a dark, shady room.

Inside, her "Special" room

[Ryou's Perspective]

As always, today I'm trapped here.

I looked at the broken mirror, and asked myself.

"So look at yourself, well-combed and all, and still, tied by hands." I laughed at myself.

I traced my hands along the scar Aimi passed onto me.

I traced my eyes along my eyebags,

"Eyebags, eh...?"

Ah yes, I have a lack of sleep. I was forced onto by Aimi for hours, isn't it? I haven't slept so long.

I fell from my chair, hitting my head.

"Maybe.. a little sleep wouldn't be bad." I couldn't feel the hit on my head, that's how bad I needed a quick nap.

Suddenly, it was her voice again.

A gentle, frail, and friendly composed voice.

When you look at her, you would see one of the most beautiful maid, ah wait, most beautiful girl of your life. Truly attractive.

But the inside, she a devil.

"... Mm?" She looked at me, as I was closing my eyes a bit, laying on the floor.

"I did clean the floor, but still, it isn't really clean. Know?" She said, in a friendly voice.


She kicked my head like a football, shaking my into wakey-ness again. I was once again awake and fully-aware of everything.

As I turned back at her, she picked my head and stared deep into my eyes.

With a cruel, cold and a harsh voice, she spoke.

"You're dirty, because of the floor, hm?" As she picked me and laid me down to the bed.

She then proceeded to shut the door.

She turned back, and smiled.

"So, I have brought something ~"

I saw a bag filled with...plastic? It seems of a weird shape.

"I need to cleanse you, right now." She looked down on me.

She took off her socks, and then put her bare foot onto my face.

"...disgusting.." I couldn't help but feel disgusted by what she's doing. Her feet smells nice though.

She crouched on me, showcasing her flexibility, and raised her hand.

Somehow, my hands got up in defense.


Wait, my body isn't being me. I got submissive, without even wanting to do so?

She smiled at this. "Good..boy.." and countinued to rub her feet over my face.

She pulled down on her neckline, popping up her chest over.

"Mmh, you'd like the view. You better do." She blushed at her own words, she was still in a cold mood. As if, she was doing this for her own pleasure.

Seeing her chest, like any normal male would, I got hard. She felt it.

"Well...mhm, we have got something here, do we~" She indicated at something.

At first, I didn't get it.

But then, my eyes were horrified by what they saw.

It was a leash.

What is she doing?

"You have 2 choices.. either get your 'thing' abused by me, or just be humiliated~" she made it seem any of the two choices would be better.

Obviously, I had no choice. I remained silent.

"Speak." She said coldly, while wrapping my neck around with the leash.

She pulled up on it.

"AUGH!" My neck chocked onto it. This was hell.

" chest, with your tongue...mmf" she indicated at her bare chest.

It seems it was... Stained with, tea?

I had no other options, I begun doing as she said.

While doing so, she started moaning on each of my licks.

"AHN!" She moaned.

"Am I doing it wrong?" I was afraid of another slap.

" don't get it, countinue..!"

I kept doing so, and she kept releasing her moans.

My thing only kept getting harder.

"Wouldn't be fair if only I touched you, hm?" She said while she was caressing my hair.

She untied my arms, and put my hands over her chest I licked clean just now.

"Press." She said, softly.

So, I did as she said. I somehow remember Miko during this.

I got aggresive.


"I love you...Ryou!" Miko screamed at Ryou, in pure love. Back when they were in high school.

"Yeah Ryou, aren't you going to be my husband?" Miko asked Ryou, during the time he inherited the mansion.

And then, the memories of Miko and that man taking her to a love hotel kicked in.

no, no, no NOOO I HATE you Miko!

and then, my flashback broke.


Aimi fell over my shoulders.

"Mnnnh..." Aimi's face was entirely red, I think I got too much into my memories, and fondled her chest a little too hard.

"You...undress me.."

"Not really when my legs are tied, you know?"

I think, by indicating her to untie my legs, she got the wrong idea. She thought I'd escape.

She looked at me, exhausted and panting, and said

"You know what... Just do it like this.."

Well, I can't refuse.

"If you don't...then I'll.." she raised her hand, and just brushed it against my cheek. She didn't have the energy to discipline me, I guess.

Well, I think I will have to do it like this.

I firstly had my hands free, so it became easier for me to untie her hair.

And I then didn't mind to take off her shirt, her chest is already bare.

I didn't know how girl skirts' work, so I asked.

"How do you undress a skirt?"

"What a useless..toy..."

"I'm not a toy."


"Ok maybe I am."

"Just flip my skirt and.."

I flipped her skirt over, now what?

"Pull my panties."

"ERHM-" I panicked, really?

"Do it .." her eye glared at me, as she was laying down, all helpless but still trying to be as dominating as possible.

So, I had to submit to her will.

"nnnyyaaahhh" she moaned as I pulldd her skirts.

"How on earth do you get wet from from just laying down, pervert..." I tried loosening the mood. She was all wet.

Suddenly, she pulled onto my leash, and pulled me to her lips.

"You're still a"

"Got it..." I think she meant the fact that I am supposed to focus on her pleasure.

Should I start with fingers then?

I inserted a finger in her, she did react but stopping herself she said.

"just put it in...!!!!"

How immature, well, she is only 18, it makes sense.

So, I tried putting it in. But her hips were all rotated, so it became quite difficult.

"Let me just..." I tried adjusting myself to her.

She saw me doing so, and blushed.

"NOO!" She panicked and-


We both fell down.

In Aiko's Room

"Did I just hear someone falling?" Aiko's room was close to this shady room on Aimi's rented area.

"Well, it's from the neighbour. I need to check it out, according to this stupid contract." He got excited, to prove it all wrong that Aimi was, indeed, innocent.

In Aimi's room

"Don't look at me..stop!" Aimi blushed, as if she wanted Ryou to not see her embarassed like a little girl, but as a dominant owner.

"I can't help it, my head can't move."

"Break your damn neck!"

"You'd lose a toy"

In the passage

"Stupid folks.." Carla sighed.


"What the hell young man?"

"Sorry landlord! I above a bad history of bumping with girls!"

Aiko rushed with embarassment, and went to Aimi's door.

"I'll...uncover this..." As he prepared to knock on the door.

At Aimi's room

"," She demanded of Ryou.

*Knock, knock, knock...