
Mikael POV:

I woke up to the feeling of my head splitting into two as the pounding headache making me want to just kill myself. I glanced around and noticed that I'm not in my room and I felt arms around my waist and I was confused to how we ended up like this again. I tried to remember what happened and flashback of everything come pouring out like water in my mind that it makes me blushed to the fact I literally throwing myself to him.

"Shit! Fuck!" I cursed under my breath as to not wake him up. My whole body stiffened up when I felt him move behind me. I want to pushed him away but remembered my promise from last night, I just sighed and decided to just get some more sleep since the headache is killing me now.

I groaned as I stretch and slowly open my eyes as delicious scent hit my nose. I got up and noticed that I'm all alone in the room. I guess that Alpha got work to do. I went to the bathroom, take a quick shower and borrow that Alpha's shorts and t-shirt. Maybe I'm slender than him, the t-shirt seems big and loose on me compared to the clothes that he lend to me before. I guess he search for the smallest clothes he had to give to me before. His scent was strong on the t-shirt that it stirred me up inside, making me remember what happened last night again. I could feel my neck started to burning up towards my cheeks. I took deep breath to calm myself and walked down to the kitchen. There, I saw him cooking and that makes my heart skipped a beat. There's something about a guy that can cook that just makes me melt. He seems to noticed me when he turned around and smiled sweetly to me.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" I walked towards the island counter and took seat facing him.

"Morning. Yes." I couldn't keep my eye contact with him as I still feel the heat from remembering what I did last night.

"I assumed that you remember what happened last night." He chuckled as he put down a plate of bacon, french toasts and scrambled eggs in front of me.

I didn't say a word and just quietly eat the food in front of me as I tried to hide the embarrassment I felt after what I've done last night.

"Are you still gonna avoid me?" His words got me look up at him who is staring at me with a smile that makes my body shudder.

"No. I won't avoid you anymore. I'm sorry about that." I apologized to him. I guess I do have to stop avoiding him as it's getting harder to do so.

"By the way, Dr. Isla want to see you. So, go see her today." I nodded as I continued eating the food he made.

"Finish your food. I will walk with you to the hospital." He said as he took a seat in front of me and sipped on his coffee.

"What? No. You don't have to do that." I don't want people to see me with him after what I've done last night.

"Why not?" I can see his smirk as he asked me that. I know he wants to tease me about last night.

"It's too embarrassing. Not because of you. Because of me. So, please don't do that, dude." I pretty much begged him to not walk with me to the hospital. I rather walk alone and fact all sort of judgemental looks than go through that together with him.

"Dude? Since when did I change my name to that?" He stared at me making me rolled my eyes.

"I always called you that. I never said your name. You know that." I sipped on my juice as I looked away from him.

"It didn't seems that way last night when you moaned my name over and over again."

I quickly screamed when I heard his words. I didn't want to remember it again when I tried so hard to keep calm. He laughed out loud and seems amused that I'm panicking. I glared at him as I finished eating and got up to go out to the hospital when he grabbed my wrist and that makes my heart skipped a beat.

"Wait until Alec is here. If I can't walk you to the hospital, then go with Alec. He's your bodyguard anyway. It would also be nice if you could call me by my name instead dude or you."

I nodded and pulled my wrist from his hand and walked to the living room as I tried to calm my pounding heart. After a while, Alec arrived with a grin of his face that says I will be tease all day for what I did last night. We walked to the hospital with Alec constantly teasing me about last night, Chris silently following us as usual and the massive weird look I got from everyone else. It should makes me feel embarrassed but after the third person giving me that weird look, I felt nothing else except worried it might caused Caleb some kind of trouble. We arrived at the hospital after 30 minutes walk and I went straight to the nurse station to ask for Dr Isla. It was feeling a bit awkward when the nurse staring at me. Then, it made me realized she knew about last night too. She ushered me to Dr Isla room and gestured me to enter the room after knocking on the door.

"Oh Hello, Mikael. How are you feeling? I have been trying to get Caleb to bring you here for check up since 2 weeks ago but I guess it's better than never." She chuckled as she took a file and walked towards a bed near her desk.

"Let's get started, shall we?" She gestured for me to get on the bed and thus, begin the medical check up on me.

It took almost 2 hours for everything to be done and I can see on the good doctor face that there is something in her mind regarding my health. Something that serious enough to bring frown upon her brows. I stared at her for a little while before she cleared her throat and smiled at me as if trying to assured me there is nothing to be worried about. Seeing her smile so awkwardly, I decided to not ask anything and just simply bow before leaving her room without knowing a thing about what the medical check up result is since the look on her face was enough to tell me that something is definitely not truly alright with me. Be it physically or emotionally. I took a deep breath before moving on with my day and trying very hard not to care the looks I'm getting from all pack members. I sighed as soon as I got back to my room that afternoon. I was so drained with everything that happened since last night. I still could not believe I had humiliated myself and Caleb last night in front of everyone. I feel very guilty to Caleb that I kind of avoiding him again today. I just want to sort my thoughts before I see him again. I need to be composed whenever I am to be around him from now on after what has happened last night.

'This is odd. Kyle seems awfully quiet considering of what happened.' I thought to myself as I found it almost disturbing that Kyle does not mind link me all day.

"Kyle? Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet today?"

It was silence and that brings the feeling of anxiousness in my heart as I started to remembered how it was when Nikolai disappear from my mind after Clark had stabbed me before. The fear of losing Kyle causing my body to shiver and tremble as I slowly find it hard to breath. I tried to scream for help but there was simply nothing come out of my mouth. As I gasping for air to breath, I tried to mind link Caleb as he is the only person I could think of who possibly be able to help me at this very moment

"Help! Caleb--- help me--- I can't breath!"

I tried to breath again but still couldn't as the anxiety and fear consuming me. I keep on gasping for air when I saw the door opened and a figure running towards me before darkness consumed my consciousness.

Caleb POV:

It took me by surprise when I suddenly heard Mikael's voice in my mind in such painful tone. Without second thought, I left Blake who was still briefing me over some work when I got up and ran out of my office and went straight to Mikael's room. I'm glad that I decided to do work at the office in the mansion rather than at the company. The moment I opened the door, I saw him gasping for air on the floor, looking in pain and tears running down his cheeks. It broke my heart to see him in such pain that as soon as I got in, I pulled him in my embrace and mind link Dr Isla to come as I do not think my pheromones would be enough to calm him this time. He already lost his consciousness in my arms when I looked at him and got up from the floor and put him in bed. I could not seems to calm down as I am pacing around in the room while waiting for Dr Isla to arrive. My heart feel like shattering to million pieces whenever my eyes falls to the unconscious body of my mate. It gave me the frighten thought of losing him for good. I got close to him, holding his hand in mine as I prayed very hard to Moon Goddess to protect him for me. I heaved a breath of relief as soon as Dr Isla arrived and checked on him. It took me everything to not breaking down in front of her.

"He is fine. He seems to be in shock. Something must have triggered a panic attack. An unpleasant memory must have come in his mind when it happened." She explained to me before heaving a deep breath and continue. "Caleb, there's something you need to know. I didn't tell him about his medical check up because I feel the need to tell you first."

"What is it?" A wave of anxiousness came in my heart as I took a seat by the window.

"Caleb, I am saying this not only as a doctor but also as your aunt. He is truly special. There's nothing wrong with his health. He was perfectly healthy and free from any residual of wolfsbane in his blood but there's something quite odd in his blood too. He might not be who he seems to be. His blood shows signs of an Alpha's blood even though his wolf appears to be Beta. I know it doesn't make any sense. It baffled me too but it also intrigued me into questioning who exactly is he. Therefore, my dear nephew, I implored for you to investigate his background before you mark him or mate with him." Her words rendered me speechless as my mind remembered Mikael's words the night before he started to avoid me.

"What if I'm actually bad person?"

It cannot possibly true but if it is true, I have to stay true to my words too for I have said to him of my willingness to take a risk of it. I stayed by his side all night long withny mind reeling over what Aunt Isla has said to me. I know she meant well as it is not a simple matters to mate to someone I know almost nothing about. She is right. I do need to investigate. I do not wish to do that but I need to know if I can truly take that risk of trusting Mikael just because he is my mate and I have fallen for him. I sighed as I stared at him as I find it calming me. I only wish to find a way to bring nothing but peace on his mind as well open his heart for me. He have definitely make himself home in my heart as I cannot seems to bring myself to doubt him despite what my aunt has told me. I do not trust people easily but he is definitely special to me.

"Caleb, is our mate alright? I couldn't feel Kyle at all." My eyes widened upon hearing Alaric's words.

"What do you mean?" My heart started to pounding hard as the fear crawling into my heart.

"You heard me. I couldn't feel Kyle. He has been too quiet. I fear something might happen to him."

I could hear fear in Alaric's voice and that made me trembled as I hold Mikael's hand tightly in mine as I prayed for the Moon Goddess to protect him and not let anything harm him in any ways. Alaric howling as he still could not feel Kyle and that breaks our heart to know our mate might leaves us even though my aunt said he was fine. Tears fell on my cheeks as I begged for him and Kyle to wake up.