Passionate Night!

Caleb POV:

"Let's go home. You're too ---." My words was cut off when his lips met mine. My eyes widened by his action. It was clumsy but it was still enough to make me feel hard more than I already am. I pulled him away from me and I could see how he feels disappointed that I broke the kiss.

"LOOK AWAY NOW!" I command everyone present at the party with my Alpha aura and once I'm sure everyone is looking away, I focused back on my mate that just won't keep his hands to himself right now.

"As for you, stop doing this and let's go home. You're too drunk!" I scolded him but there's seems to have no effect on him.

"Do you know that you're very sexy when you're commanding like that? Very hot." He whispered in my ear with his hands around my neck.

"Get up. We're going back now. I don't want you to make a spectacles out of us more than you already did." I tried to pushed him off my lap but I never expected that he could be just as strong as me since he just won't budge at all.

"Nope. I don't want to get up. I don't want to walk back home. In fact, I don't want to go home. I don't want anyone to look at you and I don't want you to look at others too. You always mind link with someone else too. You never try to mind link me. I'm your mate but you always asked Chris about me. You think I don't know? I'm not dumb. Even earlier, you didn't stare at me first right? You were staring at him first and only stared at me when I was right in front of you! This is why I don't trust mate. You're lying when you said you will chased all my nightmares away. You're lying when you said you care of me. All you did was trying to control me. I don't like you for looking at other people especially Chris! Who is he to you? Do you like him actually? Then, forgive me for suddenly appeared here and turned out to be your mate! But you're mine now! Either break it off with him or reject me! Choose one only. Don't stare at both of us and did nothing! Arghh!! You're so annoying. Stop staring at him now!!" He throwing tantrums by hitting my chest while babbling things that I find funny that I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.

"Stop laughing! This is not funny, you big pervert!" He yelled and hit me again.

"Sorry, love. It's just funny because I never expect you to be this jealous of Chris. It makes me way too happy. I never look at Chris whenever I was staring in your direction. I was always staring at you. I couldn't mind link you because you're the one who refused to let me do that. I do like Chris but not in the way you think. I like no one else except you, my little wolf. You're the only one in my eyes from the first time I saw you. So, now will you get off my lap? Let's go home now." I explained to him with laughter still left in me.

"Don't want. I told you I don't want to go home!" He snapped and hugged me tightly again.

"Fine, hold me tight then." I said as I got up from my seat and started to walk away towards the entrance of the mansion with him in my arms. Thank God we did the party just outside the mansion. It would be very hard for me to go home while carrying him.

"Can I mind link Blake to ask him to tell everyone to go home since the one we're having the party for has gone home?" I asked him with a smile as he nuzzled his nose on my neck as he sniffing my scent.

"Okay. Just Blake and no one else!" He said in a very demanding voice that makes me very hard. I feel so tight in my jeans now.

"Blake, wrap up the party. Tell everyone to go home." I mind link Blake and continue walking towards my mate's room.

I walked to the stairs and pray to the Moon Goddess that I will be able to control myself from doing anything that will hurt this man. It was very hard not to think of doing something to him especially when he seems to throw himself to me right now but I know for a fact that there's high possibility that he will get upset when he woke up tomorrow. I tried to cool off but Alaric have other plan when I could feel him trying to take control of my body.

"Alaric! No! He's drunk. We will not do anything to him." I reminded him as I don't want to do anything that will hurt my little wolf.

"But he is giving himself to us. Why not just take the opportunity to mark him and mate with him. Let's make him ours for good." Alaric tried to convince me and make me sway but I don't want my mate to lose his trust in me.

"No! It's not the right time. We will mark him but not now." I scolded Alaric and cut off the mind link since I saw my mate is staring at me with jealousy in his eyes.

"I told you that I don't want you to look or mind link someone else!" He whined as he bit his bottom lips which makes him look sexy.

"It was Alaric. He's a little excited." He glared at me before hugging me tightly again.

I walked for few more minutes before stopping in front of his room. I tried to open the door but it was hard to do so when there's a man who is just as tall as me practically wrapped himself around me. I tried so many times but unfortunately I couldn't open the door.

"Mikael, could you open the door?" I asked him to help me but he shook his head as answer.

"Why not?"

When I didn't get any response from him, I turned around and make my way to my room. It seems like my mate wants to go into my room as he quickly open the door for me. I chuckled as I walked inside, towards the bed. I put him on the bed but he still won't let go of me. I swear to the Moon Goddess that this is pure torture for me. My hard on is definitely killing me slowly and him not letting go of my neck is making it even worse. I tried to pulled his arms away from my neck and once again, I found him quite strong than I thought he would be.

"Please let go. You need to sleep and you can't sleep if you holding on to me like this." I tried coax him to let go but only get him to shake his head and bury his face on my neck.

"Love, you need to let go. I won't go anywhere if that's why you won't let go." I tried again and this time, he did something unexpected.

He looked me in the eyes and hold my shoulder with his two hands before he turned us around with him on top of me. It was quite the view. He grinding on my dick, seems to know the effect he had on me as he smirked. He leaned closer to me planting little kisses all over my neck and face before stopping at my ears.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked with low voice, almost like a whisper. That was enough to make me slowly losing my mind.

"You don't have to ask, love."

He smirked as he leaned closer to me and our lips meet. It was mind-blowing. Better than the first time. We keep on fighting for dominance with me triumph and invading his mouth, sucking his tongue, making him letting out the sweetest moan I ever heard. The kiss went on for a while with him letting out moans and only stop to gasps for air. He keep on kissing my lips passionately, sucking my lips, nibbles on it. It was hard to control myself. My hands travel all over his back and stop at his ass and squeeze it tight making him moaned in my mouth and that makes me slowly to lose my mind. I turned us around as we kissed and my eyes darted on him who is laying under me looking needy and sexy. I took off his sleeveless shirt and planting kisses on his chest, earning more moans from him. My hands kneading his chest and play with his nipples alternately, turning him into a messy moans. I could see how turn on he is now as I noticed the bulge in his jeans.

"I can make you feel even better but you have to promise not to blame me when you wake up tomorrow. Can you do that, my little wolf?" I whispered in his ear as I caressing his cheek softly.

He nodded as he panting and gasping for air. I smirked and planting kisses all over his neck, chest and make my way to his jeans. I looked up as I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled it off of him. He gasped as cold wind touched his skin and I hooked my fingers on his underwear and take it off, revealed his hard dick in front of my eyes. I smirked as I kissed the head of his dick, making him moaned so sweetly. With my eyes locked on him, I swallowed his cock into my mouth and watch his reaction as he throw his head back and moan loudly with his hands clutching the bedsheets. Satisfied with his reaction, I turned my focus on his dick and sucked it, twirling my tongue around its head and bobbing my head up and down his dick with him moaned loudly and that makes me very happy. His hands are now holding the back of my head as I could feel that he's getting close to shot his cum and I am more than welcoming it into my mouth as I sucked it harder and feel his dick trembling.

"Oh~~ Caleb~~"

I heard him moan my name for the first time as he shot his loads inside my mouth. It tasted so sweet that I keep on licking his dick clean. He pulled me up and kisses me hard as the taste of his cum mixed with our saliva. It was so sweet and intoxicated. My control is getting thinner as we kissed more hard and passionately. I could hear Alaric howling in happiness and come to surface as I could his eyes reflected in my mate's eyes. With lust and passion begging to take control of me and shattered my rationality, I hold my mate closer as we kissed and my hands squeezing his ass hard, making him moaned in my mouth and his hand around my neck, caressing my neck and running his fingers through my hair. Without breaking the kiss, I moved my hands closer to his hole and using one finger to touched the rim of his hole and that makes him moan more into my mouth and his body trembling. I circling my finger around his rim for a little while before we broke the kiss and gasps for air.

"Can I?" I asked for his consent before I could push my finger into his hole. He stared at me, panting, gasping for air but he didn't nod or shake his head.

"Love, can I put my finger in your hole?" I asked again and a glimpse of fear was apparent in his eyes before tears rolling down his cheek. It shocked me so much that I pulled my hands away from his ass and quickly wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry if it made you scared." I keep wiping his tears as he sobs.

"I'm not scared. I'm happy that you want to touch me more but I don't want you to hate me when you know the truth." He said between sobs and that breaks my heart.

I pulled him closer and kiss him to calm him down and it works as I could see lust in his eyes again. I smirked as we kissed and invading his mouth and making him moaned again and again with my hand rubbing his dick that got hard again. He no longer crying and started to feel aroused and started to thrust his hip into my hands that holding his dick.

"Aren't you hard too, Caleb?" He asked as we gasps for air and his hands went to my jeans and took it off swiftly along with my underwear, showing my hard-on standing majestically.

"You're so big." He whispered in my ears making me trembled as he touched my dick and begin to rub our dicks together. It was so good that my mind just blank and I pulled him for a passionate kiss as we getting closer and finally shot our loads on our stomach. We gasps for air and panting as we slowly coming back from our high.

"That was good, my little wolf. I wonder how much better it would feel to be inside you."

I looked at him as I noticed he already asleep, making me chuckled as I got up and walked into the bathroom to cleaned myself up before I get him clean too. Once done, I took a small towel and a bowl of water to the room, wiped his body clean, put on a shorts and a t-shirt on him, take off the dirty bedsheets carefully to not wake him up and pulled the blanket over him and tucked him in. I planted a kiss on his cheek as I watched him sleep.

"Alaric, we can't mark him until we finds out the truth. It was holding him back. I could feel that he's opening up to us but he's scared." I mind link Alaric as I stared at my mate.

"Yes you need to do that. His wolf wouldn't talk to me. Caleb, doesn't he remind you of someone?" I frowned upon hearing his question.


"Try to remember yourself. I'm going to sleep." With that, he cut off our mind link and left me with questions in my head as I lay down next to my mate and pulled him closer into my embrace and slowly falling asleep as well.

"Shit! Fuck!"

I woke up to hearing him cursed under his breath and that makes me smile as I know that it means he remembers everything that happened last night. I keep my eyes closed as I could feel him stiffened in my embrace and sighing before I feel him falling back to sleep.