Avoid Him

Mikael POV:

I walked around the quarter aimlessly without care as I have absolutely no idea where to look for Alec. I supposed I can ask that guy but I just wanted to get way from him so much that I don't want to ask him anything. Hence, this little situation right now. Should I just knock all the doors here? There's tons of it. I might break my knuckles before I was able to find Alec or Chris. Dear Moon Goddess, make any one of them appears right now. I prayed over and over again as I stand in the hallway of the quarter.

"Excuse me. You're blocking the way." I turned around and apologize as I walked away and look for someplace I can sit while waiting for them to appears and for that guy not to find me. He said he's here for his Beta. So, better not meet him. I need to avoid him at all cost right now. It's too dangerous now.

"Mikael?" I heard someone calling my name. I whipped my head around to search and saw someone standing by a door nearby me. I walked there as quickly as possible and to my surprise, it was Blake, that guy Beta. This is not good.

"What are you doing here? Does Caleb know? It's not very safe for you here. Also, do you know you're exudes pheromones right now?" He asked continuously without giving me any chance to answer him.

"I'm looking for Alec or Chris. That guy knows I'm here. I came with him but I left him behind. Did I really do that? Can you help me? Also, don't tell that guy that you found me here." I answered all his questions with my eyes on alert, looking around for that guy.

"Come in here. I will mind link Alec to come here and pick you up. Caleb is probably having fun right now. He knows the way in this quarter like the back of his hand. He probably followed you from behind quietly." He said as he gestured me to get inside his room.

It wasn't as big as the room at the pack house but it was cozy. He walked to the closet next to the bed without a word to me and seems focusing on something else. I guess he's mind link Alec. In 5 minutes or so, I heard knock by the door. He went to open it and Alec burst in with a bright smile to me. He didn't even look at Blake as if he doesn't notice him at all which is weird.

"Why didn't you mind link me? You can do that you know. You're a part of the pack and you're the future Luna." Alec asked still ignoring Blake who's looking at him with sad eyes.

"I wasn't sure that I can do that. Let's get out of here. I don't want your Alpha to found me here." I pulled Alec out of the room and apparently, Chris was outside the room waiting for us. I thanked Blake for his help and quickly walked out of the quarter with Alec and Chris.

"So, you're avoiding Alpha Caleb huh? Do I want to know why?" Alec questioning me and I just smiled and shook my head. Chris as usual just quiet and follow us to the training grounds.

We got to the training grounds in 20 minutes and I looked around to check if that Alpha is around and I let out a breath of relief when I'm sure that he's nowhere around here. I noticed the look Alec and Chris gave me but I could care less about it. For now, I just don't want to be anywhere near that Alpha. It's too dangerous for both my heart and body. We sparred for a bit when I suddenly catch a whiff of his scent, a soothing scent of vanilla and musk.

"Time out! Let's continue later. I need to go." I told Alec as I run off to hide from him. I know he's coming here. His scent is getting stronger.

"Hey, Alec, Chris. Where's Mikael? Why is he not with you two?" I heard him asking Alec and Chris. I can only pray for them to cover me and lie to him. I do not want him to find me.

"He just left to change I think. Not sure if he went back to the pack house because he seems kinda rush." Alec said and that makes me so glad. That means I can trust him to cover me now.

"Really? I think he's still around. I can smell him. It's okay. If you see him, tell him that I look for him. I have to go now." I heard him walked away. I was still hiding as I'm not sure he really left or just messing with me.

"You can come out now. He left already." I heard Chris calling me out from my hiding place.

"Thanks." I smiled as I let out a breath of relief.

I'm glad they're both nice and I feel that I can trust them now. They will definitely have my back now. I keep avoiding that Alpha every chance I get and unknowingly it's been almost two weeks since that night happened and I have been avoiding him for that long too. It's been almost two weeks too that I hardly get any sleep as the nightmare keep on haunting my sleep and that makes me feel too scared to sleep.

Caleb POV:

This is making me feel like sh*t. Just where the h*ll is he? I can smell him but I can't find him. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Blake stared at me as if he saw something amusing and keep on smiling.

"What?!" I asked as I'm getting more irritated with his stares.

"Nothing. Just wondering what rattled your cage until you look this irritating." He smirked at me and that makes me even more annoyed.

"It's Mikael. I can't find him." I told him since I know he won't let go unless I tell him straight.

"How come? You live in the same house with him right?" He look confused to hear me.

"Right? But no. He's either sleep early if he even sleep. That makes me worried and makes me even more irritated now. I don't know where he is and I know Alec and Chris are helping him. So, I know that he is avoiding me like I'm some kind of disease and that makes me feel so annoyed and upset." I let out what I feel to Blake before it got too much for me to keep it in.

"Just give him time. He's still adjusting I think. Don't worry. He must have get some sleep. Otherwise, he would be sick already." Blake tried to reassuring me but it doesn't really do any good as my mind can't stop worrying about my mate.

"He keep avoiding you right? How about we do welcome party for him? He can't avoid that since it's for him." I smirked upon hearing his idea and nodded as that really is a good way to make him have no other choice but to come and unable to avoid me.

"Mark, tell everyone to prepare for a feast as soon as possible. We'll be having a welcome party for our newest member." I send mind link to my subordinate to make all the necessary preparation.

I'm hoping he won't avoid me at the party. I miss him very much. I'm fine if he doesn't want me to touch him but at least I wish he would let me see him. I hate the feeling in my heart right now. I don't want him to avoid me anymore. It hurts too much.

After 3 days of preparation, the welcome party for my mate is finally begin. I sat on my throne with my eyes looking around, searching for him. I need to see him but all I see was pack members having fun, drinking wine and beer, eating foods and chatting with each other. There's still no sign of him. I let out a heavy sigh that caught Blake's ears.

"That is one heavy sigh you let out." He teased me but I could care less. "Don't worry. He will definitely be here. Try ask Chris. I'm sure he will tell you." He continues and try to reassuring me that my mate will definitely come to the party.

"Chris, is Mikael with you?" I mind link Chris as soon as I heard Blake's suggestion.

"Yeah. We're on our way to the party. Had to force him to come. Took a lot of effort from Alec." Chris explained through the mind link and cut me off. He probably the only one that would dare to cut the mind link with me before I finish saying what I want.

I drank the beer in my hand with my mind reeling on the thoughts of my mate. I wish I could understand what's going on in his mind, why he got that nightmare before, why he was so adamant about not trusting his own mate and believe his mate would betray him. At that moment, my nose caught his scent and my eyes caught his appearance right in front of me. I saw him walking towards the bar with Chris and Alec but I could only see how beautiful he is tonight with just black skinny jeans and sleeveless shirt that show off his beautiful sculpted arms. He was as tall as me but his body is a bit slender compared to the bulky me makes him look small next to me. My mind begin to imagine how would it feel to have him in my arms, moaning in pleasure with me inside him. The thoughts of that makes my jeans felt tight at the crotch. I tried to adjust my seat to hide my hardened d*ck. I gulped my saliva when my mind just won't stop imagining all the things I could do to him when he consent and accept me.

"Stop staring, pervert." I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard his voice in my head. I was shocked as to how he was able to mind link me when I'm pretty sure it would be hard considering we still haven't mated officially yet. Once again, he impressed me and that just makes me fall for him harder.

"I said stop staring, you big pervert!" He yelled to me and that made me chuckled inviting weird looks from Blake.

"What's so funny?" I didn't answer him anything and only shake my head a little.

"I told you before. It's only with you, my little wolf. Just with you." I replied as my eyes stays on him and I laughed when I saw him staring back and giving hand signal, telling me to look away.

My guess he's annoyed to talk to me. I can't help feeling in cloud nine with this little interaction we have. It's been over 2 weeks since I last saw him and talk to him. His voice was just like a sweet melody in my ears. He rolled his eyes when he noticed that I'm still staring at him with a smile on my face.

"You look a little pale. Are you okay?" I asked when I noticed his face looking a bit pale. It got me worried, thinking if he was actually sick.

"I'm fine and stay out of my head. You're not allowed in it unless I let you." He replied which makes me glad that at least he still want to talk to me after avoiding me all the time. I couldn't help but to noticed him pouting as he told me to look away again. That brings laughter to me that makes everyone near me looking at me.

I was so amused by him that my mind wanders around again thinking how he will react if I kiss him again, how soft his skin is, if he would tremble with my every touch, moaning and feeling all the pleasure I would give him.

"I told you to look away, don't I?" I snapped back to reality when I heard his voice so close to my ears with his sweet alluring scent invading my senses.

"Why do you like to stare at me so much? Am I that handsome?" Seeing that I didn't say anything, he continues as he getting closer to me which baffled me a little since he always seems putting quite the distance between us except when he's vulnerable like that night.

"Are you deaf? I'm asking you why are you always staring at me? Am I really that handsome? You're making me annoyed right now." He raised his voice a little when I still didn't say anything and just keep staring at him.

"Look here, dude. I know I'm handsome but it's rude to stare so much. If you like the face so much, then kiss or do something instead of staring. It's giving me very tingling feelings when you keep staring." My eyes widened to hear his words and noticed how he doesn't seems like usual.

"My little wolf, are you drunk?" I asked softly now that I noticed how he seems tipsy.

"Nope. I'm fine. You still doesn't answer me." He snapped as he walked closer to me inviting looks from the pack members as to why the newest member dares to talk and behave to me that way.

"I just love looking at you since that's what I'm allowed to do I think." I finally answered his questions.

"Chris, how much did Mikael drank to get drunk like this?" I quickly mind link Chris with my mate staring at me intensely.

"Sorry Caleb but he just got one beer only. That's all." I was shocked to hear that as I thought he probably drank a lot to get this drunk.

"Stop mind link with someone else and look at me!" He put his hands on my cheeks and make me look at him directly.

"Don't bend over like that in front of others then." I said with stoic face and monotonously voice which makes him shocked I guess.

He let go my face and stand up straight in front of me with his eyes glancing all around us to check if anyone looking at us before he started to walk closer and closer to me making my heart skipped a beat and almost stop when he suddenly sit on my lap, facing me with his legs around my waist. I looked around to check if anyone looking at us and of course everyone are looking at us now.

"What are you doing? People are looking right now." I asked him gently with my hand caressing his cheek softly and him nuzzled to my hand is not helping at all.

"Let them see because I don't want anyone trying to get close to you." His words had me stunned as I never expected him to say that.

"Are you jealous?" He pouted and glared to the people around us.

"So, you should look at me only! You're mine!" He yelled as he put his arms around my neck making me losing my breath and my d*ck getting hard.

"Do you realize what you just said?" I asked as I glanced around to see everyone staring at us.

"Why? You don't believe me?" He pouted and that makes me want to kiss that lips very much but I know better than to do that.

"You're too drunk right now. Get up. I will take you back. You're not allowed to drink without me ever again." I tried to get him to stand but he hugged my neck and refused to let me go.

"No! You just gonna go and look at someone else or mind link with someone else!" He snapped and pouted cutely making my d*ck harder that I'm pretty sure he felt it too.

"I won't because I will be with you." I tried to coax him but to no avail.

"When I told you to stop staring at me, stop looking at me, to look away from me, you never want to stop but now, why are you averting your eyes off me? I told you just now to look at me only!" He nagged so close to my ears that it send shivers through my back to my d*ck.

"Please get up. You're too drunk right now. Let's go back to the mansion. Okay?" I tried to coaxed him once again.

"No!" He shook his head and sitting up straight with his eyes staring into mine.

"Let's go home. You're too ---." My words was cut off with his sudden action that I never expected him would do at all.