
Caleb POV:

"Please stay until I fall asleep." He muttered without looking directly at me. I could see his neck and ears all red.

It made my heart swell with happiness as it feels like he is opening up to me. I just smiled and nodded my head as I walked out the bathroom to let him get dressed. I took a seat on the arm chair by the window as I waited for him. After few minutes, he came out fully dressed and walked to the bed. He didn't look at me and climb the bed quietly. He get inside the cover and lay down without a word. I keep watching him before walking to the bed to check on him.

"Sleep. I will leave after you sleep." I whispered to his ear as I took a seat on the bed side next to him.

"Can I hold your hand?" His question made me stared at him for a little while. He truly is unpredictable.

I let him hold my hand as he still seems trembling from the nightmare he got. I exudes a little of my pheromones to help him feel calm and it seems to work. He held my hand in his arm as he lay down facing me and slowly closing his eyes.

"Why are you nice to me when I did nothing nice to you and keep pushing you away?" He muttered quietly almost like a whisper.

"Because it breaks my heart to do anything that will hurt you even when you pushed me away. Maybe it's because of the mate bond but it's not in my nature to ignore someone in pain especially when it's someone who slowly and surely becoming special to me." I answered as I patted his arm to coaxed him into sleep.

"What if I'm actually bad person?" I chuckled when I heard his words.

"Then, that's a risk I'm willing to take." I declared with a smile as it is true. I do have trust issues with people but this mate of mine is breaking the wall I build my whole life.

"I know you don't trust me. I know there's things you hid from me. I understand why you don't want to tell but I just hope you would give it a chance to get to know me. We're mate for a reason. Not just because the Moon Goddess chose you for me and me for you. Let me prove to you that I will never do anything to hurt you. Let alone betray you. I would never do such things to you." I implored to him as I glanced and noticed that he already asleep and the sound of his breathing calm me somehow.

His hands holding my right hand quite tightly and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with the way I sit on the bed. So, I move backwards as slow as possible to avoid waking him up and lean to the hardwood of the bed frame and straighten my legs on the bed. He stirred in his sleep as he now no longer holding my hand but hugging my hands in his arms and my body begin to tilted towards him. I sighed as it's become very uncomfortable for me while it was definitely comfortable for him. He acted tough but he's adorable the more I'm around him. I decided to just lay down next to him and let him hugged my entire arm now. He pulled himself closer to me unconsciously and that send shiver to my body and directly to my d*ck. I tried to calm myself down. Telling myself not to do anything crazy. I laid there for what feel like hours before I fell asleep and drift into dream world with him right next to me.

Mikael POV:

I woke up when I felt the shine of the sun through the windows. I can't believe how well I was able to sleep considering the nightmare I got just from a little nap. I tried to stretch my body when I felt arms around my waist that tighten its hold the moment I moved my body a little. I was shocked by it but I tried to calm myself down and glanced to my back. I saw his face so close to mine that instinctively I turned my head back to the front and took deep breath to stop my heart from pounding any louder. I tried to remember how the h*ll did he got into my bed and flashback from last night come pouring back into my mind and I could feel my cheeks, ears and neck burning up from the embarrassment.

"Kyle! Why did I do that? I should've never ask him to stay!!" I screamed at Kyle as I regretting my action from last night. Why do I have to be so needy last night. I keep asking myself and tried not to move so much.

"Are you okay now? Did you sleep well?" I heard his voice low and husky right next to my ear that it send shivers to my spine. I couldn't say anything as I'm worried he might hear how shaking my voice is. So, I just nodded my head slowly.

"It's still too early. Sleep some more. You had a rough night last night. Don't worry, I will chase away any nightmare." He said half asleep which make his voice even more sexy than it already is.

He pulled me closer to his body and I could feel his hardness between his legs on my butt as well as his hard chest on my back. It made me stiff the moment I realized that. I tried to ignore it but it's kinda hard to do so when I'm also starting to feel strange feelings and it went straight to my own hardness. I'm praying hard to the Moon Goddess for him not to notice it. I tried to pry open his arms that embracing my body but it won't budge at all making me huffing in frustration and given up on getting up. I crossed my arms over my chest and staring at the wall since I no longer feel sleepy. I couldn't get up. Therefore, with no other choice, I had to just stay and wait for him to wake up and let go of me.

"So annoying. Thank the Goddess that I don't feel like going to the toilet. If not, I would already kick him off the bed." I nagged to myself and let out a heavy sigh. "Be grateful that I'm grateful for what you did. You didn't get kick because of that only. So, wake up already, dude." I'm whining as I struggle to get out of his embrace when I heard him chuckled behind me.

"You're awake! Let go! How long have you been awake?" I yelled at him and pushed his arms away but he won't let go of me and pulled me even closer to him.

"I never go back to sleep. So, yeah from the beginning. You're too adorable. You're strong enough to fight Alec but can't even get out of my arms. Where's that strength? Or you're just pretending to be weak because you want to stay in my arms longer." He teased me and laughed so close to my ears that it vibrating at my back, sending shivers to my body.

"Pervert. Let go of me. I don't like whatever that poking me right now." I yelled more as well as mentioning his hardness.

"I told you that it's only with you. Also, it's not just me that seems be hard." He said as his hand slowly going down and getting close to my hardness.

"Don't touch me or I will kill you." I glared at him as I struggled some more to get away from him.

"Fine, I will let you go but I want reward for staying by your side all night until my arm all sore and my back all aching from the hug you gave me.

My eyes widened when I heard him and I could feel my cheeks burning up all the way to my neck.

"What do you want?" I huffed as I asked him that. I could tell that him smirking behind me as he answer me.

"Turn around first. I will tell what I want as reward when you look at me." I sighed and turned around, facing him and that was not a good idea as our hardness started to rub each other and that makes me feel weird and something else in me begin to stir. He stared at me and continue.

"I want a kiss. On my cheek or I won't let go. You choose. No other option. Just this two only." He smirked as he told me his request as reward. I took deep breath as I shook my head as answer. I don't want to kiss him because that will definitely led to something I might regret later. He smiled and show his cheek for me to choose. He really won't let me get away from this. I sighed heavily before I leaning forward to kiss his cheek when he suddenly turn his head facing me and I kissed his lips instead. My eyes widened by what happened and quickly pulled away from him but because he was hugging me tightly, I couldn't get away and he pulled me back for another kiss and he deepens the kiss making me breathless when he let go of me looking satisfied with the kiss.

"Thank you for a better reward. I didn't expect you would give me just nice reward." He chuckled as he got out of the bed. He winked as he walked out of my room, leaving still in a daze by how passionate the kiss he gave me and how I almost cum in my pants because of it. I'm glad he didn't noticed that. It took me almost 30 minutes before I finally out of my daze and make my way to the bathroom.

Caleb POV:

It took all my strength to not do more than just kissing him back. I didn't expect the kiss on the cheek would turned to kiss on the lips. His lips was soft and plump indeed. I can still feel his lips on mine. My mind still riled up over the kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I could still remember every sensation and how he look when it happened. I was just wanted to tease him when I noticed he didn't do anything when woke up in my embrace. He refused at first but somehow he still look like he will do it. So, I show him my cheek for the kiss but when I heard him sighed, I turned my face and that's when it happened. Our first kiss. It was electrifying that it makes me harder than I already am. When he pulled back, I just wanted more taste of his lips and pulled him into another kiss with his eyes wide open from the surprise. That's when I gently lick his lips, nibble on his bottom lips to get entrance into his mouth and shove in my tongue gently and suck his tongue too. I want to imprint his taste in my mind that I kissed him like there's no tomorrow which might be true when he recover and kill me for doing that. It took all I have to walked out the door and stand outside his room for good 30 minutes until I heard him entering the bathroom. I walked into my room with my hardness still won't calm down. I can still feel my mate's hardness against mine. It took more strength to not pull his pants and have my way with him. I could tell that it makes him horny too. I blame it on our mate bond. I don't understand how I can be this way with someone I just met yesterday. We're practically still stranger to each other but everything about him feel so familiar and it makes me wants him more and more. Even without the mate bond, I would probably still fall for him. I guess I fell for him the very moment I laid my eyes on him. That's the only explanation for why am I this way with him.

"Caleb, that was crazy. Our mate was so hot and he totally want us. I can feel it." Alaric pushed through the mind link and pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Alaric, I think I'm in love with him. Not because he's our mate but because I just do. He's perfect in my eyes no matter what he do. I don't care anymore what secret he hid from me. I will accept him for the way he is. I'm gonna do everything I can to win his heart." I confessed to Alaric and declared my love for Mikael.

I don't care even if he choose to betray me in the future. It's risk I'm willing to take for sure. I have no doubts that my heart yearning and longing for him. I am truly in love with him at first sight.

Mikael POV:

After I took cold shower, I finally calm down and I got dress with the clothes that he left in the closet yesterday. I put on a black skinny jeans, white short sleeves t-shirt and checkered shirt. I took deep breath before I walk out of the room and to my surprise, that guy also leaving his room. I look at him awkwardly as I can remember everything that happened this morning. My heart started to pounding so loud that I just hope he didn't hear it. I tried to act normal by ignoring him.

"Where are you going?" He asked as soon as I walked past him towards the stairs.

"Not sure. Gonna look for Alec first and then, I will decide." I answered without looking at him as I'm trying hard to calm my heart.

"Let me take you to the warriors' quarter. I assumed you don't remember the way yet. Beside, I want to meet Blake too." His voice was so close to my ears that it send shivers and make my heart pounding louder.

"Sure." I feel foolish because agreed to him when I wanted to get away from him.

"Let's eat breakfast first. I think Mrs. Gomez already done cooking by now." He walked behind me as he speaks and that is a recipe for disaster as I'm hearing his voice way too sexy now.

I just nodded my head and walked faster in front of him to create some distance betwee us. We are breakfast in silence as we both probably still pretty much not over what happened this morning. I ate as quickly as I could and went to the front door to wait for him. I'm feeling way too self conscious of him that it makes me unable to look at him at all. After a few minutes, he came to the front door and we walked together to the warriors' quarter quietly. I couldn't help from glancing at him as now I realized just how handsome he is. He got perfect nose, beautiful bluish gray eyes with thin lips. Ahh~~ his lips was the best part of his face. I can still remember the softness of his lips, the warmth of his tongue invading my mouth and the electrifying sensation of his touch. I'm gonna get hard just from imagine how it would feel like if those lips were to kiss other part of my body, those big hands touching my whole body. I didn't realized I was staring at him until I heard his voice.

"Like what you seeing?" I looked away as I feel my whole face burning up.

He just chuckled at my reaction and I could feel him staring at me now. I walked a bit far from him as I was too embarrassed to be close to him. Unknowingly, we already arrive at the quarter and I quickly went inside to look for Alec without caring of anything.