
Caleb POV:

I was busy with work in the pack house office together with Blake when I feel Chris pushing through into my mind link.

"Caleb, we're leaving the hospital now but Alec is taking him for a tour around the compound. We might be late to arrive at the pack house. Sorry." I chuckled as I already expected Alec to do that.

Blake stared at me as he heard me chuckle so suddenly. I just gives him a smile and continue with our work ignoring the look that he gave me. I keep getting mind link from Chris telling where they are and what they're doing. It was fun to listen to every little my mate did as he sound excited over everything that Alec said. It was almost an hour passed when Chris mind link me something I didn't expect.

"Caleb, we're at the training grounds. He wanted to spar. What should I do? He's really eager and now, he's making a sad puppy face. I know you told me to not say anything or do anything unnecessary and just watch him but can I let him spar?" I sighed when I hear his words but also curious to know how it will turn out.

"Sure. But he's only allow to spar with Alec and no one else. No one is allowed to touch him unless they want to die. Also, I'm coming there. Don't tell him that. Just keep watching them." I give my permission and cut the mind link and started to put my things aside as I can no longer focus on work. I need to get there as soon as possible.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked as he got up from his seat and following me from behind.

"Training grounds." I said with a smile as I walked out of the office and make my way to the training grounds.

I walked as fast as I could. I almost shift to Alaric just to get there faster but I stopped myself from doing that even though Alaric is eager to do so. When we got there, they were just started and I can see how different he is. My mate was good. He was fighting with Alec at the same level even though he keep shielding his left arm as Alec keep aiming it. I look at Chris for explanation and he smiled as he told me that my mate arm is hurting because the pack mark just had to appeared right before they sparred. I chuckled as the mark just couldn't wait for another time to appear but I'm impressed by how he was able to withstand the burning sensation from the mark to fight with Alec equally. The more I watched them, the more I noticed something peculiar. I know he's a Beta because I was able to sense his wolf but right now, he displaying abilities and skills that Beta shouldn't have. I kept watching until they were done sparring. He saw me and walked towards me. Unconsciously, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me as my mind keep on trying to figure out what I just saw earlier. I need answers and he's the only one with the answer. As soon as we got to the forest, I pushed him and pinned him to a tree with my hands blocking his way in case he tried to run away and keep staring at him. He tried to look away from me and that was the final straw. I held his chin and keep his eyes on me.

"Who the the h*ll are you?" I asked as anger boiling up in me. I couldn't control my emotions as all sort bad memories started to crept in my mind trying to break me apart.

He just kept staring at me before he suddenly burst in tears and that caught me by surprise that I started to panic. I hold his shoulder and trying to calm him down but he pushed my hands away and sat on the ground with his knees hiding his face and his hands hugging his knees. I kneeled in front of him and trying to look at his face.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry." I apologize to him even though I'm still have tons of questions to ask him.

"Why are you so mad? Is it wrong for me to spar? I'm sorry for sparring with Alec without your permission." He sobs and that breaks my heart so much. I feel guilty for getting angry without asking him calmly.

"No. It's not wrong. That's not why I'm mad. You won't tell me anything but you showing too many signs that I didn't expect to see. I know your wolf is a Beta. I can sense it but how is it possible for you to display anything Alpha like? It makes me shocked and suspicious. Who are you truly, Mikael?" I asked as I pulled him into my embrace and patted his back to calm him down.

"I told you that it's my business. Can't you just let it go? I don't trust you. I know you're not bad. I can see it but I don't trust you. What if you choose to betray me? What if you lied and used the mate bond to hurt me? I don't want that. I don't want to be hurt. Can I just not tell you what happened or who I am just yet." He still sobbing hard between his words and that makes me feel more guilty for losing my temper.

"I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I won't ask anymore. I'm sorry for getting mad." I rubbed his back and trying to calm him.

We didn't say anything else for a while until he was finally calm and stopped crying. He pushed me away from him as soon as he's calm and that hurt me a little but I deserved that for making him cry. He wiped his face that stained with tears and got up but when I thought he would walk away, he just stand there and turned to me and glared at me.

"I don't know my way to the pack house." He said as he glared and that brought laughter to me as I didn't expect that at all.

He really is unpredictable but I think it's a good thing. I guess for now, I will put aside all the questions I had in my mind and just enjoy the little attention that he might gives me. I will just have to gain his trust as well as learning to trust him too. I shooked my head a little as I walked towards him and gestured him to follow me. He pouted as he follow me and that makes me relieved that he doesn't seems adamant about leaving anymore. I guess Alec did the right thing by taking him touring around here. I should reward Alec for making my mate no longer seems want to run away. Well, for now that is. We walked for about a good 30 minutes before we finally arrived in front the pack house. Well, we called it the pack house when it's actually a mansion that got way too many empty rooms since I only live alone with my little brother who spend most his time with his best friend than at home and I spend most of my time in the office and hardly sleep in my room. I tried invited Blake to live with me to make it easy for us to work but he refused saying that he wants to be close to his mate that until today he still won't tell me who. We walked into the mansion and I can see excitement is his eyes as he looked around. He keep on following from behind and that gives me idea to tease him a little. I stopped walking so suddenly and that caused him to hit my back and hit his head with my head. If he was a little smaller, he would look even more cute but he's plenty adorable as he is now. So, if he gets any cuter, I might get trouble controlling myself and keep pests away from him. He glared at me when I turned around to checked on him as he rubbed his head. I smiled and started walking again and he quickly following me until we arrive in front of my room.

"This is my room. You're always welcome to sleep in here with me if you want." I teased him and he glared at me again.

"Pervert." I laughed as I walked towards the door next to my room.

"Only with you." I winked at him only for him to rolled his eyes and looked away from me.

"Here is your room. Right next to me. So, if you're scared or lonely, you can always come to my room." I chuckled as I opened the door to the room.

He walked into the room with awe in his eyes and excitement. I smiled as I watched him silently, leaning on the door frame.

"You don't have any other clothes right? Wear mine for now since we look the same size. I will bring some of my clothes soon. You should rest and take a shower too. On the weekend, we'll go to the town and buy you new clothes and anything else you want or needed." I said as I turned to walk out the room when I heard his voice low and deep.

"Thank you and sorry for causing you trouble and give you snot stains on your shirt." He saw him glanced at my chest and I checked it and saw snot stains on my shirt that already dried. I just chuckled and smiled at him as I walked out the room.

Mikael POV:

I looked around the room and still can't believe just how huge this room is. I walked to a door near the bed and my mind was blown again as it was walk in closet. Empty walk in closet that just as big as the bedroom. Then, I walked to the other door on the opposite side of the room and to my surprise, it was a bathroom that was just as big as the closet earlier. Even the bathtub is huge. It can fit two people in it easily. I turn the faucet on and started to fill the tub with warm water. While waiting for the tub to fill, I went to the bed and lay there just to rest but exhaustion catching up with me and I fell asleep.

"No! Why am I here? I'm not supposed to be here anymore! Did I already died here?!" I looked around and I recognized the place very well. It was the core of my nightmarish torture that I can never forget even if I want to.

"No. No. No. This isn't right! Don't touch me! Stop touching me! Let go of me! No!!!! Help me!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but there's no one coming to help me. Those werewolves still surrounding me just like how it was before. My whole body trembling in fear and I'm starting to lose my voice. With the last strength I have, I screamed very loud.

"Caleb!!!!!! Help me!!!"

Caleb POV:

I was shocked to hear my mate's voice screaming. I went straight to his room and sad he was sleeping and mumbling in his sleep. I tried to wake him but he started to screaming, asking me to not touch him. He cried and looks really scared. He was sweating so much. I tried to wake him up again and then, I heard he screamed louder than earlier.

"Caleb!!! Help me!!!" Hearing that, I quickly pick him up and took him to the bathroom.

Seeing that normal way to wake him up didn't work, I quickly put him in the bathtub that already being filled with water. I washed his face with the warm water but he was still mumbling, crying, screaming, pushing me. When nothing seems to work, I decide to just gamble and take the risk. I get into the bathtub and sit behind him. Hugging him tightly, I exudes my pheromones as strong as possible in hope that will pull him out of the nightmare.

Mikael POV:

This is torture. Why won't it stop? I don't want to go through this again. Please save me. I'm so tired. Suddenly, I caught the scent of vanilla and musk that getting stronger as I sniff. It was calming and make me feel safe. I know this scent. He's calling me. He's coming to save me.

"Caleb." I mumbled under my breathe as I slowly opening my eyes, noticing that I'm all wet with all my clothes in the bathtub.

I saw a pair of legs next to mine and felt arms hugging me tightly. I know who sitting behind me. His scent makes me feel safe and calm my heart. So, I let him stay for now because I don't have any strength in my body and I don't think I can breath if I'm all alone right now. I know he noticed that I'm already awake but he didn't say anything and just keep hugging me and caressing my arms gently and plant little kisses on my shoulder, arms and pack mark. I took deep breath and breath in his scent as it calming me more and more now. I could feel my body is calming down and relax again. It was so soothing to be enveloped by his scent that I almost fall back to sleep if not because his voice so close to my ear.

"Are you okay now?" His voice was low and husky so close to my ear that it started to stir something else in me.

I nodded my head slowly as I'm begin to feel shy with him. He suddenly got up and that made me turned my head towards him and saw him getting out of the bathtub. He was all wet with his clothes stuck to his skin that it shows how solid his body is. It caught me by surprise that I forgot to blink when I saw it.

"I should get going. It'll be dangerous for you if I stay any longer. You should take a shower and get some more rest." He said as he turned towards the door.

"Wait..." I said but I hesitate to continue. I wanted him to stay a little longer because I'm still scared if that nightmare will come back again. He looked at me as he waiting for me to continue but when he realized that I'm hesitate to say anything, he just smiled.

"It's nothing." I said as I turned my back towards him. I don't want him to notice how I look as I'm starting to feel like crying.

"I will be back. I didn't bring any clothes for you earlier. So, wait here and I will come back with the clothes." He said as if he knows I want him to come back here.

I nodded my head without looking at him and heard the door opened and closed behind me. I took a deep breath as soon as he left and felt Kyle trying to mind link me.

"Mikael! Are you okay? You were crying and screaming in your sleep earlier. It got me so worried." Kyle muttered worriedly in my head.

"I'm okay. Just got nightmare only. He helped me calm down. So, I'm okay now." I said to reassure Kyle that I'm okay and cut the mind link as I heard the door opened again.

I got out of the bathtub and strip myself from the wet clothes when I realized I didn't even have towel to dry myself. I hesitantly opened the bathroom door and saw him lay down clothes on the bed and begin to make his way to the bathroom. Seeing that, it got me panic and didn't know what to do. I quickly hide behind the door as he opened the bathroom door.

"Mikael? Mate? Where are you? I brought clothes for you to wear." He looked around the bathroom and before he could look behind the door, I quickly peeking from behind the door and called him.

"I don't have towel. Can you give me a towel." I asked for his help since there's no one else to help me.

He smiled and walked out the bathroom and after what feels like eternity, he came back and hand me a towel. I took it from his hand and before he pulled his hand away, I swiftly caught his wrist and he looked at me with confusion.