Change of Heart

Caleb POV:

I stared at him as he pouting and seems restless after I get back into this room. Sometimes, he would glances at me but look away when he noticed I'm watching him. I swear he just got a lot more adorable than 10 minutes ago. Whenever he's pouting, it makes me wants to kiss his lips. I swear I feel my blood rushing towards between my legs. It's a pure torture to look at such beautiful creature in front of me but unable to do anything.

"Since you don't seems want to talk and keep on pouting like that. I'll just decide for you. You're staying in -" Before I was able to finished my words, he quickly cut me.

"Separately. I will stay but separately. I don't want you be anywhere near me either." His words feel like a blade cutting through my heart. It hurts so bad when he clearly showing signs that he doesn't want me even though he didn't exactly said that he rejecting me.

"Fine then but you're not allowed to go anywhere alone from now on." I accepted his decision even though it hurts.

"What?! No! I don't want to just stay in the room all day. I will go dumb if I do that." Again, he argued with me and pout that red lips.

"You can go anywhere in the pack territory as long as Alec with you. And I'm warning you. Stop pouting that lips or I will kiss you on that very lips." I snapped as my control over Alaric is slowly getting weaker. His eyes widened upon hearing my words but that didn't stop him from trying to win an argument that he will definitely lose.

"Alec?! Who's that?! I don't want him following me around. I'm not fragile. I'm not a freaking princess." He yelled at me as he crossed his arms around his chest and pout as he rolled his eyes and look away from me.

"This is the second warning. Stop pouting and rolling your eyes. I swear I will kiss you right here in front of everyone." I growled as my sanity is slowly slipping away.

"This is Alec Colt. From today onwards, he will be your bodyguard. He's the best warrior after me and Blake. So, he will protect you from anything." I introduced Alec even though my mate clearly show no interest.

"Alpha! Why do I have to do that?" Alec whining as soon as he heard my words.

"Well, consider this is a lesson for bringing back strangers to the pack. You're lucky the stranger you brought this time turned out to be my mate. So, you are required to keep him safe from any harm including from himself. Do you understand?" I said with stern voice and emitted my Alpha aura.

"Yes, Alpha." He replied monotonously with a bow to me. I turned my head towards Mikael who seems too annoyed to say anything but still pouting his red plump lips as if my warning earlier was nothing. This makes me want to tease him a little, just to see his reaction.

"I told you to stop doing that. I said I would kiss that lips if you keep doing that." I growled as I walked closer to his bed. I could see him getting restless and panicking but I keep a straight face as I don't want him to noticed how hard I tried to stop myself from laughing at adorable he is.

"Stay away from me. Don't touch me." He tried to push me but I didn't budge at all.

"Just kidding." I laughed as I flicked his forehead gently. He glared at me but I don't care for I'm satisfied with his reaction.

"Change your clothes. I have to go back to the pack house now because of work. So, Alec and Chris will take you there." I told him with a smile just to get nothing back from him. He look at me as if he couldn't wait for me to leave. Alaric howls sadly the entire time he seems like pushing us away. It hurts so bad because he's our mate even when he's also a complete stranger.

I got up from his bed and pat his head gently before walking towards the door with Blake and Aunt Isla. It makes me sad to leave him but it hurts more to see him avoiding my gaze all the time. I left the room with heavy heart with Blake and hoping for something to change for the better.

Mikael POV:

My heart feel like it's being stabbed when I saw his face as he walked out of the room. I know what I'm doing is hurting him. This is why I avoid his gaze. It makes me feel guilty for pushing him away but I don't want to let myself sway because I refused to get betrayed by another mate again. I changed my clothes quietly as Alec and Chris waiting and talking to each other. As soon as I'm done, I look myself in the mirror for the first time ever since I woke up as Mikael. No wonder they all keep staring. Mikael have quite soft looking face with long eyelashes, plump red lips, perfect eyebrows, green eyes, perfect nose as well as fair skin that makes this face really handsome and perfect. I would stares at myself too all day if I'm such a narcissist. But what makes his face more stand out is his hair. His pearly white hair. It's rare for werewolves to have light color hair. Let alone pearly white hair. Some people might be scared of it and some might find it special but I guess in Mikael's case, they scared of him and that's why they made up story and causing him to be exiled. I liked how he look because it means I'm now one of a kind in this world. That means I'm special.

"Are you not done yet?" I heard who I think is Alec asking me. I take another look to myself and open the bathroom door and saw Alec staring at me.

"Sorry for taking too long." I apologize and it seems like he didn't expect me to say that as he look surprised to hear it.

"Let's go." He said as he turned and walked out of the room.

"Hey, Chris. We should take him for tour around the compound." I looked at Alec and wonder if he likes me or hates me because one time he look annoyed of me but now, he seems happy to be around me.

"Err...Alec right?" I hesitantly asked as we walked out the hospital with Dr Isla watching over us. He nodded as an answer as well as giving me a bright smile.

"Thank you for saving me. I know I've caused you trouble and you don't really like being my bodyguard. I will try talk to to that guy about relieving you from doing this. He might listen though I'm not so sure." I muttered as I bite my lips because of guilt I'm starting to feel now with everyone here seems nice to me.

"Oh! That's unexpected. I thought you'd never say that." He laughed so loud that it draws attention to us and that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable because I noticed some of them started to stares at me. I know I look freaking handsome but still doesn't like the stares though.

"You're welcome and I don't mind being your bodyguard actually. You seems lonely anyway. Maybe I should try harder to make you my friend." Still with some laughs left, he said those reassuring words that makes me feel a little better.

We walked and walked as Alec guided me here and there explaining what place is this and that. He sure is bubbly and fun. He talks a lot while Chris is just the opposite. He doesn't say a word since we left the hospital and quietly following us everywhere. It makes me wondering just what the relationship between Chris and Alec that he's just fine following Alec everywhere.

"And here are the training ground where we train our body and skills. We got indoor gyms too here but most of us preferred to do our training, sparring here on the outdoor ground because it feels good to feel the breeze as you practice." I pulled myself out of my train of thoughts when I heard Alec's words. Training ground, huh? I haven't been in one for so long ever since that happened. I felt a tinge of pain in my chest when I remembered the time I was torture by those rouges but somehow it feels like they might not be rogues. Whatever, I'm free from them now.

"Let's go there. I means let's sparring together." I said with a bright smile as the thought of finally get to do some sparring to see how this body fare make me excited.

"Huh? No. We can't. Alpha Caleb will be mad. We already late because of the tour." Alec rejected the proposition and that makes my heart sank.

I looked down on the ground as I really wanted to do some sparring to see if Mikael is any good in fighting. Alec and Chris didn't say anything and I don't feel like looking at them as I feel dejected that I couldn't do anything here. I could feel few eyes on the training grounds staring at me but I could care less as my heart feel sad.

"Fine. Let's spar but just one round only. That's all. After that we going straight to the pack house." Alec broke the silence between us and that brought smile on my face.

"But you're gonna spar with Alec. I don't think Alpha Caleb would like it if any of the other pack members touch you." Chris finally said his first words after being very quiet with us.

"Sure. Anything you said." I chuckled as I walked towards the training ground excitedly.

I can't wait to spar. I don't care about winning or losing. I just want to break some sweat and feel truly alive again. When I was Raphael, before that godd**m tragedy happened to me, I always spend hours of my time training, sparring, practicing my skills. I was the future Alpha of my pack before Clark robbed that future from me. I lost count how long I was torture before I died as Raphael.

"Fair warning, I'm actually the third best fighter in the pack after the Alpha and Beta. So, don't think you easily win." Alec warned me but that doesn't change a thing because based on my memories of Mikael, he got the skills set for a Beta which is far better fighter than Alec and if my memory as Raphael still intact, I still got my fighting skills as future Alpha too.

"Sure but don't cry if you lose to me though." I chuckled as we stepped in the ring and took our stance.

I took a deep breath and clear my mind to remember everything I know to win a fight. I know I said I don't care about win or lose but that guy just makes me want to win and brag about how I win against the third best fighter of the pack. Just when we about to fight, I feel my left arm burning and sizzled. I winced at the pain and cover my arm near my shoulder. It was so painful. Alec ran towards me and checked my arm before he suddenly laughed which makes me feel so confused. Why the h*ll is he laughing?

"Welcome to the Crimson Lunar pack, Mikael Jensen. You're officially a member now." Alec said with a bright smile makes me even more confused.

"That's a mark of the pack on your shoulder. It burns when it appears. It took about a week for it to completely healed. So, good luck trying to win against me because I am definitely aiming for that shoulder." He said with heartily laugh followed.

I looked over my shoulder and saw tattoo like emblem on it of a wolf in circle with a crescent moon in the center. I took deep breath as I withstand the pain. I ain't gonna let some pain to hinder me from bringing Alec down. I smirked at him as I gestured for him to start the fight. I'm going to win this. The moment Chris signaling the start of the fight, Alec lunging forward towards me with his hands ready to grab hold of me but I swiftly dodge him and took a hold of his neck instead and knee kicked his stomach causing him to take a few step backwards with his hands on his stomach. His eyes clearly showing signs that his wolf is coming out. Before that happens, I quickly yelled loud.

"New rule! No shifting! Stay human form. I'm still not 100% okay. So, it's unfair for you to shift." Alec scoffed and smirked as he heard my words.

"You're just scared aren't you?" He tried to provoke me but I know better than to let that get the best of me.

"Fine then, shift if you want but take responsibility if I got hurt because of your wolf. I wonder what that guy will do." I scared him by mentioning his Alpha because I know he won't do it if it means he'll die because of it.

I can hear him cursing as his eyes reverting back to normal and taking the fighting stance again. We went on it for a couple of hours and it was refreshing to know that this body is stronger than I would expected. My old skills also still intact in my mind and now, in this body too. I will be the best version of Mikael and destroy Clark and the Moon Blood pack.

"I'm so done. I admit. You're strong, Mikael." Alec patted my back as we walked towards Chris when we noticed the Alpha and Beta was there too next to him.

Alec quickly moved his hand of my back as he saw the glaring look that guy gave. I could care less as I'm feeling tired and satisfied. Now, I really want to rest and get some sleep. This body still affected by the wolfsbane. That guy staring at me suspiciously and it makes me wonder why is he like that. I walked towards him wanting to ask him to stop staring when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him to God knows where. I tried to pulled my hand but that just made him tighten his grip more. We walked for few minutes until we're in a forest. Far from any prying eyes. He stared at him sharp that it feels like it's stabbing me. I looked away but he hold my chin to keep my eyes on him.

"Who the h*ll are you?" I'm shocked to hear his voice sounded nothing like when we're in the hospital. It was cold, distant and full with anger and hatred. It makes my heart sank and it scared me that without realizing it, I cried from the emotions I felt at this moment.