Between Truth And Lies

Mikael POV:

I could definitely feel intense stares on my face. It can bore holes on my face with how intense the stares are. I couldn't even find the right time to open my eyes when I woke up from passed out earlier. Just who is it that staring so hard on me. Is it that Alec guy?

"Mikael, why are you still pretending to be unconscious? Our mate is waiting for us to awake." The moment I heard Kyle's words, I know now who exactly that trying to kill with their stares.

"I can't. He's staring too hard. It's uncomfortable." I said with annoyance clearly in my voice, well, in my thought actually.

Suddenly, I felt something touched my cheek. It was warm, soft and kinda wet. I couldn't make it out as to what touched my cheek until I heard his voice whispering so close into my ears.

"I know you're awake. If you don't open your eyes now, I will do it again and this time on that red lips of yours." His voice was low and husky but quite seductive that it makes me feel all sort of feelings in my heart.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and adjusted to the brightness around and quickly look away from him. It's still too uncomfortable to look at him.

"Stop staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable. Am I that handsome that you won't stop staring? Like my face so much?" I muttered without looking at him as I come to realization of what actually touched my cheek earlier. He must have kissed my cheek. If not, he wouldn't have said like that. I could feel my cheeks burning up as I tried to stay calm.

"Yes, very much. Makes me want to kiss all over your face and body if you allow me." I could hear his voice teasing me when he said that way.

"What?! No! You ARE NOT allowed to such things. In fact, I want you to look away now." I turned my head quickly towards him with my eyes wide open and my cheeks, ears and neck burning hot.

How can he just laughed after saying things like that. It scared me to death and I already died once. I didn't realized that I was pouting as I pushed him to move away from me because of his constant stares at me makes me feel very uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes at him as I'm getting annoyed when he still won't look away from me. I ignored him and just let him do what he wants. I looked away from him again and stared outside the windows. My mind begin to float away as I thought what I should do now that I am the mate to this strange man.

"Mikael?" I heard Kyle calling this body's name with sadness.

"What is it?" I asked him as I want to know if he's okay since he seems sad ever since I woke up and he realized that I'm not Mikael Jensen.

"Why are you being cold to our mate? It makes me sad to see them hurt with us." So, that's the reason he seems sad now?

"I don't trust him or his wolf. Mate or not, they're still stranger to me." I explained to him as gentle as possible.


"May I know your name? I've been waiting this whole time to ask you that." Kyle's word was cut short when I heard that man's voice all of a sudden.

"Why should I tell you? I don't even know who you are." I murmured under my breath without looking at him.

"Forgive me. I should've introduce myself first. I'm Caleb O'Hara. So, what's your name?" He apologized and introduced himself to me.

"Kyle, I should tell him Mikael's name right?" I mind link Kyle as I feel slightly confused as to who I should be now.

"Well, you did said that Raphael is dead already as well as this body is Mikael's body. So, you should be Mikael then." Kyle helped decide and make it clear to me that once I said my name to him, I will no longer be Raphael Holt but Mikael Jensen instead. Though that still won't change my plan to ruin everything Clark Austins took from me as well as that Alpha who took everything from Mikael.

"My name is Mikael. Mikael Jensen. Happy now? So, stop staring at me now." I said my name as his stares is making me more and more annoyed.

"Very happy but if I don't want to stop staring, what are you going to do?" He said with husky voice that makes my heart skipped a beat but I ignored that as I don't want to accept this.

"Whatever. I'm ignoring you back." I turned my head back towards the window as I tried to calm my heart.

"May I ask few questions?" He asked as he gently put his hand on top of my hand and that makes me heart beating so fast that it felt like it will leap out of my body. I didn't say anything as I'm focusing 100% on ignoring how I felt over his touch.

"Why are you dying in the forest? Where are you from? What is your pack?" He asked his questions. Probably after seeing me being quiet.

"Again, why should I tell you? I don't know anything about you either. That's my business anyway." I muttered as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, it's kinda my business since you're dying in my territory. Also, because you're my mate." He tighten his hold on my hand as he smirked at me.

"Sorry for trying to die on your territory. I don't care if you're my mate. I don't trust you. Hence, I don't want to tell you. Beside, it's up to me to tell you anything or not." I rolled my eyes at him again as I snapped back at him.

"Fine but you're not going anywhere now. From now on, let's just consider you're a part of this pack." He decided on his own as he pleased. I poured and rolled my eyes in disagreement as I argue back with him.

"You have no right to decide that. Who are you to decide what I do and where I go? I'm not gonna stay here." He stared at me as he listened to my words. I can see in his eyes that he's trying very hard to control himself from blowing up at me.

"First, I'm the Alpha of this Crimson Lunar pack. Secondly, I'm also the king of Alphas. Lastly, I'm your mate. My words are final. You're staying in this pack. You're also gonna live at the pack house from now on." His voice sound low and stern as he made his decision for me. I still want to argue as I don't want to be around him. I don't trust him especially since he's my mate. Mate are the worst.

"No! I don't want. I don't care if you're my mate or you're Alpha or the king! I still don't want to do what you want. I'm free to go anywhere I want!" I yelled at him and crossed my arms round my chest as my anger boiling up.

"You're staying in this pack and at the pack house. You're not allowed to leave my side ever. You know what? Choose because either way I will still never let you leave. So, either you stay at the pack house but separate room from me or stay in the same room, same bed and same everything with me. Your choice. Choose wisely." He gave me an ultimatum to choose. I pouted and rolled my eyes again at him as I find it very unfair because either way, I still can't leave.

"So unfair." I whispered under my breath but it was still loud enough for him to hear it.

"I'm gonna go out for a little bit. So, take that time to think which one do you want. Also, you need to stop pouting like that. I might lost control if you keep doing that." My eyes widened upon hearing his words which he just laughed it off and walked towards the door like he didn't just say something outrageous.

"Kyle, what should I do? I don't want to be around him." I mind link Kyle as soon as that guy stepped out of the room.

"Why? He's not a stranger. He's our mate. They're OUR mate. Why do you want to go away from him?" Kyle growled at me for what I said and I can feel his rising anger as he speaks.

"I don't trust him. It's not just because he's stranger to me. It's also because he's our mate. Especially because they're OUR mate. Mate can betray us so easily without we know it." I snapped back at him as I can still remember and feel the pain that Clark left in me despite he was supposed to love me, shower me with affection as my mate. I refused to trust anyone especially mate. I never thought Mikael would found his mate now when he's already gone and I'm the one in this body now.

"I don't know what happened to you but we are staying here with them. It's so much better than leaving and become rogue. Mikael killed himself because he refused to become rogue. So, please. You said you're Mikael now. You said Raphael is dead now. Then, shouldn't you choose to stay here where it's safe for us. Do it for Mikael. Beside, isn't it good that our mate is the king of Alphas. You can easily plot your revenge on whoever you want." Kyle trying very hard to convince me to stay in this pack with that Alpha guy.

"Alright. We're staying here but in separate room. I don't want to be anywhere near him." Kyle howling loudly as I made my decision. I can sense his giddiness and happiness over the fact that we're gonna live together with that guy.

I sighed as I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself because I really don't like how he made me feel when he was close to me. I hate the feeling that I felt. I don't want it because I don't want to get hurt again. I refused to accept this bond even though it makes me feel so safe, calm and relieve when he touched me, he talks to me and he stared at me. That's why it makes me feel very uncomfortable to be near him. I don't want to feel that.

"So, what's your choice?" His voice low and husky as he entered the room and that pull me back to reality as I turned my head towards him and saw the other guys standing behind him. I didn't say anything as I'm still conflicted with what I've decided. I don't know if it's good idea to do that. I'm scared to just imagine what the future gonna be for me.